Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TaeoG

  1. thats a weird one. I'll have a look
  2. was "thaumcraft" a typo? That was from my forestry port. And yes, the bee hive should be made out of something other than wood to be put beside lava. But, its not my mod, just a port Have fun, but heed the warning. This is an alpha, an actual alpha, meaning the codebase isn't stable and major things could change at any point, breaking save games and crashing stuff. So use at your own risk with that in mind.
  3. not really related, but felt like showing people, here are Forestry Demonic bees doing what they do, from my WIP Forestry port.
  4. Currently world gen is my focus. At the moment I'm making my custom ores work properly with TFC explosion mechanics, after that I will be focusing a bit on a few other ports I'm working on, ie making all Forestry bee hives spawn, Tinkers' construct ores, etc After that I plan on finishing implementing the Thaumcraft equipment. I'll likely be implementing Thaumium Steel as a requirement for the higher tier weapons and armor Then I can look at getting Enchantment working
  5. link has been restored, just ran into a couple bugs that I needed to iron out.
  6. For those who want to try the newest revision Changelog: Major Changes Made it possible for cinderpearls to be placed on TFC sand Minor Changes Split the mod into 3 pieces (all pieces are required to run) Fixed crash when generating magic biomes with other mods present replaced placeholder Infused Stone generation code with final, climate based version. Ore now spawns based on the qualities of the area. I can provide more info if people are interested. Aura nodes also now spawn with aspects based on the area. No more water nodes in deserts! Basic config files are now present. Feel free to poke around in them and see what you can change. More things will be added, and please let me know if you want something in particular to be configurable Added Silverwood spawns to the Acacia jungles near the equator Installation Remove the 3 mod jars from the zip file, and place them in your mods folder as usual.
  7. finding the perfect settings for ore spawning is tricky.
  8. I reimplemented the tree generation code to what Ithinkwas the actual intention, and added a config option to revert to the old version if the player wants. The climate based aspect system now works as intended as well, just debugging ore generation now. This code is also odd, as it always tries to generate an ore vein 3 times per chunk, but automatically fails after the first time... weird. I'll dig deeper tomorrow to figure out what is actually supposed to be happening there.
  9. Having some problems predicting where a forest will be, the code for producing trees is really bizarre. I have a sneaking suspicion its not intendedto work like this, especially if you're anywhere approaching the north or south extremes of the map. And even though I think I understand how it works top to bottom, bugs and all,it still acts strangely. I have a map here where only spruce is supposed to spawn. However the evt in the area is 2x higher than the max that spruce allows, so there should be none. Yet there are spruce trees everywhere. Doesn't make any sense. (EDIT: turns out that unless all 3 tree layers are populated (which they're often not), as long as the rainfall and temperature match at least one of the layers there will be trees. 90% certain this is a bug) Why does it matter? As I transition aura node and infused stone generation to use TFC climate instead of vanilla biome methods, the chances of getting Terra vs Perditiodepends on whether the area is forested or not.
  10. Yes, I like this. Makes silverwoodeasy to find but hard to acquire. Its dangerous in the woods. What do you think?
  11. Testing the silverwood spawning, set them to spawn in any forested area at a high rate, so far so good However, almost everywhere has trees in TFC, so even at the standard 1/60 chance of spawning, silverwoods are WAY too common. I will try to narrow it down to hilly forests, or maybe just hilly acacia jungles to compensate. They're easy enough to find, just head south until you hit a wall of trees.
  12. Been looking into Silverwood generation. Looks like they generate in this list of places Thaumcraft Magic Forest Biomes Any biome marked as "magical" that isn't a taint biome forestHills biome birchForestHills biome Only #1 exists in TFC, and thats obviously because I've gone out of my way to add it. TFC doesn't actually have forest biomes, as the presence of a forest is entirely dependent on climate conditions. I can make it work I think, although I'll have to make them more rare since TFC is a lot more foresty than vanilla mc in my opinion.
  13. Well, as far as I know I have fixed the world generation code TTC has been split into 3 parts, as I mentioned before. My API, TTC itself, and a middleman mod called Taeo's Materials, that currently just adds some nuggets and some worldgen for ProjectRed and Applied Energistics 2. Once I have some config files in place to allow people to turn that stuff off, I'll release another Alpha build. World gen is almost complete, I just need to test my ore code a little more extensively. Thankfully I'll be using the same code to generate Forestry beehives on my server, which are a lot easier to debug than ore underground since I don't have to strip all the other blocks from a chunk to find them. Also, hopefully, there will be no more game breaking bugs when it comes to world gen ala time skipping or "Already decorating!" crashes.
  14. I'm not planning on advertising the builds until it reaches Beta status. I would like to keep the number of people using these builds to a minimum, actually.As it stands now, none of the alpha builds I have provided are completely usable, sincepart of the worldgen is broken. If repeated questions about downloadsbecomes an issue, I will make a note in the OP to that effect. But so far so good.
  15. well I have it fixed in this addon anyway I'll have a look. I'm in the same boat as you and can't remember seeing silverwood anywhere outside magic biomes since maybe thaumcraft 2. But I'll see if I can find some caveat in the thaumcraft spawning code that has them spawn elsewhere. Once I solve the "Already decorating!" bug.
  16. well I've found a temporary/not-so-temporary fix for the magic biome crash. You guys like lag spikes, right?
  17. I patch the propick to make it work properly with any BlockOre. I also patch Block Ore and WorldGenLoose rocks to make coresampling a bit more robust.
  18. heads up to anyone using the alpha builds... there is a bug with the magic biome generation. Pretty serious one. Doesn't crop up if you're just running thaumcraft, but when you have other mods that also have world gen, it can cause a crash when a chunk with a magic forest on it is getting built. This is a very difficult bug to fix, it may take me a while to fix it (if it's even fixable, honestly it may not be)
  19. I'll double check the code, see if I can find that spawning instance. I'll also add a TODO to make a config option for larger magic biomes. I was pretty sure I found a sweet spot where the biomes were just large and just common enough but it wouldn'thurt to leave that to the player.
  20. haha, they do exist, you just gotta find them :^) Correct me if I'm wrong, but silverwoods don't spawn in normal biomes in vanilla thaumcraft, do they? I didn't see anything like that in the spawn code, but I may have missed it.
  21. silverwood trees only spawn in magic biomes, which I do believe is standard behaviour for them. If you're having trouble finding those biomes I can add a config option in the future to print out a "biome map" that shows you where they are, like I posted much earlier in this thread (the black picture with some white splotches in it) This is a tricky subject, one that I've been mulling over for some time. There are.... peculiar design choices in TFC. Not only when it comes to the way things are implemented at a code level, but also in terms of gameplay. I myself spent weeks looking for a chicken at one point, combed hundreds of square km looking for kaolinite, etc. When Kitty said they were abandoning TFC1 I considered picking up the project myself. However she's explained that I, or anyone else who took over development, would not be allowed to use these forums to spread their versions. Understandable but also very discouraging. The short answer is no, I will not be "fixing" any of these particular issues within this addon specifically, they're just not within the scope of making thaumcraft work nice. However, I have other projects in the works that might. Even this crossover has been split into 3 pieces. One piece that is just reimplemented bits of thaumcraft, one piece that handles fairly standard materials like nuggets, and a core mod that alters TFC directly, adding api features and fixing bugs. This third piece may end up becoming a lot bigger than any of the others. I just have to decide what is more important to me: compatibility with other addons, or ease of implementation of my own addons. These things aren't mutually exclusive, but sacrifices have to be made to lean either way. Take for example the chest issue that was just brought up. In an attempt to focus on compatibility I removed hundreds of lines of my own code, and did some hacky nonsense to cram my code in where it wasn't expected. What I would rather do is reimplement all the wood items so that none of this is necessary, and I or anyone else who wanted to add a new tree could do it easily without having to jump the hurdles I've had to jump. But doing so would mean anyone who adds a tree without using my system has a decent chance of being incompatible.I really wish I had implemented these API changes when it was still possible to do a pull request into the main mod. As always, I've been extremely verbose without really explaining myself, apologies for that. Gonna post it anyway since I took the time to write it.
  22. research table is made how it always has been, with two tables and some scribing tools, its mentioned in the thaumonomicon. A table is made in the crafting grid with a couple rows of any lumber and some planks in the bottom corners. You can find the recipe using recipe mods like NEI if my description doesn't make sense.
  23. I had a lot of issues with things like logs not working as expected since things like kilns and fireplaces will only work with TFC logs specifically instead of things that extend TFC logs. I found that inserting greatwood and silverwood into the the list of wood types that TFC stores, at the right time, causes greatwood and silverwood versions of all the wood blocks to create themselves, ones that are natively compatible. So I gave them the right textures and recipes and removed the now redundant TerraThaumcraft versions. I'm sorry for your storage area, I would recommend rolling back to a backup and a previous version of TTC to get those items and put them somewhere else for the update, if it is truly important. I mentioned in a previous post that a lot of blocks would go missing with the newer versions, but it stands to repeat. In the alpha builds there is a high possibility of newer builds breaking saves or making things disappear. I'm kinda between a rock and a hard place at this point. I want to minimize the amount of TFC code I alter for compatibility reasons, so adding two names to an array of strings rather than reimplementing dozens of items/blocks/tileentities is the most viable option at the moment, but if I find that doing the latter is absolutely required before I reach beta (due to testing or feature requirements etc) I may go back to that approach. Thank you again for testing my alpha builds, please don't be discouraged. I'll make a note to make specific mention when I believe a particular new build will break something.
  24. lol you're right, it would look more like this :^) But really the problem is that aluminum needs electricity to be produced. You could skip 99% and just let kaolinite or rubies and sapphires get melted into aluminum oxide, or even add Corundum mineral as a mineable ore for that purpose, but that last step isn't possible. So do I add a whole chemistry/electricity mechanic? I've noticed the udary mod has a basic battery/reduction pot setup, as does TFCTech. Anyways, doesn't matter, its out of the scope of this addon, its just something I'm working on on the side as my own server gets closer to reality.
  25. heh, well one of the hurdles to cross is that many of the mods I want to make truly compatible with TFC use aluminum... which is not easy to make IRL. I've done a lot of research and am trying to narrow down the production process to something fairly simple, but its slow going, haha.