Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by aliceingame

  1. I would have to disagree with that argument. There is many kind of tools that fit in chests, like knife, chisel, hammer and propick (that is 27% of the tools). The tool that can not fit in the chest are medium or large, so if the problem is that the rope is medium, then make it small so it can fit in the chest and on the tool rack. I tought that this addition was nice, it give the opportunity for players to have more storing options and it remove nothing to the game or the gameplay.
  2. A Bug Request

    I think the same about IRL vegetarianism!
  3. A Bug Request

    Mayaknife did a vegetarian TFC let's play
  4. Why this mod become hardcore ?

    You know, many new features have been requested coutless times by many players in the suggestion forum. If you ask people to chose, they will most likely choose what make the game the hardest, so the dev are also going this way. For example, in this poll 25% voted to make it easier, 50% voted to keep it the same and 25% asked to make it harder. For the torches, 60% of people are ok with it as it is. If you hope to change something, you should talk more about changes you would like to see to make them happen, to leave will bring nothing. Of couse, there is many aspects that can be adjusted in the config and make the game more enjoyable for you. As the mod is in beta and always add new features, you must have some patience, as new features need to be tested, bug need to be fixed and one day, the new features will work as well as many old features, that's why we always have a lot of hotfix after the release of a new build. Keep reporting bugs until there is no more bug.
  5. [SOLVED]Game crash, unable to even get in to play

    I guess I quoted as he edited
  6. [SOLVED]Game crash, unable to even get in to play

    TFC Beta For MC v1.7.10 (Built using Minecraft Forge v10.13.1.1217) And kitty, the pastebin link appear when you quote him
  7. Adding New Music?

    That is exactly it ! I suggested to use a working ressource pack so you don't have to worry about the fact that it could not work for some reasons. If you have any questions about making the texture pack, feel free to ask, I made one myself and I can help you with details. I never edited the sound, but if you where able to change it in the .jar, you should be able to do the same in the pack.
  8. Adding New Music?

    I will quote myself Ressources pack exist for one purpose, it's to overwrite content of the asset folder, so you can customise your textures and sound without having to touch the .jar file.
  9. Adding New Music?

    You can follow the exact same steps, but instead of changing the files in the .jar, you change them in the ressource pack I'll steal the previous step by step to show you how it's easy, in green what changed THE PROCESS 0. Download a working ressource pack 1. Open the ressource pack and delete all texture from it (but keep the basic file structure) and edit the pack.mcmeta file to change the name of the pack If you have 7-zip as so: If you don't have 7-zip (it's free, by the way), you can also get the necessary files by unpacking the archive. 2. Extract sounds.json from TFC .jar (which you can find in "[xxx]TerraFirmaCraft-xx.jarassetsterrafirmacraft") to a new folder, destination of your choice. 3. Pick songs between about 1:30 to 5:30 in length. 4. Convert them to .ogg using any of the free .ogg softwares available. 5. Open the sounds.json file using notepad or notepad++. 6. Navigate to "music.tfc", which is near the bottom as of this writing. 7. At the end of {"name": "music/m4", "stream": true} add a comma! 8. Copy {"name": "music/m4", "stream": true}, and paste it immediately after. Change the m4 to the name of the song you are adding. 9. Repeat 8 for as many songs as you are adding. 10. Delete the final comma on the last song. Your list should look something like this: 11. Copy the new sounds.json into the ressource pack in "assetsterrafirmacraft"). Overwrite if prompted. 12. Copy the new music.ogg files in the ressource pack to "assetsterrafirmacraftsoundsmusic". 13. Test/Profit.
  10. Adding New Music?

    check this : you can download a texture pack to see the file structure then the only thing you really need is the pack.mcmeta file.
  11. Adding New Music?

    I sound to me as this could be done via ressource pack instead of messing with the .jar, as all you modify is inside the asset folder, the same as the ressource pack will overwrite with their content. Then you would not have to re-do it every update.
  12. [Solved] Config Not Working

    did you tried to smelt the pieces of or to see if it's only not showing in the tooltip Note : you should edit your post to use the bug report template or else this post could be closed.
  13. Shift Click Consistency

    I also think that shift clicking was intentional so it would be faster to combine food in the cradting grid. However, with the implementation of the hotkey to autocombine, I think that this behavior shoul be reverted to vanilla.
  14. ok, that is pretty interesting, if you saw the dense jungle line, then this one is about the same, but up north. you will also find many super tall mountains, that are single isolated peak, not in a mountain range. I think it's interesting check for mountains at 1968, -12032 / 1822, -11535 / 2186, -12023 seed 235533591
  15. [Solved] Missing silver unshaped recipe

    I agree with Vlad, useful or not, if the silver is the only ingot you can not put back in the mold, that is a problem. (the problem is that the recipe is missing, not that you can not put it back) If the answer is that there is no use to put the ingot back in the mold, then all the recipe do to so should be removed. Ignoring inconsistency is not a valid option for me.
  16. Mug in metal

    mug? I would vote for a canteen (with a 13 painted on) Or we always have emris' leather water sac
  17. Terrafirmacraft wikipedia only returns 404 error

    You are the only one I guess. Maybe the wiki does not like people comming from your part of canada (Thas is indeed a joke, as I can access the wiki without problem.)
  18. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

    The firs post should be updated to lis all the compatible mods, give links to download pages and give info about tweaks to make mods work I would add Chisel to the list, the chisel and some block are not craftable (not compatible with ore dict, or require vanilla items) but it should be fixed in the release of Chisel 2. Can also add bibliocraft (there is a recipe script available on the forum) that is always nice to have
  19. Vary casting quantities

    mace and sword use double ingots on the anvil, casting them with 1ingot should be considered as a bug that the dev have not been able to fix. You need to think about anvil, not only about casting, so it should be 1 or 2 ingots, no half ingots (that's my opinion at least) Finally, I think having to collect 2 or even 3 ingots worth of small pieces to get only 1 pick is way too much. Now we can not mine without support, so you already need 3 tools to mine if you do not have visible surface ore (and I think it's already long enough to find metal for it)
  20. [Solved][] No more Hot Springs?

    They are indeed rare, but I can confirm they do exist, If there is lava pools in an area, you can faind hot spings there too
  21. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Well the paper wall is pretty cool and the recipe already work
  22. Chisel

    I was watching a MC LP on youtube and I sas some cool blocks and realize they are from Chisel. I tought it would be cool to use in a TFC world and... it's working. At least the game does not crash. From what I see in the commits, their marble and limestone are compatible with Geologica, Is someone could also add compatibility with TFC, it would be cool. I aslo opened an issue repport as their recipe are not accepting oredict ingredient (for example to make the chisel). If someone can check and improve TFC compatibility it would be awesome!
  23. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Chisel could be a valid addition. I send a bug repport to them to ask to implement valid oredict recipe for all their blocks (some of them work with vanilla items, but not all). Except that, it's working fine, you can craft some of the blocks like the paper walls. Of course there is things that are not possible to make. but it's a start.
  24. That is rude man. And if you are so good at judging what is good or bad texture, you should make some yourself so we could judge if your texture is good.
  25. I just had the issue with the two half chest, but both of mine where visible. I noticed on game load that each half loaded at a different time, and each half was in a different chunk. Closing the game and re-opening solved the problem. I guess that the fact that closing the game clean some memory space allow a faster chunk loading.