Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About BeJimmievurgy

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. I would buy a Terrafirmacraft Standalone Game

    I went into the other "would you rather" topic expecting something different. Ill pose a difficult "would you rather" question, someone can then answer it and then pose their own. Would you rather pee an apple or poo a watermelon? GO
  2. Boats and Ships

    My GGrandad had three fishing cobles. One was named the Kate and Violet i believe it is in Sunderland now. I once saw a little boat in Whitby named The Black Pig. I often wonder how do these boats and ships get their names .. Caterina..
  3. Magic: Research or Innate knowledge

    You know what I just saw? Kevin the horse Durant grabbed a rebound and on a fast break, dribbled the ball up the court. He didnt make the layup, but he was fouled. . .and he had 3 Clippers players surrounding him.Thats what I suggested in another post/thread that the Magic should do.
  4. World Generation and Player Freedom

    Guys do something about this player name: Tevªs he is not just toxic using really offensive language but also troll, aniway he got many reports not just from me, but you must do something about that, otherwise don t have any sense play ranked...
  5. Mobs for TFC2

    I have some mobs that I would like to blend in with the population of FK. Mainly I want them to look like pcs before you deal with them. Basicly I was hoping the mobs could greet the pcs then the pcs would know the mobs real name. Can this be done?
  6. When can we play tfc2?

    Ive been playing everything but Tibia for the last few months. Even more so with my new sexbox that can run anything on full specs. So now that I remembered that I still have 800k on Solera that I never got around to wasting on shit, should I play again? Have the updates been decent?
  7. World Generation and Player Freedom

    A more general and leftfield suggestion - player like or dislike.Reckon I would accrue a few of each. But it would lift behaviour of many players and a select few could be infamous.