Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Narmo

  1. First I wanted to say that I love your mod, especially bow and other weapons part of it, it is very good addition to tfc and second I want to report an issue with soy milk as dairy replacement, which I think don't work (basically when I drink it nothing happens with my dairy nutrition level).

    TFC Version #:

    TerraMisc Version #: 0.13.0
    Forge Version #:
    SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): SSP
    Description: after drinking almost half of barrel of soy milk dairy nutrition level didn't change at all

    Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): Yes
    Do you have any mods other than Forge, TFC, and TerraMisc installed? (Yes/No): Yes
    If yes, which mods? - tfc additions, ambient creatures, decorations, leatherwatersac, tfc pumpkins, tfc stuff, automated bellows, cellars, scales, tech, udary, pewter, wells, animalcrate, backpack, betterfoliage, betterstorage, bibliocraft, bibliowoods, carpenter's blocks, connected glass, cooking with tfc, custom main menu, dynamic lights, foundry, googly eyes, immersive engineering, itemphysic lite, journey map, minetweaker3, mobiuscore, nei, openeye, open grave, parachute, rope plus, ships mod, sleeping bag, sound filters, streams, nei plugin, tweaker, tweaks, waila, yalsm
    If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No): don't have any of it


  2. Wow exactly when I decided it is time to try terrafirma again I see this on the forums :)  Very nice that you decided to work on this and even more nice that you did so much already. Maybe you should wait for 1.13 release with all it's changes to continue? Anyway wish you all of good luck.


  3. I have now some free time so I can finally learn java coding but it would be better if someome with at least little experience do this modding thing, really. I could try rewriting code (since I have the example above) for all of terrafirma trees but most probably my code will be full of errors so anyway I would need someone to check it xD


  4. Well then maybe I'm little nooby terrafirmacrafter but I used to fell in ravines all the time when I played previous version :P It didn't happen with caves yet but I see potential to catastrophe xD And these tiny hills side caves are really nice natural houses ^^


    Bioxx, thanks for the tip about differences in caves generation depending on rock type - generated one world with claystone and after minute of walking I found nice one :) Previous ones, which I didn't like, were with diorite and gabbro.


  5. Ok, in that case could you in final release (or somewhere in the meantime) add config option for cave generation to disable that double and triple thingy? Because like in previous version with ravines too many multipled holes in the ground can be really annoying. Can't use them as a shelter, really easy to fall into and hostile mobs love them, so if this happen you don't survive (if fall don't kill you evil hordes will surely do xD).


  6. It is only my impression or caves generation between 0.1.11 and 0.1.13 was changed? In 0.1.11 with few worlds I generated I has nice, not too big, ones in hills sides, like hobbit house, only needed door to add and was ready to use as first house. In 0.1.13 in every world I have gigantic holes without the end in the ground under my feet and I didn't see anything like before. I love to use natural generated structures like really old big tree or cave as home and this change is sad.


  7. 6 hours ago, Darmo said:

    I did feel like some islands had thicker forests, that were obscuring rivers a lot on the map.  I was mostly doing flyover though so I can't speak to the internal experience.  I thought it seemed like a positive change, from the air.    They would of course probably have a lot of mobs.  But that just makes them the 'deep dark' woods, as opposed to the lighter more habitable woods.  It'd be cool if the game knew which cave openings were in such woods, and put a bear or whatever there, with some lair treasure.  I guess that's for the set-piece suggestions, whenever it's time for those.

    Well I tried survival mode and agree with everything you wrote here :) Trees are magnificent and from earth perspective while walking among them I'm feeling like in real, very old forest and this is wonderful ^^ Lots of mobs too :) Gardens generate, about stacking issue didn't try it yet.


  8. So I have a bug to report - when I harvest food (vanilla like apples and from pamharvestcraft) and take it it disappear from my inventory.  It has sound of taking but nothing else.


  9. Okay, I will play with what we have right now and watch this topic which is anyway very interesting. Btw terrain generation, little streams and caves are also really nice looking :) 


  10. Happy :D So far i don't have any bugs. Trees and animals are absolutely fantastic, rocks shape and new knapping sound also - love details like that ^^ In third world I generated sequoia trees without looking *.*


    So I have first noob question - how do you make a firestarter in this version? I tried to do it like before with no results O.o


  11. Unfortunately not exactly, I need to learn java first because I have no experience with modding at all and like now I have so much other responsibilities that I don't have time and power to do so. Maybe someone else will be able to try.


  12. Yay! I'm so happy right now :D About release dates - they often do more bad than good to creator and waiting people alike so that you don't give them (especially if you know that often you can't keep up to them) is smart thing to do, so please don't worry about that.


  13. Bioxx I for sure would like to try what do you have right now even if it is incomplete. Maybe testers comments and ideas after actually trying it would help you and motivate somehow? Anyway I love terrafirmacraft and support your work so do what you think is right :)
