Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Krski

  1. 1up

    /me says : " Zero gravity , anti-matter negative flame fire is the future ! "
  2. Last comment wins

    *Elevates bombs
  3. Ask the person below you

    Rocket ! Do you like to rock ?
  4. Ridiculous Suggestions

    We need quantum combustible , collapsable computers !
  5. 1up

    /me says : " Cold anti-matter fire is through the roof ! "
  6. Last comment wins

    *Initiates siezmic quake machine
  7. Destroy the picture above you

    Rolph is not amused ...
  8. Ask the person below you

    Nah , milk and honey are better anytime ... Which do you find more accurate , the micro or macro verse ?
  9. 1up

    /me says : " Anti-matter fire is even greater . "
  10. Last comment wins

    *Lays down sea mines and drops napalm on the surface water .
  11. Destroy the picture above you

    You do realize that's the exact same time-space ... right ?
  12. Ask the person below you

    He has to maintain a body index diet . Why are there little people in my TV ?
  13. Funny / interesting / popular quotes

    He who has a why to live , can bare almost any how . - Friedrich Nietzsche
  14. 1up

    /me says : "Greek fire is soooooooo , much , better ... fam ..."
  15. Last comment wins

    Much kawaii , senpai , approves !
  16. Destroy the picture above you

    Meh ... *Time jumps ...
  17. Last comment wins

  18. Destroy the picture above you

    In this world line of this universe among the multiverses , your dark energy extraction never had any effect , and drifted into another universe , HYPERSPACE ... Now that's something dangerous ... hyperspace dark energy ... MWAHAHAHAAHHA !
  19. 1up

    /me says : "Then the explosion you 've trigered must have been a anti-matter implosion , good luck , fam , you're gonna need it ! " *Laughs in English
  20. Ask the person below you

    Depends on the skill with the tongue . Would you burn lifes house down ?
  21. Destroy the picture above you

    Nuclear non-proliferation , do you even know how to politics ?
  22. Ask the person below you

    Someone , that , sometimes , somewhere , for some reason ? Are you a pyromaniac ?
  23. Last comment wins

    Oh my , how rude , do you kiss your mother ? With that mouth ?
  24. 1up

    /me says : "Check the map fam , you just nuked your nukeular reactor ..."