Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About hoseja

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    Stone Miner

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  • Location Czech Republic

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  1. I've always wanted the trees to grow in TFC, shame the mods aren't compatible.
  2. Smithing takes all the fun out of this mod

    It's trivial to just visually count how many notches each action moves the pointer. I know it's considered "cheating" but I was never able to stop myself I don't even know how you'd be able to get anything done otherwise.
  3. TFC Skyblock

    If there's a mod I don't think would be possible to make skyblock, I think TCF would be it. Good luck dude, sounds interesting
  4. TFC Features

    Yeah, it would be lovely if TFC were modular, I for example don't care for the microblocks one bit. The mod is open source so you could try isolating those features but I doubt it would be easy. With how much is fundamentally changed I suspect the code is rather complicated. The world generationwould be awesome to have standalone. Just oredictionary all the different stones/ores and it would be great for a FTB-style modpack. Being able to integrate someTFC features better into the broader modded environmentwould be great.
  5. (0.79.26+) TooMuchTime-TFC

    Does the time still run when you pause the game with Esc and then jump around weirdly? I remember that being the issue when I just cobbled the mods together.
  6. Flowers to mark the location of ores.

    I just wish there was some long-range mechanic for ACTUAL prospecting, not this weird precision-xray-spectroscope-pick we have now.
  7. Looking for a Survival Island Seed (79.25)

    Hey, I had one of those! I'm not even sure there are enough resources for any kind of proper gameplay but here you go: 7339860276121724780
  8. You don't have to seal the barrels and large vessels you store your food in. It has absolutely no effect on decay, only makes it possible to transport them. Also you can put more than one sandwich in a vessel. Also the mod is "grindy" because it's multiplayer-focused, it's a conscious decision.
  9. A more complex iron age.

    Wow, didn't know you could forge a sharp edge on a bronze tool.
  10. Looking for a small (whitelisted) server

    Not to create a new topic about it, I'd like to join a small European server where people don't try their hardest to rush towards red steel and instead enjoy the survival and exploration.
  11. Yeah it's likely a block update issue. If you have 2 smoked meats on a string and remove one of them, the string of the other one turns black.
  12. Encumberance Inventory system

    IMO limiting inventory space in games gets in the way of fun way too much. Inventory management, while "realistic" is NOT fun in a building game.
  13. [0.79.25] Great Starting Seed

    How do you get Cartograph to make such nice map?
  14. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

    It would be fun to integrate the portals mod with limited functionality (only overworld obviously) into the TFC tech tree (needing gems for example).
  15. I love this. Hunting and killing deer is too easy of a source of meat.