Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Thrainn

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    Copper Miner

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  1. [Solved] Bizmuth Bronze Can't Be Made In Vessels?

    Ah, OK, good to know. How nice of you
  2. [Solved] Bizmuth Bronze Can't Be Made In Vessels?

    Shouldn't a false ratio create unknown metal in a pit kiln?
  3. Is there any up to date tutorial/guide?

    As far as wild crops go - as far as I know, TFC starts in summer instead of spring, which makes it much easier to find ripe crops. Most of them should be ripe and ready to eat or will be soon, when you start a new game.
  4. German sub-forum

    Wieviele sind "genug Leute, die das wollen"? Meine Stimme habt ihr meinetwegen, wenn's anderen Spielern wirklich eine Hilfe sein kann ...
  5. German sub-forum

    Die Frage ist, ob es sich lohnen wuerde. Gibt es so viele deutschsprachige Mitglieder, die der englischen Sprache nicht maechtig sind, sofern meine Annahme stimmt, dass das Altersniveau deutlich ueber Vanilla Minecraft liegt? Also fuer mich persoenlich liest und schreibt sich englisch nicht schwieriger als deutsch, und hab MC noch nie mit lokalisierter deutscher Version gespielt, Und selbst wenn es ein deutsches Forum geben sollte, werd ich mich trotzdem grossteils in den Hauptforen aufhalten ...
  6. Trains ?

    Kitty would only point to threads like these: where this topic has been beaten to death several times.That is, IF she had a good day and was nice and patient
  7. Better Fire Mechanics

    Erm, as far as I know, fireplaces don't cause fires, neither do forges (which require appropriate ventilation, like you mentioned). But pit kilns do, so you have to be careful with them!
  8. Trees

    1. Or, you could just let the last piece of durability on your axe allow felling the whole tree before breaking.I don't think that it really would unbalance things, if you only need 5 stone axes to fell 10 trees instead of 6 (just a very rough estimate, but you get what I mean).If you really think that this would be overpowered, I also would settle for the axe breaking when felling a tree that would leave 10 or 15% or less of durability on it so that you don't get tempted to use it on another tree.Aside from realism or believability, you have to admit that it's a real pain gameplay wise if you slightly miscalculated the durability of your axe and you are left with one or two log blocks of a tree because your axe broke, for which you again have to spend considerable time to get rid of afterwards.Either of my two suggestions would adress this issue by ensuring that always when you fell a tree the whole thing goes down.What do you think?
  9. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    When the mobs are moved underground, I assume they find replacements for them on the surface, and in my opinion they also should utilize the damage type system when they do that. Otherwise it would seem as quite a waste if this mechanic is banned underground together with the monsters. In general I very much support a means to fight those damn skeletons from a range. but throwing clubs? I don't know ... But I really like the idea of slings!! About dedicated TFC blunt weapons: you do realize that TFC has maces??
  10. Please add [solved] to your title, to save our Devs some time (Support Forum Rule #6)
  11. [Solved][79.13] WorldGen and Reńdering Screen problem

    Glad you have been able to fix your problem Just a hint for the future: your bug report would have violated rule #4 of the Support Forum, which instructs us to use the template for more detailed information. Failing to do that results in locking the thread, usually without an answer to your issue. Also, according to rule #6 you should edit your thread title and add [solved] to the beginning, so that the Devs can easily filter out which thread still needs attention and which not. Please go and save them some time, will ya?
  12. volcano request

    Haha, you are being mean @Reyvinn - I doubt very much that Gwtheyrn was being serious with his suggestion, neither is NikkyD
  13. [Solved] 79.10 Zombies Drop Iron Swords

    That's a shame really I recently just got one of those and I plan to frame it proudly! I hope this fix won't delete already existent ones?
  14. Crop Nutrient Types

    You guys really are amazing!! I really don't get those comments, that occur now and then, about you ignoring valuable input from the community. That simply isn't true, as you have proved many times just recently
  15. [Solved] Odd cave-in behavior

    Isn't that a bit too much? The yellow, itself safe block, causes a cave in elsewhere, which can propagate back to the support beam and let it collapse too, right? If even the yellow block isn't safe to mine, than what is??Another thing I noticed is that mining one block above and besides a vertial beam also frequently causes cave ins. But I remember you posting a screenshot where you demonstrated save mining up in a staircase manner, with each step having a support beam. How was that possible? One last thing: cave in cobble seems to have a physics issue - it often doesn't slide correctly over an edge but remains suspended next to the edge above an air block, like this: CC SS SSSS C being cobble, S smoothstone. When I get to it, I can post screenshots too.