Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Konlii

  1. Weapons, sheats, and ranged weapons

    Now, I'm not married to the way Tool Belt does it, but you don't make a very convincing argument against it. Your point #1 is that we don't have enough keys on the keyboard to waste one on a hotkey for a sheath menu, but then your point #3 is that a hotkeyed sheath menu isn't necessary because we have so many unused keys on the keyboard? Either way, a Battlegear-style hotkey for a separate hotbar suffers the exact same flaw... though for some reason you listed that as a reason weshoulddo it like Battlegear. Even though we're still only talking about a single key (that I personally would map to an extra mouse button). Your point #2 is simply not true. I've used Battlegear and I always thought the separate hotbar was awkward and cumbersome to use. Tool switching in the Tool Belt mod is lightning fast. Really, it doesn't have to be a radial menu, though I don't have any complaints with one. That being said, I don't know if we've even nailed down what the driving purpose of a sheath would be? Is it simply a way to store weapons so that they don't take up as much inventory space? Or do they provide other benefits like reduced encumbrance values for sheathed weapons (since sheathes are harnessed properly to distribute the weight more evenly rather than just having a big lump of metal in your pack)? I know there was also some discussion earlier on two-handed vs one-handed weapons and how they would interact with sheathes, but I don't think that was ever completely fleshed out, either.
  2. Weapons, sheats, and ranged weapons

    Bringing the discussion back to sheaths for a moment, I really like the way theTool Beltmod works and think the concept would work great for that. You just hold a key down to access a radial menu and quickly swap between tools.
  3. Roe Deer

    If I could color in half a pixel I would. Even though the muzzle is not perfectly proportional, that's the best I can do at this resolution and overall I'm pretty happy with it.
  4. Roe Deer

    A tiny little deer, only 1m tall at the shoulder. Since the model is smaller I left off some details, such as the separate flank blocks and angled hindlegs we have on larger animals like the caribou. deer_roe.MCModel
  5. Roe Deer

    Also added some more black coloring that comes from the nose down to the mouth. deer_roe.MCModel
  6. Paper Making Process

    Yeah, I don't think "paper" existed until around the Iron Age, and was not made of wood, but of cloth fibers like hemp and cotton all the way up until the Industrial Revolution. Clay tablets might be interesting if you inscribe them with mystical symbols and the magic gets "baked" right into them.
  7. Roe Deer

    Straightened the legs back. deer_roe.MCModel
  8. Giant Centipede

    Okay Darmo, I know this thing is enormous, but I think detailed legs are important to the creep-factor of centipedes. This is just a temporary texture, but I have made each color 2px square so that it will look like 1px if scaled in half. Of course, if enormous tickles Bioxx's fancy, we can work with that, too. Thoughts? Animation note: watching videos of these guys walk, it looks like the only joint that visiblymoves is the one connected to the body, so it shouldn't be necessary to animate each leg segment separately Centipede.MCModel
  9. Roe Deer

    Like this? With the shorter top leg sections, I was able to angle the hindlegs after all. Is it easier for Bioxx to use the same texture for male and female and just not render the antlers, or to have separate textures with the antlers cut out of the female one? deer_roe.MCModel
  10. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    I think it's ctrl+O in JEI.
  11. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Portal paths sometimes have steps more than one block high. Are they supposed to?
  12. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Placing torches underneath the inverted stairs in dungeons causes the stairs to pop off as sticks. There's also anAchievement Booksmod.
  13. Metal Tiers

    That's where my idea comes in. It makes armor modular. So let's say you make some leather chest armor and wear it while you're collecting enough copper and such to be able to create a Tier I anvil and some metal plates. Instead of just throwing away your leather armor at this point, you drop it into the armorer's workbench, move the leather chest piece over to the secondary armor slot andput your new copper chest platinginto the primary armor slot. Then once you have enough materials for a second piece of copper chest plating you can pull your (probably very damaged by this point) leather chest piece out and discard only that one piece. Conceptually, you are strapping metal plates over the top of your existing leather armor, then eventually moving to full plate armor. The tricky part on the coding side is figuring out the best way to aggregate the durability of the complete armor when each piece has its own individual durability. I don't know if you would be able to get away with only calculating it at crafting time or if you would have to keep track of it all the time, modify each constituent item whenever the armor takes damage, and have the armor "break" when any one item reaches 0 durability?
  14. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    There are already a few mods that do this. TheGuidebookmod does this and nothing else.
  15. Metal Tiers

    Here's a slightly different spin on your idea, though I haven't figured out how to tie field repair into it yet: Armor is constructed at a special workbenchout of its constituent parts, which are themselves made through anvil smithing/leatherworking/loom weaving/whatever. This workbench has a central slot for the primary armor type, a slot for secondary armor type, a slot for padding, and a slot for joining material. The primary armor slotdetermines the type of finished armor, damage reduction, and movement penalties. The secondary armor slot adds to damage reduction and movement penalties. The padding slot only accepts cloth and leather, and reduces movement penalties. The joiningslot only accepts cloth, leather, and chainmail, and adds to damage reduction. The only slots that are required are the primary armor slot and joining material. All slots add to durability. All of that adds together to make the finished armor and placing thatback into the armorer's workbench repopulates the crafting interfacewith the individual pieces that you can swap out to regain durability.
  16. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    How are you so sure? The only other mod I see in that is JourneyMap, which I would totally expect to see people run alongside TFC2. The biggest problem with that crash report they posted is that there's no actual crash report in it.
  17. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    What is the reason behind reportingvanilla biomes instead of registering TFC2 biomes themselves into the ForgeBiomeDictionary? You're just making extra work for yourselfto fix vanilla gen weirdness. TFC2 biome is SHRUBLAND and temperature is TEMPERATE throughout, but vanilla biome reporting has Taiga and Cold Taiga hexes interspersed among each other. Only the Cold Taiga hexes have snow. World Seed: [7378426310517664126] | IslandMap: [0,-3] | PlayerPos: [BlockPos{x=2033, y=66, z=-8812}] The new dungeon entrance is cool, but not quite right. World Seed: [7378426310517664126] | IslandMap: [0,-2] | PlayerPos: [BlockPos{x=1688, y=99, z=-6738}] Portals and gorges don't play well together. World Seed: [7378426310517664126] | IslandMap: [0,-2] | PlayerPos: [BlockPos{x=1881, y=93, z=-5269}] Not sure what the water in this marsh is doing. World Seed: [7378426310517664126] | IslandMap: [0,-2] | PlayerPos: [BlockPos{x=1808, y=71, z=-5020}]
  18. Hitting an entity/breaking a block with the Bee in a Bottle in your hand already has a chance to break the bottle, but I hadn't thought of actually throwing it.
  19. Except normally you don't go around stuffing queen bees into your pockets and continuing through your day like normal. EDIT: Since you've never used it, I should specify that the way HarvestCraft does bees is weird. When you find a beehive in the world the only thing you can do with it is crack it open and take the queen out. Then you build an apiary and put the queen in. The apiary produces honeycomb, wax, and a bee grub you can use to make a new queen. That's it. It is super strange that destroying a beehive and stealing the queen doesn't have any consequences whatsoever. That's why I made this addon.
  20. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    It looks like portals sometimes still moonlight as suicide booths. I fell in the void twice before being put on a path.
  21. Radioactive ore

    So... TFC1 actually already had a radioactive mineral, though it didn't really do anything. Pitchblende (uraninite)
  22. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    I don't know if Bioxx has any plans to add ambient sounds, but I do know that since he made hexes start reporting their vanilla biome equivalent, theDynamic Surroundingsmod works perfectly for doing exactly what you want here.
  23. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    I've messed around some with Chisels & Bits in the pre-alpha, and most TFC2 blocks seem compatible already. Just a couple of things like grass blocks wouldn't let me chisel them.
  24. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    tfc2:portal returns null in getPickBlock This causes an error inHWYLAand outright crashesThe One Probe. Edit: Trying to pick the block crashes Minecraft itself. I don't think this method is supposed to ever return null. Edit Edit: Digging into the code for the vanilla portal, Minecraft doesn't use getPickBlock at all in the BlockPortaland just usesthe method it inherits from Block. SinceItem.getItemFromBlock gets null from BlockPortal it returnsItems.AIR to Block.getItem. So shouldn't it work as expected if you don't touchgetPickBlock at all in TFC's BlockPortal?
  25. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Looks like vanilla fossils are still generating.