Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About SierraKhaar

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  1. Build 67 Bug Report

    Same issue here, and I made a new instance in Multi MC so config's shouldnt be a problem. I looked at the textures and they seem fine, I think its some coding error.
  2. Updated to 1.4.4

    *wonders how to do it on MultiMC* *right click at the icon and there it is on a list, "downgrade"* PS: Thanks alot guys for posting so quick and saving me, I dont have the chance to play alot so you saved my night!
  3. Updated to 1.4.4

    Yeah, you read the topic and it does not work. Ofcource API does not with 1.4.4. (only 1.4.2.). Is there any way to get back to 1.4.2 if you don't have a backup??
  4. How SSP players should play?

    He has done it! Bioxx made it possible for us to change the amount of days / year, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
  5. Only copper?!

    One hard lessons in TFC is how far you have to travel to get what you want.
  6. How SSP players should play?

    Clap... Clap just perfectly said ^^
  7. How SSP players should play?

    Bioxx only said RECENTLY it will be SMP focused so you can edit our post and just scratch that. That is very clearly when most of his fanbase is playing single player + many SMP players play in small groups just because croping and breeding takes so long time (both which are very new features).When he asks us how we play and that it might impact the future dev. I think it is a start by making it 40 hours, if Bioxx actully does that I don't think it will be much harder shortering it even more. It is after all the duration of the years we, the majority are complaining about. It was me, and please give me some facts about "it takes 80 hours to beat the average generic crap form fitted game with horrible story". Because the average 80% out of 100% game (yes, we are talking about metascore) don't take much longer then 80 hours, or is not played longer then that and yes we are talking about single player (and yes we are talking about the majority not hard core fans of the franchise). If you try to read what a person TRIES to say. Which was when you get your first harvest and going towards your second you will probably be, as you said "bored and want to have nothing again and start a new world". Which is why we the majority complain about the year duration (you see, it's like a cirle!) Do you even read the posts here? We aint complaining about the Ore, its all good. Or its playable atleast. We are complaining that we miss out on some big features, that one wants to start a new world (for whatever the reason) or because Bioxx has released 53 new updates before we hit harvest / second harvest. Harvest = breeding so we miss that too. Word.
  8. How SSP players should play?

    Well HOPEFULLY Bioxx did that poll to really see how many do play SSP, I would guess its way more many then he thought. So before bashing we should hear him out. Hopefully he will tell us "Sorry did not realize so many played my awesum mod alone, I will make sure the mod will work well for you to". As said before, all we single players really want, is easier croping/breeding. Have a option between 80 hour year (or if SMP want longer) and 30-40 hour year for us singles ^^.
  9. How SSP players should play?

  10. How SSP players should play?

    Lol, one way of saying it. I would see it more as the most devoted fans donate, many see that donate button and think "well this mod/game is so good many have probably donated a lot already".
  11. How SSP players should play?

    There is no reason beside that it will take some time off Bioxx making more SMP stuff or other things. Maybe thats why he is asking us how we play, hopefully it will tell him he needs to do something about it so solo players can enjoy their solo playing =). I looked at some comments on that voting, and it seems my friend was not the only one setting up a server just so he can enjoy all that this mod has to offer. (Tip to solo players, donate 1$ and mark your donation as "better SSP!"
  12. How SSP players should play?

    True but that means a big chunk of gameplay is still not workable for SSP players, something bioxx worked a long time on. and as I said before SMP player probably want longer years since there is always someone to help them with the crops (if they coop that is), if not they have a chance of missing their harvest. I guess I have to start playing with my friends so that solves my problems with this, but the majority still play solo.
  13. Computer specs.

    Dedicated gfx means they put more gfx power in it to run games, an "built in" is more just for web browsing. Do a search on laptops in your price ranges and then look at the reviews. The prices change often, new models all the time. So it's best to brew a coffee and google yer arse off ^^.
  14. How SSP players should play?

    We play solo because we just want to play solo, no other players just lonely steve exploring a world by himself. A friend of mine started a server for the sole reason to be able to grow stuff. Bioxx may not realize but he created a mod that people use as a substitute for Minecraft. My 2 cents (or wait.. My 30$ that I donated) is that he makes the game playable for solo players before he focuses on "kingdoms". Edit: The only solution I see is that "kingdoms" works as a expansion that has longer years (in another thread created, SMP people wanted even longer years because the right seasons pass by to quickly when the server is running 24/7) while the core game has shorter years (last time I made a calc. A year was 80 hours).
  15. How SSP players should play?

    Solo (43%, 124 Votes)SMP 2-5 People (34%, 98 Votes)SMP 5-10 People (9%, 27 Votes)Solo, Hardcore (7%, 21 Votes)SMP 10+ (7%, 18 Votes)EHM!Now lets add the question "SMP because Crops and breeding take too much freakin time". As I've heard, SMP people miss their harvest seasons alot of times, so why would it matter for SMP players if the seasons were shorter? Last time I checked a year was 80hours, 80hours is what usally takes to finish a good game. It does not matter if you are "oh so" devoted to terrafirma by playing hours on end, the majority playes SOLO. All Bioxx needs to do to please the majority of his fans is to lower the year duration to 40/60 hours (having an option to to this would take too much time to make). And lower the rate of things growing/breeding which COULD be an option since there is only object envolved and not biomes etc.