Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ancaladar

  1. Better "Building" materials.

    Maybe seeing as how we don't know how rare/common clay is going to be in TFC2, how about we have a shapeless recipe that has: Straw (thatch), Clay, Sand, and Dirt. This would not only use up resources that do not get used all too often in the stone age, seeing as how dirt and sand have gravity, and thatch is walk-throughable on its own. This recipe would also represent the real-life daub that was used, minus the animal manure. If this recipe is cheap enough and uses up materials that later-aged players would just have chests full of anyways, this would be the perfect building material to use for all kinds of buildings, besides being perfectly in time with the TFC timeline.
  2. If you've placed it in the open with a rainstorm happening and don't want it to fill up with water.
  3. Sterling Silver

    I would assume the ratio is at what it is right now because of 2 things: 1: It would use up any spare copper the player has stored up over the copper+bronze ages (because honestly who uses copper for anything when you're in the steel age?) 2: It would be slightly harder to get that extra bit of silver into the ratio (potentially digging up another vein of silver if you want to get that blue steel anvil+armor+tools.) Really it's all about balancing the game so it doesn't seem tilted too much in any way. Producing a game that is fun and enjoyable takes more precedence over creating a game that mimics real life exactly, both fun and not-so-fun parts of it.
  4. Mammoth in terrafirmacraft

    Perhaps they would drop a lot of hide for tanning into leather? I could see the usefulness of this early game, but late game leather becomes little more than cheap replacement armor and/or bellows material. Also quivers, but once you have one you don't really need another unless you constantly switch out from arrows to javelins/are a heavy bow and arrow user and use like a full quiver of arrows (who does that?) in one night of fighting mobs. But I digress. I concur with Darmo in the sense that harvesting that much meat from an animal at once would be extremely burdening on all but the most experienced food-prep player, i.e. one who would have several barrels of brine ready for the processing of said meat, then salt and/or a smokehouse to preserve it even more. That being said, this wouldn't really be a viable option until you're at least late copper age and have a food storage area.
  5. We are currently running0.79.18.673. If you do not have this version of TFC, the server will not let you log in due toincompatibilities.
  6. [Breaks Rule #1] Fuse for powderkegs

    I believe Bioxx has already thought of this idea, but didn't want to implement it because redstone already preformed the task well enough.
  7. Steel seems a bit too extreme to me, as it is an entirely new stage of metallurgy that usually takes players a lot longer to reach than iron. However, if we use reaching the iron age as a liftoff point, we could perhaps make more and more magical items from there (maybe a thaumium blast furnace?)
  8. All of my yes. I love this mod in vanilla, it would be awesome to combine it with TFC. One thing: should it be accessible from the beginning of the playthrough, or should it be a late-game thing? I was personally thinking at least some aspects of it should be accessible early on. If you could cast wand caps in ceramic molds (if you wanted to start out that early) and begin gathering magical materials and vis, that could work.
  9. no Inventory

    It's an interesting concept, having inventory al la Haven and Hearth, but it strays away from the basic principles that TFC has based itself on from Minecraft. Perhaps this as an add-on would be a good idea?
  10. I like this style of housing, sort of early Scandinavian style houses. Also seems easy to build and an efficient use of space I will definitely use this the next time I move somewhere else as a first house.
  11. Serveur Francophone !

    FRANÇAIS: Bonjour! Pour héberger un serveur sur Minecraft , vous aurez à faire ces choses : D'abord, vous aurez à faire parvenir vos ports pour être en mesure d'accueillir le serveur. Toutefois , vous devez installer forge dans le server.exe d'être en mesure d'exécuter TFC . Voici quelques liens vers des tutoriels pour le faire (vous aurez à mettre ceux-ci en un traducteur , car ils sont en anglais . ) De là , vous installez TFC dans le server.exe comme vous le feriez installer dans votre minecraft.exe normale . Si quelqu'un voit des erreurs dans ce domaine, s'il vous plaît les signaler afin que je puisse les corriger. Je suis désolé pour les fautes d'orthographe possibles , je l'habitude Google translate pour cette ENGLISH: Hello there! To host a server on Minecraft you will have to do these things:First, you will have to forward your ports to be able to host the server. However, you have to install forge into the server.exe to be able to run TFC. Here's some links to some tutorials for doing so (you will have to put these in a translator, since they're in english.) From there, you install TFC into the server.exe as you would install it into your normal minecraft.exe. If anyone sees any errors in this, please point them out so I can fix them.I apologize for possible misspellings, I used Google translate for this
  12. Sleepy animals

    I hate to be nit-picky, but the plural for sheep is sheep, not sheeps. Otherwise, a cool idea, but the amount of time for coding of these things would make this a low-priority addition to the game. They're going to be working on a lot bigger things like fixing worldgen and other various things.
  13. Just felt like sharing.

    I do like discussion threads like these that detail a player's adventures in this mod. Do you have any updates?
  14. It's okay, Acnanthra, we all still love you <3
  15. More Dangerous Minning

    All of this seems like it would make mining a ridiculously hard task that would require dozens of people to keep an eye full time on just one deep ore mine. Methane would be incredibly hard to combat without canaries (which if they spawned in a certain climate/biome area would just be a pain to get just to have an alarm system against noxious gas.) A giant fireball in my face while mining would not be a pleasant experience and I would probably just download a mod/modify the script to make it not happen just so I don't ragequit after hours of mining. A hard hat mechanic would be nice, but a standard metal helmet would suffice. I wouldn't want to dig a ventilation shaft every 20 blocks or so just to vent some gas that may or may not explode in my face. Especially if I'm digging down in the third layer or so. If we can't use torches/oil lamps to light our mines whilst underground to prevent a gas explosion, what would we use?
  16. Tree mechanics

    Now that would be an interesting concept. Having to smith nails in order to use planks properly. It would be interesting to see that kind of mechanic, sort of like using bricks and mortar to make brick blocks. To make a plank block, you'd have to use a crafting recipe like so: N = Nail (any tool metal) P = Plank (any wood) P N P N P N --> 4 Plank blocks P N P However, this would also require a change to the crafting table recipe, and I don't really know how that could work out.
  17. Tree mechanics

    I'm not saying it's not realistic, but it would take up a lot of time ingame that could potentially be spent doing something else. There's enough time wasters in TFC already without the need to complicate the process even more.
  18. Salt Domes

    I like this. It would add a use for theugly absolutely beautiful drylands.
  19. Tree mechanics

    Have you TRIED to make planks with an ax in real life? It's really hard. Really really really hard. First of all, there's the whole issue of consistency, which is hard to do with an ax unless you're planning on using a hammer to drive the ax into the log. Even in that case, you'll never get as good a plank as you would with a saw, and you'd use less metal making a saw in the first place than a hammer/ax combo. The closest I've come to making good planks time after time using some type of ax is using an adze and just splitting the wood from the top to make a plank. Even then they were not really planks, but more along the lines of a wooden shingle you would use for a house's roof. I would hate to try to do that process with a stone hammer/ax combo in real life. The stone would simply chip and break the tools before you even got a quarter of the way into the log.
  20. Tree mechanics

    Like I said at the top, maybe this wouldn't be such a great idea for tools, but maybe for archery if it got expanded. That's how you would get different tiers of bows in with the different tiers of tools. But the harder the wood, the more difficult the bow would be to make. This would make softwood a viable option for a freshly spawned player's first bow, and as you progressed into the ages (maybe requiring a metal chisel to carve out the bow from harder sticks/logs) you could get better bows. Just a suggestion. You may feel free to critique it as you please.
  21. Tree mechanics

    This is an interesting idea, but it seems like it would make the first night even more difficult, seeing as you have to dry the wood before you can use it. It would make it even harder for newer players who don't get a stone ax before the first minute of gameplay. Getting a shelter before night fell would be nigh impossible unless you found a deep clay pit and dug yourself a little shelter. However, I do like the idea of adding different strengths to different types of wood. A hickory or oak haft of a pickax would be stronger than an acacia haft. Especially if archery got an overhaul, this could play out very well, and would make getting certain types of trees a bit more useful than just for decorative purposes.
  22. I believe the server has been updated with MyTown2. However, permissions are a bit buggy so I can't figure out anything :< Ignore that, I don't think it was installed. UPDATE: Mytown2 is installed, however it is still not set to use TFC components, i.e. it requires 8 vanilla diamonds to found a town.
  23. Imo it seems the devs are going for a more history-oriented approach to metal progression. Copper, then bronze, then iron, etc.. etc..
  24. Crazy Ore Formations

    It's very normal for coal to spawn in that formation.