Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by -TK-

  1. I still think that there should certainly be some tradeoff for using surface ores. And this is perfectly fine a tradeoff too.
  2. A Blacksmith's rant, on metal working in TFC

    You should marry and have kids.
  3. Its so rough and varied that someone should really do research on this.
  4. Tree Grafting

    Well, how about making trees take longer to grow? And give fruiting trees a maturing season when they don't produce fruit normally? It's a bit useless for tfc though. It would just push people to using other sources of food.
  5. Food Spoilage - A Comprehensive Summary

    There used to be rules on the usage of these words but they are apparently now officially obsolete and you can use any one of those two, it mainly is dependant on whether it sounds right to you.
  6. Time Settings

    I think "spontaneous combistible?" is a suitable title for you . What was that bout reading past the first sentence you see on wikipedia? I think the rule needs to be extended. On the contrary, the title of "adventurer" doesn't suit me in any way. Mainly because my definition of adventurer (and many concepts/words) is vastly different to anything you would find in a dictionary. I quite like following the logic of: If most people think one thing and you disagree, make your own rule set and be happy.
  7. Food Spoilage - A Comprehensive Summary

    Should be: Fresh** | Fresh* | Fresh | Stale ** | Stale * | Stale | **Old | *Old | Old | **Spoilt | *Spoilt | Spoilt | **Rotten | *Rotten | Rotten | Compost
  8. Tree Grafting

    If that was to be a joke, it was the worst joke in existence.
  9. Time Settings

    Facepalm, well done Sherlock, you solved the puzzle, I'm not following the rules, its not like I just wrote that. If I actively decide not to follow that rule then that means I don't care that it makes my grammar incorrect otherwise I wouldn't be doing it would I?
  10. Time Settings

    That rule makes no sense and is literally the only rule I don't follow when I'm writing something and ensuring its grammatically correct. Me being a programmer it seems to me like writing a_void_function_also_known_as_a_procedure(this_is_a_parameter, this_is_another_parameter;) instead of a_void_function_also_known_as_a_procedure(this_is_a_parameter, this_is_another_parameter); Hmm, interesting that they both make emoticons. And then there's the ;} - now that just looks creepy.
  11. hard /härd/ Adjective Solid, firm, and resistant to pressure; not easily broken, bent, or pierced. Adverb With a great deal of effort. Synonyms adjective. tough - severe - difficult - heavy - stiff - firm adverb. heavily - hardly Metal is not resistant to pressure and is malleable meaning it can be bent into shape. Wrong choice of words. Nobody actually knows how they were discovered but since gold was likely the first one to be discovered then that makes your choice of words really far off. No worries though
  12. Although I would never call someone on this forum a lazy idiot for asking how to install a mod I do notice that more and more posts are turning from "I tried hard to do it myself" to "I'm bad with computers so you do it for me"i rarely respond to the first type but I would never bother with the second. If you are too lazy to even try it try again then you don't deserve help.
  13. I think Google makes an account on every forum they find so they can map it out to improve searches for the forum via Google.
  14. I was supporting your point that comparing reality to this mod is silly since even the base mechanic is completely unrealistic.
  15. Irl the general idea of rocks leading to ore makes no sense. Rocks are deposited on plains by rivers when they flood. Generally they just stay in the river until eventually the current is weak enough to not make the rocks move any further. These rocks get transported from upriver where they were orifinally mountains. Surface rocks should therefore in no way be an indicator of ores.
  16. The game I'm Making.

    Hmm, a comment which is not based on defensive aggression. I guess that's settled then. Good day to you too.
  17. The game I'm Making.

    Hmm, since words wouldn't work I tried using links and pictures. Also, nice scapegoat there. You lost an argument so you call me a troll. And on top of that an arsehole, I remember somewhere some guy making a remark about stones and glass houses.
  18. The game I'm Making. "Testing severely the powers of endurance" duration "time" Hmm. And then there's: "I do have to take every aspect of what I'm developing because I need to make it viable to the user make his own content, btw I'm even considering on making an building editor, this last script is my best work up until now, maybe I'll make it... It would be really nice though, maybe with some help I can focus on this." Hmm.
  19. The game I'm Making.

    Ok, firstly you are arguing about something you have no experience in and making statements on what you think is right. Secondly, saying its not about difficulty and about time is exactly like saying its not difficult, by removing the variable of difficulty from the argument you are distinctly disagreeing with its significance therefore saying that the difficulty is the same. Thirdly, I never disagreed with your time argument, time is not the factor, you can make a text based interface and you can make a graphical interface and the graphical might take more time but the difficulty is the same. When making a game engine you must take into consideration every aspect of what you might use the engine for, this is much more difficult than just using the engine. (at least when working alone or with comparable workforce) If I am doing a tile engine I need to ensure to take every aspect of what might be drawn using it into consideration. When I'm using said engine I already know what I can and can't do and therefore know how to use it. It is much more difficult to invent something than to use it or even replicate the result. Please stop beating a dead horse, stop being so solid on your point, there is no more points to make. Iv'e even took the time to discuss your argument in real life with friends who program themselves and this argument has been mocked many times. You can try to "beat sense" into me all day, but unless you actually state a valid argument without being overly protective of what you do then I will not listen. Also, because you do seem to think that I am somehow trying to lower the status of your effort, I liked this project until you started making circle logic invalid arguments that partially had nothing to do with what the argument was started about.
  20. The game I'm Making.

    Yeah, I don't care that you want to make a game not an engine, that has no place in this argument, you stated that it is just as easy to make a game engine as it is to make a game using a ready engine... This is incorrect, In addition how would you know if you had only done one of those 2 things and not both.
  21. Whispers #1

    Sixty-nine orcs manlily launched dwarves with a giant rocket!
  22. It makes more sense to me to think that a lot of that 1/^3 is just stone you mine away to get at the ore. The ore density in surface rocks also makes sense to be lower than that of mined ore.
  23. Note, since I have the instinct to type "hit" each time I mean "anvil operation" presume any uses of "hit" to be "anvil operation". The idea: I had this idea some time ago, after I myself started to count pixels to get forging done. The idea is to use a complex algorithm (that I could try to make myself) which would depending on the seed, generate a completely random set of tool finishing button presses. The current system is way too easy to learn off by heart and if you are patient, you can practically do it blindfolded. With this system there would be no more of this nonsense, the values for each of the tool operations would change, the combination of last 3 movements would change, and the amount of the last nolongerthree operations would change. The basics: Here is a list of the basic features that will be covered in this post: Randomized operation movement values, based on a base value, a random multiplier, and rounding the values to whole numbers.A set order for the number of final operation combinations needed for tiers of metals.Fully randomized final operation combination system with a fail safe so you can always forge the tool and never be unable to go quite far enough on the scale to get the tool you need at full health.A checking system to make sure that during the random generation of all these values, every combination is possible(practically the same as above).Using the seed to seed the random number generator so that (Technically? Can someone confirm this?) you can share seeds for which you know the anvil values so that if you are still a massive pussy you can keep your paper cheat sheet for anvil combos.And before you ask, yes I'm most definitely a crazy masochistic madman, and yes I still think this idea would be too easy.The !basics: Randomization: The randomization will be done with a random number generator, duh. The order of things: Non-basically the first thing to happen is the values for the different operations will have a multiplier applied to them, from about 0.7 to 1.3, this will mean that the values will always vary, so no counting pixels for you. Then the second thing to happen is a multiplier will be applied to base values for the distance of the starting point from the left side. The same will be done for the right side, the multipliers will be similar to those above. This will mean that you can no longer estimate counting pixels because you are a baby, you will need to do things like a man. After those two parts, some fancy yet simple maths will be done to determine the amount of space you need from that marker to the ending marker and then to the edge, so that limits can be set as to what the final combinations can be. After this, a last hit will be chosen, starting on the rightmost edge of the final marker so that it is fully possible. If the metal tier is very high, the marker will need to be closer to the edge of the bar to start with so difficulty is increased. Then a calculation will be made for the next few markers before that, always trying to stay within the limits of the bar but depending on the metal tier trying to keep the difficulty of forging correct. Then after that is done, a check will be done one last time, whether you can get to the starting position for the metal rules, and can you finish on the right most edge of the final marker. So basically, not only will the code make sure you can forge well, but it will make sure you can also fuck up, and fuck up to the highest degree. A final note: I have decided that this is possible, and if I say so, then that clearly means that its possible. Therefore if someone says this is not possible, no cake for them. In the comments section you may complain about your lack of cake, you may complain that this is silly, you may praise that this is silly, you may make remarks about my sanity, you may criticize the idea for being stupid, you may criticize the idea for being good, you may even have your own opinions, but you must not, ever, say that the cake was a lie! Note: This thread is nowhere near finished and partially rushed atm, I got tired, sorry.
  24. Nobody here was trolling, at least by my definition.