Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Sgt_Rubber_Ducky

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  1. TFC Engineer

    Maybe if I figure out how to recreate the explosion I can prevent ptsd before I get it... I'm also out of catfood, and the neatest cat store is across the river and through the woods. If I order it, how can I prevent my cat from eating me instead while we wait?
  2. TFC Engineer

    Although mildly inconvenient, you could have the letter "b" on your clipboard all the time and just paste it when you need to. I would make it an excuse to get a beefier computer. The cat did indeed explode, so violently that it collapsed back onto itself and now there is a inside-out cat meowing at me for food. Got any therapy recommendations??
  3. Keys and locks

    Well, if there's going to be locks, there's got to be lockpicks. Not for stealing players' items (good locks have more than 1 tumbler), but for raiding dungeon chests (which would have only 1 tumbler). For the amount of tumblers, you could just label them differently instead of actually designing tumblers for the locks. Stronger picks would be harder to break and would be made of tough alloys, and early picks could be made from starting metals.
  4. TFC Engineer

    Surround the affected subatomic particles with a chain mail made entirely of Nokia phones. My cat can't stop twitching excessively and rapidly (not really, fabricated for the purpose of this reply). I don't know whether to stop laughing and call a vet or get the heck out of there.
  5. TFC Engineer

    Hehe, chainsaws. I've created a paradox by having a lack of problems and I need to get rid of the black hole it created.
  6. 7 word story

    A jar of upside-down physics-breaking
  7. 7 word story

    And that's the story of how it
  8. 7 word story

    *jokingly* 5 words, but whatever. Guess you don't
  9. TFC Engineer

    Idunnowhattodoihatebugssothisisbiasedbutitmightbetimetoenditrightthere I ran out of - *words run out*
  10. 7 word story

    And so became dead with laughter the
  11. TFC Engineer

    Smother it with a supplementary amount of liquid nitrogen. If that doesn't work, try not to pet it so roughly. The chicken decided not to cross the road and I need to convince it to. Any ideas?
  12. 7 word story

    the mouth, bane of the extremely sour
  13. TFC Engineer

    Put buttered bread all over the cat so there isn't a cat for the white hole to form on. (by the way, clever response.) iPine seems to be incompatible with everything. Is there a windows version?
  14. Immersive deserts

    It would be pretty cool if it was ever possible to survive solely in the desert. EDIT: Diego, my bad for not reading the post entirely. About suggestions for improving biomes, or the nature in the game entirely, I personally want to have a lot more underbrush and mosses and vines to go in forests. Along with thicker trees and more species of plants, like different cacti and smaller shrubs for the deserts. Also things like ground textures, which may not have a purpose, could act as nice decorations like dead leaves and pebble patches (as mentioned above) that lay flat along the ground like the minecart rail textures. Different animals, like a camel or smaller ones like scorpions for deserts, with foxes and squirrels for more temperate areas.
  15. Immersive deserts

    Deserts in minecraft are just dull patches of sand with a cactus placed here and there. It really makes exploring them boring and, for the most part, useless unless you want cactus. I would like to see more variance and specific occurrences/items here, things such as occasional dust storms that obstruct vision, small patches of pebbles that sit slightly above the block, different sky color, particle effects that appear around sand in desert biomes, animal carcasses, objects at a distance blurred because of heat, etc. I have no idea how this'll work in code (or if even works at all), and so I won't be disappointed if these things aren't added.