Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About UltraPeeks

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  1. Mapper for TFC?

    Unmined is actually pretty cool. I will use it for my vanilla worlds. It's not exactly what I was looking for, since I prefer looking at the whole map at once. Yet it's definitely something worth trying. A got it to work for my ssp world and the result is awesome. Thank you for the advice!But as you said, it's probably a bit too heavy for my laptop... And I miss an option to export the map to a simple image file. I just used the basic colors for the corresponding tfc blocks and it's not even complete, but here it is: # This file defines colors for blocks!# You can use your own color map using the -color-map <file> argument.## The format is block ID, tab, color, optionally followed by another tab, a pound, and a comment.# Tabs are important; don't use spaces or commas!## Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored, too.## 'default' must appear before other block ID -> color mappings# Any block with an ID not specifically mapped to a color after the default# mapping will be colored with the default color.default 0x000000000x0000 0x00000000 # Air0x0001 0xFF888888 # Stone0x0002 0xFF008800 # Grass Block0x0003 0xFF884400 # Dirt0x0004 0xFF666666 # Cobblestone0x0005 0xFFAA8844 # Wooden Planks0x0006 0xFF00AA00 # Saplings0x0007 0xFF444444 # Bedrock0x0008 0xFF0000AA # Water0x0009 0x40002066 # Staionary Water0x000A 0xFFFF4400 # Lava0x000B 0xFFFF4411 # Stationary Lava0x000C 0xFFAAAA66 # Sand0x000D 0xFF664444 # Gravel0x000E 0xFF8E877B # Gold Ore0x000F 0xFF89807C # Iron Ore0x0010 0xFF903322 # Coal Ore0x0011 0xFF883322 # Wood0x0012 0xFF006633 # Leaves0x0014 0x2077AAAA # Glass0x0015 0xFF546283 # Lapis Lazuli Ore0x0016 0xFF1741A9 # Lapis Lazuli Block0x0017 0xFF635F5F # Dispenser0x0018 0xFFDFD6A6 # Sandstone0x001B 0xAB674934 # Powered Rail0x001C 0x9B4C443E # Detector Rail0x001F 0x8000AA00 # Tall Grass0x0021 0xFE6D6660 # Piston0x0023 0xFFE0E0E1 # Wool0x0025 0x1E101600 # Dandelion0x0026 0x1D110501 # Rose0x0027 0x180F0B09 # Brown Mushroom0x0028 0x21200809 # Red Mushroom0x0029 0xFEEBDD43 # Block of Gold0x002A 0xFEC7C7C8 # Block of Iron0x002C 0xFFA8A9A9 # Slabs0x002D 0xFF8A5C50 # Bricks0x002E 0xFF97462E # TNT0x002F 0xFFA08558 # Bookshelf0x0030 0xFF687963 # Moss Stone0x0031 0xFF442244 # Obsidian0x0032 0xFFFFFFEE # Torch0x0033 0xFFFFDDCC # Fire0x0035 0xFFA08558 # Oak Wood Stairs0x0036 0xFE6F5739 # Chest0x0039 0xFE83888A # Block of Diamond0x003A 0xFE664429 # Crafting Table0x003B 0xAA558822 # Wheat0x003D 0xFF635F5F # Furnace0x0041 0x8F463822 # Ladders0x0042 0x8F484238 # Rails0x0043 0xFF757575 # Cobblestone Stairs0x0045 0x13040302 # Lever0x0046 0xFF817D7D # Stone Pressure Plate0x0048 0xFFA08558 # Wooden Pressure Plate0x004C 0x14100402 # Redstone Torch (active)0x004E 0xFFCCCCCC # Snow0x004F 0x807799AA # Ice0x0050 0xFFEEEEEE # Snow Block0x0051 0xFF226622 # Cactus0x0052 0xFE9EA4B0 # Clay Block0x0054 0xFF704E3B # Jukebox0x0055 0x8F463822 # Fence0x0056 0xFEBA7419 # Pumpkin0x0057 0xFE643130 # Netherrack0x0058 0xFE4B392E # Soul Sand0x0059 0xFE816B3F # Glowstone Block0x005B 0xFFD58F0C # Jack 'o' Lantern0x0060 0xDB70552E # Trapdoor0x0062 0xFE7E7E80 # Stone Bricks0x0065 0x73282827 # Iron Bars0x0066 0x3B2C3031 # Glass Pane0x006A 0x96116B11 # Vines0x006B 0x8F463822 # Fence Gate0x006C 0xFF8A5C50 # Brick Stairs0x006D 0xFE7E7E80 # Stone Brick Stairs0x006F 0x00214418 # Lily Pad0x0070 0xFE643130 # Nether Brick0x0071 0xFE643130 # Nether Brick Fence0x0072 0xFE643130 # Nether Brick Stairs0x0074 0xFE5E403B # Enchantment Table0x0079 0xFFD6D99F # End Stone0x007A 0xFE0B080F # Dragon Egg0x007B 0xFE4D321F # Redstone Lamp (inactive)0x007E 0xFFA08558 # Wooden Slab0x0080 0xFFDFD6A6 # Sandstone Stairs0x0085 0xFF59D77B # Block of Emerald0x0086 0xFE6F5739 # Spruce Wood Stairs0x0087 0xFFC6B681 # Birch Wood Stairs0x0088 0xFF9E7657 # Jungle Wood Stairs0x008B 0xFF757575 # Cobblestone Wall0x0091 0x9F282525 # Anvil0x009D 0x9B4C443E # Activator Rail######## TFC #########0x00B0 # tilledSoil2#0x00B1 # tilledSoil#0x00B2 # LogPile#0x00B3 # LooseRock0x00B4 0xFF513A1E # Peat0x00B5 0xFF008800 # PeatGrass0x00B6 0xFF999999 # StoneIgInSmooth0x00B7 0xFF999999 # StoneSedSmooth0x00B8 0xFF999999 # StoneIgExSmooth0x00B9 0xFF999999 # StoneMMSmooth0x00BA 0xFF999999 # StoneIgInBrick0x00BB 0xFF999999 # StoneSedBrick0x00BC 0xFF999999 # StoneIgExBrick0x00BD 0xFF999999 # StoneMMBrick0x00BE 0xFF884400 # Dirt0x00BF 0xFF884400 # Dirt20x00C0 0xFE9EA4B0 # Clay0x00C1 0xFE9EA4B0 # Clay20x00C2 0xFF008800 # ClayGrass0x00C3 0xFF008800 # ClayGrass20x00C4 0xFF008800 # Grass0x00C5 0xFF008800 # Grass20x00C6 0xFF777777 # StoneIgInCobble0x00C7 0xFF777777 # StoneSedCobble0x00C8 0xFF777777 # StoneIgExCobble0x00C9 0xFF777777 # StoneMMCobble#0x00D0 # Sulfur0x00D1 0xFF888888 # StoneIgIn0x00D2 0xFF888888 # StoneSed0x00D3 0xFF888888 # StoneIgEx0x00D4 0xFF888888 # StoneMM0x00D8 0xFFAAAA66 # Sand0x00D9 0xFFAAAA66 # Sand20x00DA 0xFF559933 # DryGrass0x00DB 0xFF559933 # DryGrass2 So I decided to work with TOGoS Minecraft Map Renderer since it's open source and try to fix my issues myself ;)/> I'll post it here if I manage to make some progress.
  2. Mapper for TFC?

    Which mapper do you use to map your tfc worlds? I'm using a TOGoS Minecraft Map Renderer with a modified block-colors.txt file, but I'm not really happy with the result, because it doesn't take metadata and biomes into account. This is what it looks like: Also it is too bright because of the hight of the terrain... Any better ideas?
  3. Wiki Update Request Thread

    Thank you for your time and effort! In my opinion the most important thing to add would be a guide on how to mine raw stone. If figured it out by now, but it wasn't that easy... That guide should be accessible at least from the Metallurgy, Quern and maybe Stone site. Besides that, the Anvil and Anvil (Stone) pages show pictures of old stone anvils that don't exist anymore which could confuse players.