Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Pakislav

  • Rank
    Copper Miner

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  • Gender Not Telling
  • Location Equestria
  • Interests MC, TFC, DF, RaW Recruits Clan, Archery, Programming.
  1. Build 77

    When it comes to memory my game was stuttering because it only allocates 1Gb of memory to minecraft. Thankfully since the new launcher came out you can easily fix that by simply editing the profile in the launcher, enabling JVM Arguments and changing -Xmx1G to what ever you can spare. When it comes to the topic. What I think TFC needs is an early stage straw mat to count as a bed - Maybe no spawn, just passing the night. - since beds are now really late game. A straw basket isn't a bad idea either. Making thatch easily burnable by firepits, kilns and even torches would perfectly balance it's abundance and make for interesting visuals too.
  2. How hard is it to find copper?

    4 to 10? Doesn't seem like it's that worth mining ;P Anyway, thanks for response.
  3. How hard is it to find copper?

    So how do I smelt it? I've put 16 tetrahedrite and 2 cassiterite and bismuthnite, and nothing. ;/
  4. How hard is it to find copper?

    So I've been traveling a lot in all 4 directions of the world, I've gathered a stack of cassiterite, bismuthine, tetrahedrite and sphalerite each but not an ounce of native copper. Am I just extremely unlucky, or is that how it's supposed to be? And also, can I smelt tetrahedrite in a primitive kiln, or is it just native copper as I've read Dunk saying something about it being available on the surface in it's native form being important to humanity's ability to smelt it in primitive fire?
  5. What is TFC to you?

    Hey guys. I just thought It would be cool to get the idea of what you enjoy about this game, what you like to do with it, what would you like to see added and what you are disappointed in so far. Just interested in the perspectives of other players. I'll start. What I love about TFC is the idea. It really is 'survival mode as it should have been', and I love the changes and direction it's heading in. The mechanics are exactly like I always though they should be in Minecraft. I love the realism, the complexity, the difficulty of accomplishing it, the feel of advancing, actually doing something. But in current version I find it more like a chore and less like something I can enjoy. The new mechanics are brilliant, but once you spend the time needed to do everything there is to do with it, there's nothing else left. The days are boring and consist of monotone breaking blocks for resources. The nights are even more boring because either I skip them in bed, or quit playing at all if I don't have one. What I'd like to see are two things. 1.) Mobs that are a real threat during the day - bears, wolves, monsters, what have you. And ones that make it worth traveling - Deer and rabbits that activelly and effectivelly escape from the player who needs to hunt them to avoid starvation, which would lead to long chases and stalking that would make it worth exploring the infinite world. 2.) Landscapes. Bigger and more varied biomes. High mountains, varied hills and wide flatlands. Forests that feel real, deserts that make you desperate for water. Seasons that bring snow. The lands I have seen so far are basically just mountains and hills sticking out of the ocean, sparingly covered with trees. But maybe I was just unlucky with the seeds. A brighter and more colorful texture pack wouldn't hurt. Anyway. What's your experience, waht's your perspective?
  6. A Place to Lay Your Head

    I have to agree. The game as is now seems rather pointless. Days are boring and during the nights you might as well stop playing if you don't have a bed. There should be dangers both during the day and during the night. Dangers that are more rare, but more terrifying. Some basic early-stage sleeping straw mat is a great idea to remove the uneccessary frustration of the night.
  7. T1 container: Straw basket.

    It takes 4 to make thatch and it needs to be craftable in the earliest stages. So the only reasonable way is to make it out of two. To offset that, it should only be able to hold one stack of items.
  8. T1 container: Straw basket.

    I was now, just had to re-construct the entire thing because it wasn't catching fire for some reason.
  9. T1 container: Straw basket.

    I've just started a new game and I found it frustrating having found so much stuff, but being unable to store it any way, since I don't seem to be able to create ceramics, alas it takes time to find clay anyway. So I would like to suggest a new storage solution; a straw basket crafted out of two straw items. For inspirtaion:
  10. Merry Christmas!

    Happy Holidays everybody! I feel like my stomach is about to explode... guess it's time for the CHEESCAKE!
  11. Your chisel creations!!

    From my expirience once you place a forge it's there for good, suspended in time and space. You can remove every block around it, it will not be affected.
  12. Animals!

    WHoa, whoa whoa! I never seen deer in TFC. So I went ahead now and googled them. I had NO idea, that they were this awesome!!
  13. Moving chiseled blocks

    I was thinking more in a way that you can just put a chiseled block into your inventory, and it would take up one entire slot. We aren't talking only about statues. 'Face' carving consisting of one chiseled block are pretty cool too.
  14. Noises while blacksmithing

    I remmember enjoying smithing swords in Gothic 1 and 2. Had nice sounds.
  15. Moving chiseled blocks

    I thought about that too when carving my first statue. Would be a lot easier if I could place carved pieces on top of another instead of doing them all together. +1