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Hello everyone, A couple of years ago (early 2013) I had created a mod for Terrafirmacraft that provided a method to craft and use items such as medication and bandages (right click and the bandage heals you). It was pretty popular at the time I released it, but soon after I created it I stopped releasing updates. I had a thought a couple of weeks ago that I would upload the source code of the mod so anyone that is interested can use my ideas and update it for the public to use. I've done no research into whether or not this is completely obsolete now. The last version of minecraft this was made for was 1.4.6 and it relies solely on minecraft forge (i.e. you could use it without terrafirmacraft installed, but all of the properties were designed to work with the version of terrafirmacraft I had made it for). Here is a link to the old discussion post about the mod: I have attached the source code (and any textures I could find) to this post, so feel free to download it and play around with it. I apologize for the state the code might be in, I threw this together quickly from the latest version I was working on, in January 2013, so there are probably some unfinished ideas in there. My only request for those of you that use this is that you credit my username. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message or post on this page, I'll try to check it from time to time. Cheers, mbolz mbolz medical mod source
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Hello everyone, To anyone still interested in this mod, I have posted the source code here: Cheers, mbolz
Hello! Welcome to the medical mod post. This is a mod I have created to fix the lack of medicine in the current game, and is an "add-on" to TFC (although it will also work in vanilla, but will be super OP as the heal rates are adjusted to work with TFC health) . I created it because I currently play on a server which runs TFC, and we are actively fighting mobs and wished for a alternative to sleeping to regain health. It is possible you also know me as "locoroco555" as that is my old user name. This mod does not edit any TFC code, and can be installed without TFC. (I just reccomend agaisnt using it without TFC) The mod adds the following items and features to the game: - five different types of powder - five different types of bandages - non-medicated bandage - pestel - Mortar and Pestle - Allows use of bandages on other players by simply hitting them with the bandage - Allows use of bandage on self, by right clicking when the bandage is equipped - Fully customizable rates - Poison Things! - Heal or Poison Animals CURRENT RECOMMENDED VERSION (1.4.6): (as of the above version, you can now place the zip file directly in your mods folder) Mod Post on Minecraft Forums (outdated): http://www.minecraft...l-mod-spmp-146/ If you like the mod and want to see it grow and expand, pass me a like both here and on the minecraft forums post (link above). News: Feb 3: Exams done, however, I will be delaying the release of v8, due to the little progress I have made in the past little while. I hope to have it completed soon though. I am also looking into adding random virus' and the possibility of having a wound infected. Remides will be craftable of course to cure these, as the bandages will maintain their current purpose of providing quick healing in tight situations . Jan 26: v7 released today, download above and enjoy the now fully customizable config! Also, first exam done 3 left! Jan 22: Final exams this week and next week, so I wont be able to begin adding the planned features till the first. But I am hoping to release an update which includes a config file, some new bandages and improved recipes by the fourth. Screenshots: (coming soon, for now take a look at recipes) Recipes: Note: Sadly, due to an image limit on the posts, you will need to clink the link to see the recipes The recipes for the bandages requires colours of dyes, I will mention the required dye colour under each recipe. The bandages build on each other. I have done this to make the bandages increasingly more expensive as you build it up. I do not plan to change it in the future (unless of course the community absolutely hates it). This mod also happens to add a use for bones by using them to make dyes! If you find the recipes annoying, I suggest you try the easy crafting table mod (google it). It makes crafting things much easier, so it will assist until I eventual change the recipes. Base Items: These are all shaped recipes. Pestle: https://dl.dropbox.c...l%20Recipie.png Mortar & Pestle: https://dl.dropbox.c...26%20Pestle.png Non-Medicated: https://dl.dropbox.c...d%20Bandage.png Glass Shard: Medical Powder: These are all shapeless recipes. Powder I (uses pink dyes): https://dl.dropbox.c.../Powder%20I.png Powder II (uses orange dyes): https://dl.dropbox.c...Powder%20II.png Powder III (uses red dys): https://dl.dropbox.c...owder%20III.png Powder IV (uses magenta dyes): https://dl.dropbox.c...Powder%20IV.png Powder V (uses purple dyes): https://dl.dropbox.c.../Powder%20V.png Medicated Bandages: These are all shapeless recipes. Medicated Bandage I: https://dl.dropbox.c...Bandage%20I.png Medicated Bandage II: https://dl.dropbox.c...andage%20II.png Medicated Bandage III: https://dl.dropbox.c...ndage%20III.png Medicated Bandage IV: https://dl.dropbox.c...andage%20IV.png Medicated Bandage V: https://dl.dropbox.c...Bandage%20V.png Poison Items: Antipoison Powder: Antipoison: Poison Powder I: Poison Powder II: Poisoned Shard I: Poison Shard II: (special thanks to the NEI mod for allowing me to screenshot my recipes) Download: Note: The same file is used for both the server and the client, so you only need to download it once 1.4.6: Previous Versions: v6.1 for 1.4.6: How to Install: Client: 1. Download mod here: 2. Take the downloaded zip file and place it in your .minecraft/mods folder 3. Run minecraft 4. Heal yourself! Server: 1. Download mod here: 2. Place the downloaded zip file in your server's mods file 3. Run your server 4. Launch your client (Note the mod is needed client side is needed to play on the server) 5. Heal yourself! Future Plans: -change textures for the mortar and pestel and the pestel -add new ways and methods of healing -continue balancing -improve recipes (they can be a bit of a pain at the current moment) -adding new tiers of bandages -implement a medical crafting grinder, which converts dyes into powder without the need of a crafting table -check if flowers respawn (if they don't create a work around so that you can make medicine even without flowers, suggest ideas for a work around please ) -attempt to make more compatibility with the minerals, seeds, and other things found in TFC (potentially add a true false to the planned config file, to toggle recipes on or off) -add a stethoscope, which displays the heart rate of the player right clicked on with it (this will allow for more efficient healing during SMP, so a dedicated medic does not require the fighting players to stop and request a bandage, it will however, require that the medic understand the system I will implement, as where the lower your health is, the higher the heart rate will be (or something like that)) Added Features: (just keeps track of what has been added since the first version (v6)) New in v7: -config added -anti-poison added -poisons added Servers: (servers that use TFC and this mod) FTRD Roleplay (this is the sevrer I originally made the mod for): Ranoke: http://terrafirmacra...rtmovepveb2-75/ Disclaimer: Please note that I am not responsible for any damages to your computer, to your minecraft, to your saved worlds, to your server, or for ay other thing that could possible go wrong. Please also respect my right as a modder, who created this mod from the ground up by not releasing my mod publicly. If you wish to use this mod in your mod pack, go right ahead (however, you will need permission form TFC devs to use TFC in your pack) just post a link to this post and credit my name ENJOY!!
- 55 replies
Hello, It's been a while since I've done anything on this mod due to me being extremely busy with school. I realize that the mod is now out of date, and I apologize for that. I will see what I can do towards updating it, but I am currently to short on time to add anything new to it. I hope that in a few days I'll have some time on my hands to update the mod. About that, it may be an issue with my dropbox, if you install the mod NEI you should be able to find the recipe that way until I can fix the problem. (I believe TMI may also have a "recipe book" but I'm not 100% sure. Sorry for the wait, mbolz
Heres a list of mods that I have running with the 1.4.6 version of TFC Jar -Optifine -Anything required to be in the jar to run the following mods Core Mods -Code Chicken Core -Not Enough Items -Dynamic Lights Mods -Asgard's shields -Harken Scythe Mod -Backpack Mod -Custom NPC -Inventory Tweaks -Medical mod (made by me ) -Railcraft -RopesPlus -Smart Moving -Easy Crafting -TFC Universal -Thaumcraft 3 -Update Checker Mod -Xie's Mod -Rei's Mini map -Catapult Mod (structure generation is off fo course) -Dust mod - Secret Rooms Of course I needed to make some changes to many config files, I can provide them by private message if anyone is interested. One thing I would like to point out is Xie's Mod. It is unbelievably amazing. It is an API which allows people to create their own items and blocks, (and other stuff) with JSON syntax text files. It's simple to learn and it works great with TFC because you can alter values to allow the items you create to actually have an effect, unlike most other mods that tend to lack that compatibility issue with the TFC health system. Also, if you haven't seen it yet, give my mod a try, update planned for tomorrow night. It's made specifically to work with the TFC health system. Look here: Custom NPC's works amazingly, especially when your using multiple mods that usually you would consider incompatible. It allows you to create custom recipes. So if for example you are using thaumcraft with TFC, you wont have access to all the recipes, but you can go into the NPC settings and alter recipes. Then you'll be able to use it at any time on any crafting table. IF I was playing in survival alone, I would most likely not actually use the NPC's to trade with, but just use the recipes.
I'll be releasing an update sometime in the next few days hopefully, all I need to do is the textures. Sadly the update will no include everything I wished it to have, but non the less, it will still add some things. I also will not be hanging the recipe for anti-poison, just because the ink sacs would make a very thick liquid already, and all the anti-poison is is mushed up ink sacs in a glass bottle, I could almost just change the recipe to be drinking the ink right out of the sac lol.
Hey, Sorry I haven't been around too much, I've jut been a lot busier than I expected to be with my new semester. Hopefully I'll have some time this weekend to hop on ~mbolz
I am sorry to note that the update planed for today will be postponed for a week. This is mainly due to me being very busy. I do plan to spend the majority of my friday night modding, so hopefully nothing gets in the way of that. In the meantime, you can use v7, which can be downloaded in the OP. It includes the fully customizable config file, so feel free to play around with your own balancing. If you come up with a combination that you think is better, let me know and I can test it out and possibly make it official. You can also upload your config file to mediafire or dropbox or something similar, and post the link. I will then put the link in the OP for others to download and use. You can also check out the list of things I plan to have in v8 below: - the possibility of having a wound infected when a certain amount of damage is taken, this will cause negative effects on the player - the possibility of breaking a limb when a certain amount of damage is taken, more negative effects - the ability to remide the above, along with other remide items which will hint at future virus' - 5 new tiers of bandages - balanced posions Sorry for the delay, mbolz
Will do, I'll have it in the update planed for this weekend
Does flans planes not work with TFC?
there actually is a dragon mounting mod if your interested: http://www.minecraft...mounts-092-wip/ only issue with dragons is they are fairly OP. I am moving south We shall have the strongest colony ever!
Hey! I was wondering if I could apply for a whitelist to the server. My IGN is mbolz. Also, I'm happy to see your all benefiting from my mod p.s. I can see from skimming through some of these pages that you like mods on the server, and I may be able to assit you to add more if your looking for it, as I have a long list of mods in my game currently that I have working in harmony with TFC and each other
You can also enable recipes for the vanilla furnace in the config, which will allow you to do it. I can make a work around though in the next update.
New Update to v7! Whats new: - Poisons (Still need to be improved, current damage is to insignificant, will be fixed in an update in near future) - Anitpoison - Fully Customizable config! To further explain, the new config file will allow you to completely edit the rates of the mod. Not only can you adjust the Id's, you can also change the length of time any tier of bandage will regenerate your health for, alter the regeneration values, and alter the instant heal values. You can also do this with the poisons to adjust how strong and how long you want the tiers of poisons to last. Also, do not change the TFC option to true yet, as it will cause non of the recipes to be created whe you load your game. The increased TFC compatibility by using ID's is still a work in progress, which I hope to have done by the fourth (if possible)! The poisons work fine, but without editing their effects int he config file you probably wont get the results you were hoping for. This will be the case until the next update, which will hopefully be soon. Recipes and download links in OP. Hope you like it p.s. if you plan on altering the config file for your server, you will need to ensure every player on that server gets the altered config file (essentially upload the altered config file to drop box or mediafire and send your community the link)
Great! I can remove a work around then from my todo list, unless people find they are running out of flowers extremely quickly and require one.
Sounds great glad to hear more people like my mod! I do believe that roses respawn, similar to how long grass does. It will just take a while, so maybe try to preserve your medication. If there is a large issue with the lacking of flowers, I can try to make a work around, possibly using certain mob drops to produce the dye. One work around I could think of now, is the ability to squeeze dyes out of wool, so if you died a few sheep red and farmed them, you'd be able to shear em and then squeeze the dyes out of the wool. It's a bit far fetched, but if the problem exists, and I don't get a better suggestion, I'll probably implement something like that.
The mortar and pestle is a container, so you should only ever need to build one. The only problem with it is it will toss it out of the crafting table after you make an item. I do wish to add a specialized table which implements the mortar and pestle into it so this does not happen. A medicine cabinet is a good idea, but you should have the ability to put the bandages in regular chests, so I'm not sure if I will do that. I am limited to the use of specific things found only in TFC because I cannot edit TFC code, so I don't think I will be able to implement saplings. Edit: I suggest using the easy crafting mod until I edit the recipes, it makes the crafting recipes a bit easier to carry out. Just google easy crafting mod. I would have done minerals and saplings and fruits and vegetables, however I am limited to the use of vanilla items that can be acquired in TFC, as I am not allowed to edit the TFC code. I may add posions at some point, possibly with the use of green dyes? Thanks , I'm happy to be receiving so much positive support. Yea, I realize that. I mostly just made this mod because I wanted to fix the current lacking. It is just a substitute until medicine is added into TFC. That is a good idea, I'll look into implementing something like that. Possibly add it to the future config file, so you can toggle TFC true or false. Hope you like it! Thanks everyone for the positive feedback! I have exams going on currently, but once they are done I will begin working on my todo list
Yep, you need to install it on both sides. It's all the same download though, just plop the zip you download in your mods folder for your server and it should work
Im wondering if TeraFirmaCraft has any role playing servers.
mbolz replied to jale shadowhunter's topic in Discussion
I don't have it posted in the server portion of the forums yet, but I will be making one soon hopefully -
Yep, its up 24/7. Just follow the website link and create a character app to get yourself whitelisted.
Im wondering if TeraFirmaCraft has any role playing servers.
mbolz replied to jale shadowhunter's topic in Discussion
There is one! Heres the website: It's loads of fun , and is a heavy RP server, you should check it out. -
I can get to work on a config file, but I chances are I wont be able to do much modding til early February due to exams. Yes, that would probably be a good idea to push lapis up the tiers as we get new bandages. Also, I do believe flowers regrow, but they take a long time.
I realize that would be easier to just install the zip, however I have tried countless times to determine why just dropping the zip in doesn't work. I can put it on my list of things to figure out in the future, but for now you'll just have to do the simple unzip. It's not nearly as bad as installing mods back in minecraft alpha and beta, when you needed to put every mod in the jar file. Edit: Ok so as I was writing the above, I had a realization of my problem. I will be uploading a new version which you can install by just putting the zip file in your mods folder.
Maybe, although there are cacti in TFC if you find a desert, so maybe I could add a new recipe to craft it (you can also enable furnaces in the config options of the game if you want green dyes). I was thinking of possibly using green dyes in future updates if I make more tiers of bandages. Since the health value increase as you level up, the bandages will begin to have less and less of a noticeable effect on the health bar (which I am already beginning to notice at level 120), so at some point there will probably be 10 tiers of bandages to account for those who have a few hundred levels of exp.
Its all my code, it does not actually require TFC to run, I just made the effects at a rate where they will actually have an effect with the TFC health system (i.e really high regeneration amplitudes and such). If you wished to run this mod without TFC go for it, but every bandage will provide you an insta-heal due to the regeneration amplitudes. So to just more clearly answer your question: No, it does not modify any TFC code. (I will add this statement to the OP)