Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TaeoG

  1. [Solved] Well at least they're not bitter

    Fair enough, although forums and such can be painful. Hunting through thread that may or may not be directly related to find the few posts that are relevant... blegh. I'll have a closer look at the changelogs So my disgusting sandwiches still saturate a bit? well that's good. It seemed to be like I needed 3 sandwiches to achieve what 1 was doing before, but I bet that was just in my head. Wow, that's cool. Something I likely never would have realized as well. There is a passing mention on the wiki, and I stumbled across someone mentioning hickory smoke for smoked stuff, but I didn't realize it applied this much. I'll definitely be experimenting. huh. Well then I guess it doesn't matter at all. I can't picture a single instance where I didn't combine foods I've harvested, so that little bit of information must get lost every time. That must apply to meat as well. Its a shame that's lost actually, now that I think about it. That's true, it's definitely intuitive up to a point, especially once you realize/are told that the flavour values shown in the tooltip are relative to your own preferences. I would never want to see the actual numbers, which is part of the reason I didn't just fire up the github and have a look at the code.
  2. lock chest

    Really? I head it was fairly unstable. Been keeping an eye on Sponge but it seems to be a ways off yet. I'll give KCauldron a shot.
  3. [Solved] Well at least they're not bitter

    Ya, I could go into the code myself, I'm actually elbow deep in it for other reasons, but since this mod is based on "believability" I figured the higher level concepts that drive these low level functions would be fairly easy to explain, and would be showcased as features, not hidden away where the average player wouldn't even know it exists unless they fired up debug mode. For example "like in real life, composition of the soil can change the outcome of the crops. Different crops require different nutrientsandhaving them grow where water can easily permeate the soil, like on a gravel bed, can result in more nutritional/less nutritional/larger/smaller/??? harvest." Maybe I'll take a stab at helping on the wiki after I tire of developing little addons for my server-goers.
  4. [Solved] Well at least they're not bitter

    I didn't know this was a thing, is there a guide for that somewhere? What does it change? Thats pretty cool, actually. Are the 5 profiles all that exists in the final result, or are there hidden things? ie does hickory smoked meat have something extra to it over oak smoked meat other than a higher savory score?
  5. Wooden buckets and barrel liquids

    Whelp, I know what my first addon is going to be. That sounds priceless.
  6. [Solved] Decaying in the Dark

    While I'd like to know how it's handled, Ya I'll be switching to chests. They're more convenient, if a little less interesting looking.
  7. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    a quick heads up if you're going to be adding axes: extending ItemCustomAxe isn't enough, there is an array of axes types in the Recipes class that trees check to make sure you're using an axe.
  8. Greenhouse

    I'll admit it was on the shortlist for something I wanted to implement. TFC already handles ambient temperature to a point, shouldn't be too terribly hard to hack together a way to localize it a bit.
  9. Implementing ISize

    ahhhh, I had forgotten that GameRegistry.registerBlock had an option to take an ItemBlock. Thanks a lot for your help, slowly but surely this is coming together
  10. Implementing ISize

    How does one go about properly implementing the size and weight mechanics on custom items? I've got it working fine on items that extend ItemTerra, but on other items simply implementing the interface and returning the proper Enums doesn't give any results. Best I can tell the rendering of the information is called in the addInformation method in the ItemTerra class, but Eclipse refuses to tell me if that method is ever called by anything, so I'm super confused as to how this is implemented. I assume it's also important for determining if an item will fit in a chest, but I haven't gotten around to looking into that yet. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
  11. lock chest

    I came back from a server admining hiatus to find that cauldron had crashed an burned. What are you guys using these days?
  12. Implementing ISize

    whelp, this is what happens when you code late at night. I was trying to implement it on a Block, not an Item. I've yet to figure out how to link an Item with its block representation when they're separate classes, but yes I was able to get an item to render properly and refuse to fit in a chest.
  13. Implementing ISize

    see, I thought for sure it was a vanilla method, yet Eclipse got mad at me when I used the @Override tag. I was able to cram a "Huge" item in a chest too, so maybe I've done something wrong. I'll take another stab.
  14. Divisor's Smart Moving

  15. Divisor's Smart Moving

    Sorry to resurrect a fairly old thread, but is there a fix for the Barrels and quivers and such? Visual oddities aren't a HUGE deal but it would definitely help with immersion if the saltwater barrel I was carrying wasn't hovering somewhere in my chest cavity, haha. Smart Moving has a system in place to try and help with rendering compatibility, but it didn't seem to work in this case.
  16. Custom Armor Types

    excellent, thank you for that.
  17. Custom Armor Types

    So I'm working to make an intercompatibility mod, and I had intended to port the other mod's armor over to the TFC armor system. But the Armor class in the api has private constructors! How do I go about adding new armors? Is there some trick I'm missing?
  18. Custom Armor Types

    ya, I used a reflection, I was just hoping a hack like that wouldn't be necessary. Works fine, but I would have preferred to be told I just overlooked an API function, haha.