Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sugar_F0x

  1. Rails of War coupling problems

    So, I've been messing around with Dires007 latet server modpack for quite a while now, tweaking things here and there so that all my needs were satisfied, but then I though, why not replace Ralicraft with Rails of War? And there I was, messing around with those huge tracks and trains And everything was pretty good up until the moment when I tried to couple two wagons together - no luck with that Every time I hit a wagon with a crowbar so as to couple, it activates coupling but then instantly releases the wagon, so that i can not couple it with the other one Tried testing it with and without all the mods one by one - TFC is the one causing it to happen, works fine in vanilla and with all the otehr vanilla mods like OptiFine or BetterFoliage So, does anybody have any couappenning and if there is anything I could do about it? Really with i could use it on my very old but loved save
  2. Sandy city

    Deamn those structures This is looking great so far, man, keep it up
  3. Ropes disappearing

    So, I've been expanding my town for quite some time now It has grown so large that it takes forever to get from one side to another Thus I've started using horses 24/7 My base is well lit with lantern on lantern poles It's very convinient because you can tie your horse to it anywhere you are However, there is one downside to it If you leave the chunk and reenter it - the rope breaks leaving the horse to wander the area and getting itself stuck in some unwanted places Same goes for wolves I've caught a couple of them and tamed Didn't really want them to run around at the time so I tied them up to a pole They were sitting nicely for some time But then I went to the stables to feed the horses That's when the things got real One of the dogs broke it's leash and teleported to me Then that bastard turned feral and killed my mule - the fastest breed I've ever had That was a bummer I even got to building a marble monument as a tribute to that mule ---- Khm... so... the question is Is there a way to prevent the ropes from breaking? Or maybe disabling the rope breaking mechanics at all? Not sure if that would help as I'm not entirelly sure why the ropes break in the first place
  4. Different stone types have different hardnesses

    From what I see it would introduce prioritizing of ore viens not only by their distance from your home base, but also by the difficulty of the ore extraction For instance, I'd prefer to travel 2km south and mine some iron from Rhyolite stone rather than 500m north and extract it from Gabbo Not sure if iron actually generates in these stones but you get the idea
  5. Simple "playability" changes.

    I've been living in a dry and cold mountainous area with no troubles for almost 5 ingame years (2 real years) Still expanding, adding structures and assigning each a function
  6. Does this forum have to be dead?

    Actually, the forum hasn't been so alive in quite a long time now With the 1.12+ port comming up and TFC2 in beta development running, the community is slowly starting to grow back to the forum again
  7. Spawn Protection Radius

    Is there a way to increase the chunk radius in wich spawn protection accumulates? I've build quite a big settlement and decided to build a wall around it. To my dissappointment, the spawn protection radius is not enough and mobs keep spawning within the wall perimeter I've looked through the config but couldn't find anything connected to grid radius, only accumulation variables
  8. Spawn Protection Radius

    I do know how the protection accumulates, but the thing is that I'll have to sleep in different beds every now and then, which is kind of annoying
  9. Stuck in bloomery

    press escape and open the world to LAN with cheats enabled Then, go into gamemode 1and get yourself out of there Reset your gamemode back to 0 and reenter your world
  10. Adamantine

    This may be a good thingfor those into magic, but I personally love TFC for it's believable setting with only the undead mobs as an exception I have a large modpack of my own, but it's heavily focused on making the game even more immersive and to fortify the medievel style Not sure if I delivered the idea properly, english is not my first language, but I hope you got it just right Putting my own preferences aside, as I've already mentioned, this is a nice idea However, I think it would be extremely difficult to locate these spikes due to the world's height as it is Hardly ever do I go venturing into caves, as I usually play on hard difficulty and it's not profitable in any way whatsoever Finding it while mining a mineshaft is yet ever more unlikely, as most of the mineshafts are build on the top or middle level Rarely (if ever) di I mine to the bottom one
  11. Do you check the forum everyday?

    I hop in every 2-3 days just to see if there are any new interesting topics up I'm also daily thinking of publishing yet another Show Off topic with my latest playthrough, cuz' it's been going much better then I first expected Here's one of the many latest screenshots, just to see if anybody would have been interested to read the whole hostiry behind the "Village of Chrystal Arch" By the way, it's the same world i've posted a map to not too long ago Here it is as well
  12. Legit gathering of missing resources

    Oh that's what he meant Didn't quite get that the first time I read it Sorry, english is not my first language Anyway, no, I do not import it back at all The reason being that whenever I visit a chunk that has to have thenameI painted over in Photoshop will get refreshed and replaced with a newer version of it thus removing every name i've written
  13. Any map mod with waypoint groups ?

    I use JourneyMap and make groups myself via naming For example, every time a find an ore nugget, i mark the area with a name: [Ore] Ore_name When I get my hands on digging a mine, i rename it to be: [Mine] Ore_name - ore_richness And when the mineshaft gets depleated, i makr it as such: [Depleated] Ore_name - ore_richness Then I siply sort all the waypoints by their name and get a list sorted out All the ores of the same type are listed one after another All the mineshafts are also groupped So are depleated mines The usual waypoints have no prefix, but the important ones I usually start with and underscore__ Thus it always stays at the top of the waypoint list
  14. Legit gathering of missing resources

    Journey Map mod lets you export the final image of the Whole map into a png file saved in your screenshots folder
  15. Legit gathering of missing resources

    it really would have been cool, but personally I don't know any of the kind I just have a project in photoshop with 2 layers: top layer with names and the bottom layer with the map Whenever we explore some more terrain, i just replace the old map with anew oneand all the names remain in their places
  16. Legit gathering of missing resources

    The only valid option i see here is travelling My friends and I spend whole late-spring upto early autumn exploring Last weekend we even ended up naming our map