Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Nevonen

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Stockholm, Sweden
  1. Magic!

    Well, for those who worry about the inclusion of magic in TFC, that is why I think it should be optional. But at the same time it should be considered when adding features to the mod. I also like the progression in Thaumcraft where you discover new materials and research new magic based upon them. This also prevents players from bypassing the tech tree to get the ultimate something or other. Unlike some, I like that the players character learns magic, and remembers this across respawns. This cuts down the repetition/tediousness of getting back to where you were. But since you might lose your tools, like a wand, it still punish you for dying. This should definitely be end game. Since TFC kinda stops at steel havingany form of magic would allow for additional gameplay while keeping the awesome core TFC experience intact. In TCs case, it follows naturally from the iron requirement of the first basic wand.
  2. Crafting Table 2.0

    Kitty, is it true that placed logs will be removed in TFC2? By placed logs I mean plain vanilla style log placement, so 6 variations all full block. For an example of how this could be done, see It has some very interesting crafting mechanics, which is close to some of the above suggestions, but is limited to a set of special work benches. This would make the implementationmuch simpler I think.
  3. Magic!

    Unfortunately I don't think azanor will change his mod (why would he?), but that doesn't stop TFC, or an addon, from doing the same. This is especially true if TFC has taken TC into account under thedesign phase. It would allow for fine grained integration, like having the ancient/alchemist bath from TC use TFC hot water springs. There are other stuff needed as well, like registering aspects for every TFC item, but while mechanical it shouldn't be hard.
  4. Crafting Table 2.0

    I realized after I wrote the above about planks that it has already been suggested in another thread, albeit in a much more advance form. However I still think having separate tools make wooden logs drop different items is a nice idea.
  5. Magic!

    This does sound a lot like Thaumcraft, but I was thinking more abouthow TC and TFC does things. Let me elaborate, both uses minigames to make crafting more challenging and fun, both have a risk to crafting (warp/flux and unknown metal, as two examples). Both have very high consistency and quality. Why reinvent the wheel here? Why not just keep the magic aspect of TFC to a minimum, but allow easy integration with TC, or similar, for those players who wish to include magic into there gameplay? I ask this since Bioxx have repeatedly said he doesn't have much time and must prioritize and I feel this is something that could become a huge time sink if you want it done properly (which I believe he is always striving towards).
  6. Crafting Table 2.0

    What if the axe when right-clicking a wooden log would bring up a knapping interface with that logs texture? Then you could make a barrel like you would a pot. This is much more simplistic then what has been suggested before, but is perhaps a bit more realistic to implement. This is assuming that right-clicking isn't too hard to do. This could be extended for other wooden objects, like boats, which I think someone mentioned in this thread as well. For planks I suggest that if you break a log, that a player as placed, with a saw it would drop planks instead. The "that a player has placed" is there to prevent a player from cheating by sawing a tree directly into planks. IRL the saw would get stuck from the weight of the tree if you tried to saw it through, and is one of the reasons that we normally uses an axe instead.