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I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again. -
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Content count
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Last visited
Posts posted by DankNStein
EPISODE TEN IS HERE..... Ingots starting to accumulate nicely
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EPISODE 6 and we are picking up some steam now!
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Episode 4 and counting... Settling Down
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In episode 28 we work towards a mega enchantment table build with a classic dank montage to finish...
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Its been about a 4 month break but I'm back at it again.... Enjoy!
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Time for some casual boss killing...
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Lots of PvE fun in the latest episode. Its time to play DUNGEON MASTER
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In episode 21 we struggle to find blaze powder... and get very distracted dungeon crawling.
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EPISODE 20! We made it. Time to start some Railcraft...
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Some building and lots of fighting with our new Red / Blue Steel weapons!
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Episode 16... WE BUILD A PUB! About time... DankNStein loves a good Drank-in-Stein...
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I have been waiting for this game since Banjo-Tooie. FInally, we can all just forget Nuts and Bolts and move on with our lives. In a strange twist of fate, Banjo and Kazooie now have their dignity back, thanks to new characters making the true third game possible. Here are my first reactions to launching the game for the first time yesterday...
Please share with me your initial impressions too, eager to hear what all the old school Banjo fans feel.
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this makes me very happy. im gonna give it a whirl shortly! BIG UP YASELF BIOXX!
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And we have hit black steel. I'm getting seriously gassed about this series now... hope you are enjoying it!
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Out on the road doing some exploring.... EPISODE 11!
We collect the last two metals... GOT ALL THE METALS BABY! yessssh
Peace x
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in Suggestions
this would be awesome. great idea man
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Making a max size blast furnace... anyone who's done this before will appreciate the time investment here haha...
Hope you enjoy the episode, please do leave me your feedback!
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Ingots 4 dayz. Its montage time.... METAL MONTAGE! Watch as I stack the ingots high baby!
TFC Livestream starting now!
in Videos ( and Live Stream )
Gonna try some livestreaming TFC today.... starting now yo!