Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Ancaladar

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  • Gender Male
  • Interests Goat herding, blacksmithing, mathematics, science, woodcarving, writing, drawing, farming, gaming.
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  1. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    It only happened once, strangely. I've started several other worlds and it works just fine. As for RAM, I don't have a lot of it, and it's usually taken up by minecraft and other misc. thingsanyways.
  2. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Crashed, have a report log:
  3. Nomadisim vs Settlement

    I actually find myself enjoying setting up permanent settlements with farming and such, then creating little road networks to the various mines that I need to advance in tiers. Maybe it's just the city-builder in me, but it's one of the more enjoyable features that this mod has (slow-growing agricultural things, animals crops etc, slow to build metal structures, that kind of thing.) Seems very group-oriented for townbuilding, but hermiting is also a viable playstyle.
  4. Port Aleswell (WIP) (PICTURE HEAVY)

    Thanks! And yeah, I do intend to do a little work on the inn, as I do agree it is a bit plain atm. I also plan to add a cellar eventually. Nah, it was just dark and snowy when I took the pictures, it's mid-december on that world. The latitude is x: -13000 though, so it is rather cold most of the time.
  5. Was working on this town/port for a couple days, decided to share here: WARNING: The following buildings are heavily reliant on pine, if you do not like this wood or just simply don't like two-colour buildings then this picture gallery probably isn't for you. Viewer discretion is advised. The ship (apologies for shoddy construction, I'm just kind of terrible at ships): The Docks (not pictured here is a crane, you'll see one later): The Warehouse: Harbour Master's Office (the first building I made): Office Building inside: The Marketplace: The Silver Dragon Inn: The Lake (and path to the mine): The Mine Crane: The Mine itself, built into a ravine (it's purely aesthetic, no function intended): Bridge to the smithy/smeltery area: Smithy's area: Closeup of the forge: And that's it. Tell me what you think, criticism is welcome!
  6. Camels and Camelids

    Fun fact: alpacas are not a naturally occurring species of camelid. They are a cross between a llama and a vicuña. Anyways, llamas would be neat animals to see in warmer, more tropical areas. Camels could spawn on the borders/interiors of deserts. If we had a pack-animal mechanic, it could offer some alternatives to donkeys and horses.
  7. Compatibility list

    TaeoG is working on a Thaumcraft mod that is compatible with TFC1 here: It's not done, but it's going to be in a beta-testable stage in the future when he gets some time to work on it.
  8. Thanks for replying Acnan, I'll try and monitor activity a little more often.
  9. Larger Forges

    The thing about it is, that larger forges actually eat more fuel up and don't heat the metal as well. That's why most actual forges you see are the way they are, so that the center of heat is concentrated so you can get a high, constant heat. The forges you see in games like Skyrim are purely artistic in nature, and in real life would consume about 4-5 times more coal/charcoal and probably only heat half as well, since the heat is spread out over such a large area.
  10. Cool biome with sheep, seed 79.25

    If you travel for a few thousand blocks in each direction you'll most likely find saltwater.
  11. Lemonade beverage

    We already have about a dozen types of drinks in this game. Granted, technically all of them are alcoholic, but if you want a non-alcoholic drink besides water, I tend to consider cider as not being alcoholic (or at least not alcoholic enough to be considered "hard" alcohol.)
  12. I look forward to testing ThaumCraft in TFC. Good luck with your move!
  13. As TFC2 is being rewritten for 1.8, many other mods are also undergoing the same thing, including Thaumcraft. Thaumcraft 5 is actually out as an early build right now. So, I would imagine that it would probably be easier to do the same thing here for TFC2 and TC5.
  14. List of Mods that go well with TFCraft

    Necro, much?
  15. Ah, okay, thanks for clearing that up, I didn't really read every single thing in this topic when I replied. The system you talk about looks like it should work fine. I look forward to mining in volcanic areas for my fire shards and underwater for water shards. Any idea on where ordo shards and aer shards will spawn?