Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Konlii

  1. Dromedary Camel *FINAL*

    Before I get serious with the texture, I wantto get some feedback onthis Camel model. In particular, what do you guys think about the teeth and the hump? I like the teeth, but they do push the camel a bit towards the derp end. For the hump I tried to combine the "wedding cake" style with slanted boxes, thoughI'm not sure if itworks. Camel.MCModel
  2. Caribou Application by KronoNomikon

    Since all of the antler tips are angled slightly different, they won't all disappear at the same time, which is good. The problem I see, though, is that there is a big jump between the 1-width part and the 0-width part. Now that MCMC supports it, could you replace the base part of the tipswith a 0.5-width box? Or maybe you could just have the base antlers narrow down a bit as they get near the tips?
  3. It's actually super simple. I just have to check the current temperature and spawn based on that. If it's cold enough for snow, it's too cold for butterflies. If it's warm all year round, you get butterflies all year round. I could pull the season info directly out of the TFC API, but the temperature info gives me what I want, since butterflies don't care what the calendar says anyway. Also... who has a good point? I didn't see anyone mention seasonal variations.
  4. I honestly don't know anything aboutlepidoptery, so Forestry goes into more depth than I think I'm even capable of. I don't know if TFC just does things differentlyor if I was doing something wrong, but when I was doing the spawns for the butterfly I couldn't get it to work by specifying the block as I would do in regular Minecraft. I had to use "TFC_Core.isGrass" instead. I appreciate suggestions for this addon (especially since it is in such an early stage and barely has any content), but at the moment I'm really trying to keep this to "ambient" mobs. With bees, the most logical thing to do is have them spawn in hives, but if you have hives you will expect to haveapiculture or at the very least be able to get honey from them. You very quickly cross the threshold away from ambient. Consider the only ambient creature in vanilla Minecraft: the bat. Bats are absolutely useless. They have no purpose. I could have easily called this the "Useless Creatures" addon.
  5. Dromedary Camel *FINAL*

    Now with saddle and bridle. If you want to check it out in MCMC, use the combined texture. Camel.MCModel
  6. Water Table and/or Wells

    I know there was a lot of discussion on similar ideas for TFC1, but I couldn't find where it had been brought up directlyfor TFC2. I was replying to the immersive deserts suggestionand got to thinking: exactly how would you be able to not only survive, but thrive in a desert since fresh water doesn't just lie lazily about in the sand? Finding an oasis would be cool, but I don't think that's something you could expect to just happen across. So why can't you do just like in real life? Dig a well! And I realized that this was a bigger question than just desert survival, which is:Will TFC2 have a water table? Off the top of my head,I see a few ways this could work. Pockets of water could generate within the stone layer. That way any well you randomly dig will not be guaranteed to be any good, but maybe a dowsing rod could help you find a good location for a well using similar mechanics to the TFC1 pro pick. Dowsing could be tied into whatever magic system gets put into TFC2, or it could beevery time you use it, it eats away some of your XP and perhaps requires some minimum XP to use in order to keep people from being able to find the perfect spot for a well on the first day? A certain Y-level could simply be chosen as the water table. Digging below that level without pumps or something would cause air blocks to be replaced with water blocks. There is no physical water at all at the water table, but there is a well multiblock structurethat must have an empty shaft that goes to a certain depth in order to fill wooden buckets with fresh water.
  7. Immersive deserts

    How are biomesactually going to work in TFC2? Since they are doing away with the unwieldy and difficult to code biome temperature mechanics of TFC1, my understanding is that each island will be a single temperature "zone" that makes sense forits general latitude. Does that mean that each island is a single biome, or that each islandwill have multiplebiomes that share a common temperature range? Either way, the thought of an entire huge desert-based island actually sounds pretty cool if deserts are made more "immersive" as you suggest. I can imagine some players would relish the challenge of trying to set up their base in the middle of it.
  8. Encumberance Inventory system

    lol Anyway, if playability and believability are at odds I think you should err on the side of playability. 1 stone block taking up your entire encumberance is taking things too far, but depending on how well carts (or sledges at tier-0?) are implemented it may work that you can carry maybe a single full stack of stone blocks at a time on your person withouthitting your weight limit.
  9. Encumberance Inventory system

    Keep in mind these are completely arbitrary weights and Bioxx can set an arbitrary upper and lower limit for anything. I really really hope no one is proposing we use a realistic weight for gold ingots and the like. A standard gold bar weighs27.5 pounds and TFC ingots look to be at least double the height of one of those. A gold double sheet would just be stupidly heavy. Also, weightless items should not be dismissed out of hand. Obviouslythese womenhave their entire inventory filled up with sticks.
  10. Encumberance Inventory system

    I kind of like Bioxx's "let's not use real world weights" plan. So what if instead of using stone and all that we just use the word "weight" and use "wt." for short. So a single piece of strawmightweigh 1wt. and everything else is just weighted relative to that.
  11. Minecraft 1.10 models

    Right, we have all seen some really cool mods that do things that the Minecraft devs probably didn't even think were possible to buildout of their game.One team, no matter how well funded, can never compete with the entire rest of the world in terms of imagination. It's almost not even a fair contest. So people have, completely in their spare time, added so much depth into mods like TFC. Somebody even made a No Cubes mod for a game made entirely out of cubes. I'm with you, new vanilla features are the least exciting part of the game. I don't even play a new version of Minecraft until there's a forge build and a few solid mods out for it. Like I'm seriously going to keep a wiki page open while I play just to look up all the random recipes? Completely breaks the immersion. If I don't have a recipe mod I'd rather not even play. That's why I personally would loveto see Mojang open up the Minecraft source code and officially partner with Forge. If I could make one decision for the game, that would be it.
  12. Meteoric iron & materials

    I vote for fulmenium. Or fulminite. Or even just "thunderbolt iron."
  13. This is a mod I put together about a year ago and never released. It adds TFC-style lumber and sheets, but with more than just wood. Needless to say, I would never have been able to figure out how to do that if I hadn't seen how TFC does it, so big credit to Bioxx! Hold right click on a sheet with a prybar to pull it out of a block without destroying the rest of the sheets. Prybaralso works like a silk-touch pickaxe on vanilla blocks. The Crafting sheet has a fully functional crafting interface. Also, the first thing you put down in a block determines if that block is metal/wood/glass. So if you put down one iron sheet first then five glass sheets, the entire thing is considered a "metal" block and breaks faster with a pickaxe. I'm not sure if I actually want to release this mod officially, mostly because I don't have a lot of interest in developing it any more right now. But I put it out here for you guys since I think it's too cool to let disappear! I also think it would be awesome if some of these features made it into TFC... Download Source
  14. Termites are definitely doable, but I wouldn't have them eat wood or anything. That got very old very fast in orespawn.
  15. Scrap Metal

    One of my favorite things in vanilla 1.9 is that you can make the texture of a tool change based on it's durability. So you can literally watch your pickaxe wear down to a useless nub as you power through a ton of stone.
  16. Dromedary Camel *FINAL*

    Remember, leather armor can be dyedand the part that gets dyed comes from a single pairof textures, while the part that stays undyed comes from a single pair ofseparate textures. So what I am imagining is: a single "camel" texture, a "camel_blanket" texture that is the underlayer, and a "camel_blanket_overlay" texture that is the overlayer. I haven't yet dug into the vanilla code to see exactly how the leather armor works, but I know for a fact that the underlayer textures are colorless so that the dyeing can be done in the code. Multiple overlayer patterns can be made (_overlay0, _overlay1, etc.) and applied at random similar to how you get random horse textures, if that's something Bioxx wants to do.
  17. Dromedary Camel *FINAL*

    I think with blocks, culling depends on whichrender pass you tell Minecraft to use? I'm not sure if you can change the render pass for entities. I think MCMC isthe same version. It doesn't have the new export format, either. @Bioxx: Regarding a "double mesh" texture, you mean like how leather armor has a "_overlay" texture?
  18. Minecraft 1.10 models

    They look like a snow golem fell over and sprouted legs...
  19. Dromedary Camel *FINAL*

    I am planning on showing a total of 4 chests (2 to a side). The first attempt is with open baskets. Since MCMC culls the internal box faces (and Minecraft doesn't), I had to throw it into the actual game to see the full effect. Final texture will also have some more shading around the rimof the baskets. *side note* Since Minecraft does not cull internal box faces, be aware that any 0 width box with textures on both sides will have z-fighting with itself.
  20. Food + Taste + Hunger

    Okay, sure if you boil the stuff and store it in ahermetically sealed container it will keep for a while. Until the very first time you pop the cork,take a swig, and infect the entire thing withlactobacillus from your dirty, dirty mouth. *EDIT* I actually would be interested in seeing a fleshed out alcohol system with separate processes for mashing, brewing, fermenting, and distilling. But the end product would need to be much more useful than it was in TFC1, or it won't be worth the effort.
  21. Dromedary Camel *FINAL*

    Man, I've posted a lot of pictures on this thread. But here's another one anyway. By popular demand, I have lengthened the head by one pixel. Also (obviously) created a blanket to build the saddle and chests (baskets?) on top of.
  22. Food + Taste + Hunger

    Only if we have a source ofpotassium sorbate or something. The only reason fruit juice doesn't ferment on the grocery store shelf is because of modern preservation techniques.
  23. Porcupine

    I found aMinecraft Forge Forum postdiscussing some code for allowingModelRenderer.addBox() to accept float values.
  24. Beaver by Diego il Catanico Jr *FINAL*

    I am leaning toward the orthogonal rump, mostly because I think the tail looks better coming off of the smaller slanted box than coming straight off of the body.
  25. Dromedary Camel *FINAL*

    I tried Darmo's "natural" texture overlay method and the texture pretty much completed itself. I'll be using that technique again, for sure. Next step will be to make chest/saddle versions. (Note, I smoothed out the difference between front and back body sections after I took these screenshots) *EDIT* I assume that it is going to stay pretty close to how ModelHorse works in Vanilla? If so, I will probably make a blanket NOBOX, a saddle NOBOX, and a chest NOBOX for ease of enabling/disabling in the render method.