Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About ntwitch

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    Wood Cutter
  • Birthday 04/23/1981

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  1. Bletch probably needs to fix the link or use another download site. You can get this mod from the Technofirma pack on the FTB Launcher. Here is the server download for Technofirma. The file you need is in the mods folder, [1.7.10]TFCUdaryMod-0.2.3.jar
  2. How do i gather drinking water?

    Also, I haven't seen anyone mention this in this thread yet: You need to be using an empty hand. You can't drink with anything in your hand.
  3. Unable to store food in small vessels

    I think I can understand the confusion here. I've seen people confused about this in the HappyDiggers server as well. It's because it is different when food is involved. Splitting a stack of any item other than food does not change whether it will fit in a container. A stack of items will either always or never fit in a certain type of container. Number of items in the stack never matters. Players may expect that the TFC container size of the item will not differ as long as the item texture is the same.
  4. Indeed it is possible, and it should have been that way anyway. I've submitted a fix for this.
  5. Bows Broken

    No idea what you are talking about. I just tested, and I sometimes one-shot mobs and animals with a fully charged bow. Keep in mind that the animation is incorrect in build 78, and you have to draw the bow for about 6 full seconds before it's at full power. The damage the arrow does depends on the force it was fired with.
  6. Has anyone had any success using a gold pan?

    ..That would be because you just pulled a 10 month old post out of mothballs. The gold pan has been rewritten now.
  7. [solved] Knife-Food-Item duplication (not a bug)

    This is not a duplication. Look at the weight of the two items you now have, compared to the weight of the original item. If you craft a knife with a food item when the food item has no decay, it cuts it in half.
  8. Bows Broken

    I've submitted a fix for the bow using arrows from the quiver even if it's not charged enough to fire. The problem with the arrow not flying far enough is an animation problem which I cannot fix in build 78. When the bow appears fully drawn it is only about 2/3 of the way drawn. Hold it longer, and the arrow will fly further and straighter. TFC makes it take a bit longer to draw the bow. Also, armor makes it slower. Unfortunately vanilla MC has hard-coded the animation of the bow item into the player. This will be fixed in Build 79 because TFC is no longer overriding the vanilla bow, and is instead handling its own animation.
  9. [Solved] Wolves + Bears Arent Attacking

    Cannot reproduce. Using 78.13 all bears and wolves I come across will attack the player properly. Are you using any other mods? Are you in creative mode?
  10. Crashing on startup

    You're only giving it 512Mb of RAM. I would suggest at least 1Gb. Also, you have 2 different -Xmx flags "-Xmx1G -Xmx512M" You should make sure to clear any extra arguments you have set in your launcher, and just use one argument "-Xmx1G"
  11. (Solved) The Blast Furnace Block drop

    The Blast Furnace structure changed a lot in build 78, from the build 78 changelog: Blast Furnace now requires Fire Brick Blocks as its chimney as well as for the outer sides to have wrought iron or better metal sheets on them. The blast furnace now needs to be lit with a fire starter or flint & steel instead of working automatically.Added Fire Bricks. Craft 4 fire clay in a 2x2 grid to get 2 clay brick, which need to be fired in a pit kiln. Craft the fired brick items with mortar like all other bricks to create Fire Brick Blocks. Minimum size blast furnace:
  12. Melting ice was fixed, it seems that breaking fresh water ice still gives salt water.
  13. [Solved] Unable to place blast furnace block

    With questions about multiblock structures in mods, always provide a screenshot. This is usually some mistake made in the structure. The Blast Furnace structure changed a lot in build 78, if the video you watched was made for build 77, it will definitely not work. From the build 78 changelog: Blast Furnace now requires Fire Brick Blocks as its chimney as well as for the outer sides to have wrought iron or better metal sheets on them. The blast furnace now needs to be lit with a fire starter or flint & steel instead of working automatically.Added Fire Bricks. Craft 4 fire clay in a 2x2 grid to get 2 clay brick, which need to be fired in a pit kiln. Craft the fired brick items with mortar like all other bricks to create Fire Brick Blocks.
  14. Gold Pan Crash?

    Re-download 78.10, this is fixed.
  15. If anyone here is still having this problem in 78.10, re-download it. There was a stealth update to 78.10 that actually included the fix. This means if you're still getting the "item has been worked" on a finished item from the anvil, you've got a bad copy of 78.10.