Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Iwitrag

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  1. I have been playing TFC and I have found zombie villager. Then I thought that it would be cool to cure him somehow and make him a villager. Villager in TFC would accept gems from mining underground and could give some needed items in return, like graphite which is tough to find for lot of ppl. What do u think?
  2. Hello, is there any way how can I change the size of rock layers? They are too big and it makes finding specific ore difficult. Thanks
  3. Any map mod with waypoint groups ?

    Hey, I tried Mapwriter, but it does not have in-game waipoints. Only on map. Your english is better than mine
  4. Any map mod with waypoint groups ?

    I have found Xaeros minimap but sadly it does not have full-screen map which is must have for TFC
  5. Hey there, does anybody know any map mod with waypoint group functionality? Example: I have enabled in-game waypoints which shows as beacons, so I can easily see where to go without looking at map. In TFC there are usually so many waypoints (ores, fruit trees, caves and other places of interest). I don't want to see ALL of beacons... usually I want to see only mines, only caves, etc... So it would be handy if I could 'scroll' between waypoint groups and show only beacons of waypoints from active group. Hope that makes sense
  6. Legit gathering of missing resources

    sounds good, did you manage somehow to export resulting image to the mod itself, replacing map's data?
  7. Legit gathering of missing resources

    I wonder if there is any map mod which allows adding these titles directly into map, that would be awesome
  8. Hey, I was wondering, if you play legit (no cheats) and you play in a world for quite some time ... and then you are unable to find something (for example needed resource to progress further in tech tree). How do you solve that? For example: I generate new world and transfer all my stuff into this new world – BUT – my rule is that I can transfer only half of everything... like half of equipment, half of ores, half of ingots, etc...
  9. TerraFirmaCrack Season 4

    Hey, I have recently watched all the TerraFirmaCrack videos on YouTube (from all Seasons, all members, all teams) and I had a great fun watching it. Season 3 took place in 2014. I was wondering: Will Season 4 happen? Is it somehow planned? Or does anybody have some info at least? For those who don't know what TerraFirmaCrack is: its a competition where several teams try to gather the best thing possible in 14-days timespan and then they battle & one team wins. The most interesting on it is that you can watch team's progress from each team's perspective and compare their experience.
  10. Create mod to extend day duration

    And does it work properly? I've heard that some time modifying mods can break TFC mechanism somehow.
  11. Hey, is it possible to create a mod to extend day/night cycle, so days are not so short? I would like to do that the same way like TFC slows down day/night cycle when no players are online. How can I achieve this? Any ideas? Reason for this: When we are playing TFC on server, days are very, very short. The problem is that we cannot skip the night because there are so many players playing and its hard to force all of them to go to bed.