Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About MonyClair

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    Wood Cutter

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  1. Simple "playability" changes.

    If i can suggest to replace clay, and not to make it universal on any biome who is not reallist. Their is a way to make pots with lime or bone meal.
  2. Together We Thrive Server (New/Old)

    The new version of the server dont use bukit if i'm not wrong.
  3. Hardcore TFC

    There is a new server for french comunity with similar mods and configs
  4. TFC1 1.12+ port

    I think we are okay about that at first ^^
  5. TFC1 1.12+ port

    I agree. TFC could be a lot more enjoyable with a more natural water system tahn the currently one. Wich means, more corals in tropical latitudes, kelps in cold areas ... Icebergs on water and fields ...
  6. Together We Thrive Server (New/Old)

    Hello. The server is still running and with many people on. Take a look !
  7. Together We Thrive Server (New/Old)

    Many people on the server aldays ! 5 to 15 when i'm playing. Some lags, but its a real pleasure to play on this server. Soon we will build a shop near the spawn.
  8. TFC1 1.12+ port

    Sorry, but its logic in reallity, you absolutely cant drink sea water ... Its salty. An you can only find fresh water in specific places like stream and pound or big lakes ... Its obvious for me and many people. If you want to correct the fresh water blocs on shore of some sea and ocean okay ... But changing the gameplay mecanics, no way.
  9. Primitive Technology TFC add-on mod

    If you want to try a game with ore reallistic features : ECO - Strange Loop Games
  10. TFC1 1.12+ port

    Yeah ... And millenaire is really complex. One of the most complex mod i know with TFC. Have do many bug hunting for Cedric long time ago.
  11. [] - Crafting The Ages {PVP} {Towny}

    My game crash if I ad dynamic ligth in the game, and I cant connect to the server I think because i dont have dynamic ligth.
  12. [] - Crafting The Ages {PVP} {Towny}

    Towny and PvP ... YES
  13. You should use towny. Towny plugin have a war fonction for faction. So people who dont have a faction are free to stay out of pvp.
  14. What's the smallest vein of anything you've ever found?

    On the first public server i was playing with a friend, we have found after a long trip to the cold north some cassiterit nugget and start to dig. 2 hours after we find the first ore, taking it and try to find the rest of the vein ... Surprise, with a single ore we have mined, the sample of cassiterit on the whole big hole we have dig is medium, when all the time we was in a rich sample. But we finnaly find more 100 meter up lol.