Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About CreeperVon

  • Rank
  • Birthday June 12

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Ontario, Canada
  • Interests TFC, Minecraft, Scuba Diving, Computers, Music

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  1. What's the smallest vein of anything you've ever found?

    Found a medium sample of saltpeter with about 5 pieces.
  2. This post has been automatically generated from a form submission. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in the blue box at the top of this form?: Yes Topic Title: Killed Armour Stand Removes Smithing Bonus TFC Version #: Forge Version #: SSP/SMP: Single Player Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Changed Config Options: Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes Other Mods Installed: CodeChicken Core, NEI, Dewcorations, TFC Wells, Automated Bellows Addon, Cellars Addon, Udary mod, Animal Crate, Bibliocraft, TFCNEIPlugin If you have Optifine or a non-forge server plugin api (Examples: Bukkit, Cauldron, Thermos, etc) installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: I do not have Optifine or a non-forge server plugin api installed. Crash Report: Description: When armour with a smithing bonus is placed onto a TFC armour stand, killing the armor stand and picking up the armour reveals that the smithing bonuses have dissipated.
  3. [79.26] TFC Community Server. Fresh World! Whitelisted.

    1.) Name: Evan 2.) IGN: Creepervon 3.) Age: 16 4.) How often will you play: On summer break, so alot 5.)Skype: rather not post skype publically, I can pm you it if you'd like
  4. Crash Caused by Cellars Addon

    I was able to fix it by downloading java 8. Credit to StrayWolfe for figuring out the problem.
  5. [TFC 0.79.29] Cellars Addon

    That fixed it. Thanks!
  6. Crash Caused by Cellars Addon

    Posted this on the mod's page but haven't gotten an answer yet. This is a direct copy of that post Getting a crash when starting minecraft. Have the up to date forge and everything. EDIT: Mods I have are TFC, REI's minimap, cellars addon v1.1, decorations mod (however I didnt have decorations when this crash came up) Heres log:
  7. [TFC 0.79.29] Cellars Addon

    Getting a crash when starting minecraft. Have the up to date forge and everything. EDIT: Mods I have are TFC, REI's minimap, cellars addon v1.1, decorations mod (however I didnt have decorations when this crash came up) Heres log:
  8. Shears recipe

    Its just two wrought iron ingots in the crafting table in the vanilla recipe.
  9. Eternal Winter Hardcore Survival Addon WIP

    A great addon for people that have finished the game and are looking for a challenge. Can't wait to play it!
  10. [Rule #1] Ice Room Has almost everything you mentioned. "You can load the Ice Bunker with Ice or Snow blocks and your cellar will become anIce-house(the temperature will be lower). 1 Ice block will be consumed once per few days (depends on cellar's volume and the temperature outside). Make an Ice Saw to harvest Ice blocks."
  11. Dungeons?

    I have seen the twitter posts about the new dungeons, they look really cool! I'm curious about the interior. Will there be loot? What will the dungeon be made of? Mobs?
  12. Should tree farms be a thing?

    Whoops, I never checked . I don't understand why gxblt didn't just extend the modifier.
  13. Should tree farms be a thing?

    What about a config modifier for tree growth time?
  14. [0.79.16] Colored Steel with limited silver

    There is an addon that allows you to turn lead into a little bit of silver.
  15. [Solved] Chicken Transportation

    Thank you Kitty anddjakuta!