Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Gelondil

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  1. Hit Last, Hit Not Last

    Glad to see you figured it out... Bioxx has said he will be fixing the wording in the future to make it more clear.
  2. Fire help!

    Try using different wood for fuel and especially a bellows. If you're just using sticks or quick-burning wood, you're not going to get as hot of a fire. The bellows is pretty much required for those highest temperatures. In fact, as far as I know, the bellows is all you really need, but your arm will get tired if your fuel is cheap.
  3. Question that will become a suggestion

    It is a good question, and one I've been wondering about as well... The short answer, as I understand it, is that it's supposed to be progressive, not survival. Which means you will have to go through things in order... Bioxx mentioned not doing concrete ages (I think?) but it's still kinda implied by the style of the game, with the way you can't make Iron without making Bronze, fx.
  4. Prospecting Pick thoughts

    Two requests come to mind regarding the pick... First, since 99% of the world is covered in dirt, I would like the option for it to be able to tell me what kind of stone is most prevalent nearby. Especially when I'm looking for specific minerals that occur only in certain stone, it would be nice to know that I'm not picking at the wrong sector. Maybe I need a geologist's pick? The second, but perhaps even the most important, is with cases where there are multiple types of ore in the same vicinity. I don't know how the pick is coded, or how the RNG works for it, but it doesn't seem to hit on the "most" common as much as it should... Fx, if there are traces of hematite somewhere nearby, and a very large deposit of native copper beneath my feet, it seems to me that the pick has a 50/50 chance of telling you about either. It should be more like 90/10, imo. Or even better, it would be nice if the pick had a slim chance to mention both.
  5. TF Wiki

    This is true, but doesn't really get at my point. I'm not trying to argue the semantics of the wiki, I'm saying that his decision is directly harming the wiki's development and IMO indirectly harming the mod's popularity. When you have a room full of people who want to listen to the music on that CD, you're using as a coaster until you've finished remastering the music, maybe you should consider sticking the CD in the CD player where it belongs, before they pack up and go someplace with a little better ambiance. So what if the music is a little scratchy, at least it's there. For the same reason, when you have a bunch of fans wanting to use and expand a wiki, but you've deliberately prevented new pages from being created, it stifles creativity, and devalues the wiki.
  6. TF Wiki

    First off, thank you for the contributions you've given to the website, and the assistance you've given to Bioxx. That said... I'm baffled by your statements here. Why would you do this? I believe you have missed the concept of a wiki. Wikis are not manuals or encyclopedias written with painstaking polish and a master checklist. Deliberately leaving out pages so you can edit them yourself not only tremendously slows it's development, but it stifles the potential of the wiki and indirectly stifles the popularity of the mod. I understand you want the pages to look nice and uniform, and that is a laudable goal, but you're limiting a valuable potential resource to advance the mods popularity: It's fans! From the guy who invented wikis himself, which reflects almost exactly the point I'm trying to make: "A wiki is not a carefully crafted site for casual visitors. Instead, it seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape." This, it seems to me, is missing from the TFC wiki. Thank you for your time.
  7. Landslides

    I agree that the idea of dirt (and cobblestone) shifting and settling in the rain is a good one - and something like that mod would work perfect. As you said, Alex, dirt (and cobblestone) could use the same physics but perhaps with a little more forgiveness than the mod does for sand and gravel. To those who complain about the risk of rockslides impacting your forge production, or from preventing you from building your sky house, that's silly. When you build your skyforge, you should shore up your foundations with support beams or stone blocks or anything, instead of cobblestone and dirt. Besides if you have even a generic wooden floor and one solid wall, you'll be safe due to minecraft physics.
  8. Chisels and mining stone

    If I can carry one pick to open up the cave and one sledgehammer to clear the rubble, then I'm actually carrying less than the 4 picks I normally would to clear the same area.It seems you still don't understand... Again, I'm talking about using a chisel to harvest regular stone blocks off the wall so that I can have a seamless stone block to place where I want. Not using a chisel to make a smooth stone block and then cutting said smooth stone block off the wall... First: Relax and please stop shouting. The caps and multiple exclamation points are not appropriate to a regular discussion.Second: Do you really think a stone pick can cut through granite in real life? And finally: Yes, absolutely yes! Especially in a pit mine where there is no risk of cave-ins, to break up stone with mineral deposits inside. But even inside a mine, a hammer can be used to break down large boulders after the stone has been loosed from the wall. Apparently you've never made flux before in-game: the concept is identical, only the scale is different. Not only can a maul be used for breaking stone directly, it's invaluable as a tool for spiking stone that's too hard to cut with a simple pick.
  9. Random Durability

    Oh my goodness... I already have enough shocks when my picks break on schedule, I'd probably have a stroke and go grey if they broke at random.
  10. Chisels and mining stone

    Actually, they can't. I'm talking about using a chisel to cut regular (not smooth) stone blocks from the wall, with a left-click action like a pick would do, but without breaking it into cobblestone pieces or needing to remove all the other blocks around it. Like I said, Ala the silk touch enchantment. All stone picks have the same hardness. Claystone picks have less durability but can still cut through granite just as easily as granite picks can. Yes, hammers are more likely to cause cave-ins, precisely *because* they have more blunt force in the swings, but proper reinforcement is still relevant. In the end, this is a quantity over quality issue. I could see a hammer having a % chance to reduce the targeted stone to useless rubble scraps instead of cobblestone.
  11. Chisels and mining stone

    This is two suggestions, but they are related: 1: Chisels as stone gathering tools: It seems to me a chisel should be usable as a pick to mine native stone directly into block form without carving around it. (ala silk touch) 2: Sledgehammers as stone busting / cobblestone gathering tools: In the same way a chisel should be usable as a pick, a hammer should also be usable for the heavy-labor portion of mining, to bust through hard stone quickly and easily. I have difficulty seeing how someone could make a pick blade out of chunks of claystone and break walls of granite with it. This could also be used for progression and efficiency as well, by requiring picks for gathering ores but allowing a player a little more ease when they are actually digging.
  12. A new precursor age

    I think it's already tough enough to deal with dying of starvation on day 3 without eating zombie meat. That aside, I think there are a few mechanics I'd like to see to increase the importance of food management: Killing cows and pigs can drop a single "slab" of meat, that can either be cooked and prepared into 1-2 low-quality meals or they can be butchered (with the appropriate tools) for a greater yield. (Basically the same as converting logs into planks in current TFC) Eggs and sheep should be edible. (As well as squid and cats and dogs, but...) If a fix is ever implemented to make metal cool while in a chest, the same mechanic could apply to food: meat goes bad if it isn't chilled or jerked. Even different grains would rot at different rates. Without any of those, stockpiling food won't work.