Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Jointertron

  1. Lol and you're still a tool! Go figure....
  2. Sequoia Saplings?

    Is it impossible to get Sequoia saplings legit? Or am I just very unlucky? Thanks in advance.
  3. Prospectors' pick madness

    This ^. Also, most of the complaints I read about the prospector's pick not working well are posted by people who don't seem to understand how it actually works. I thought it was stupid and useless until I watched Cysyn's Spotter's Guide and then once I understood how it scanned I developed my own method of prospecting and started having a lot more success when mining.
  4. Tree grow mechanic - sprouts

    I like this idea a lot. I think it would work well for all trees since that's basically how they grow IRL. Maybe if it was implemented so that after the tree grew a certain amount the bottom leaves would decay up to a certain point. I don't know how hard that would be to code but that essentially how trees grow IRL. After they reach a certain height and grow enough leaves the shade created by the upper leaves causes the lower leaves to wither and die since they are no longer needed to produce nutrients for the tree. Trees are very efficient like that, they stop feeding any part of themselves that isn't doing photosynthesis.
  5. Tier system for advanced recepies suggestion

    LOL bieber, like Justin Bieber? I know this is probably a spelling mistake and I'm not trying to make fun of you at all. However, I like the idea of skinning me a Bieber! > Having a bad day? Frustrated? Need to take your anger out on something? Just fire up TFC and hunt some Bieber . Joking aside was the animal that you were going for a Beaver*? That would make sense and I would like that to actually be implemented.
  6. Markings availability

    WHAT? This is.... just wrong. Except for the pres where squid were not spawning they are VERY easy to find. I have a small pond next to my base where squid spawn regularly. Squid are in now way at all rare and they don not only spawn in oceans. This is not to say that I don't agree that other things should be used to make markings. I like the graphite idea and the charcoal idea, both make sense and would be nice to have in the game, but I would say that the reason to add them would be because it's realistic not because squid are rare, they are VERY common.
  7. Server is now running pre24.
  8. Server is now updated to pre22!
  9. I am updating to pre22 right now!
  10. Things have been going good! The mod seems to be running pretty smoothly with the pre20. Hope to see you online next time you get a chance.
  11. So I looked inside the texture archive...

    I believe to coins are going to be use as a currency system in SMP. I like this since right now people on my server are using a supply/demand barter system. Which is okay in and of itself, but I think that actual currency would work a little better.
  12. Lol I really didn't expect you to give a good review after getting banned. I'm going to unban you just for that. Lol just don't be super immature anymore okay...
  13. Server is back online.... don't know why but the power went out. Which is odd because there is no storm today, at least no that I can see. At any rate things seem normal now.
  14. Why bother?!

    Actually I pretty much proved that he doesn't have dyslexia by posting the definition of dyslexia with source, (which shows that it is a READING disorder not a spelling disorder) and he himself claimed it was a typo one minute after he said he was dyslexic. Also, I have a friend who is actually dyslexic and he can spell just fine, like I already said. He just can't read well. I was not making fun of this Teranz guy or trying to put him down. In fact I was telling him to give himself more credit. When you use a disability that you do not have as an excuse you prevent yourself from improving. It is a way of putting up a barrier for yourself, if you have dyslexia then you will always have problems reading unless you have very specific things in place to aid you. If Teranz does have some kind of learning disability it is not dyslexia. However, I would assume that he is not disabled and has the ability to improve. Like I said before, saying you are disabled when you are not only gives rise to the ignorant comments that people with actual disabilities get. Like being called retarded and other ignorant and mean things that some people say. My friend has had people say "Oh you're dyslexic? So you can't spell or you read backwards?" This makes him feel singled out and stupid. What I guess I'm trying to say, and sorry for rambling, is this: Teranz as far as i can tell there is nothing wrong with you. So don't cheat yourself by claiming to be disabled. Everyone has the same potential and that includes you. So next time if someone makes a comment about your spelling say: "Oh thanks, I didn't notice that. It must have been a typo and now that I see it I can fix it." Not only does this show that you can take constructive criticism, but I allows you to see the mistake and fix it, which in turn improves your spelling. Making a mistake is nothing to be ashamed of, it's how we learn and get better at things.
  15. WARNING Working high carbon steel WILL crash the server and corrupt the world file!!! DO NOT do it. I have told Bioxx and he will most likely fix for pre20. Thank you.
  16. You should be using Forge version However, if you already have that version and all the mods then you may have to do a clean install of your client and mods. I have had that error message before and doing a reinstall from a clean jar fixed it. Also, you're not bothering me lol. I like to help people, I sent you a PM trying to help and to say sorry for banning you. I thought you were someone else sorry about that.
  17. Why bother?!

    Lol you're still butthurt because I banned you XD.
  18. Actually the backpack mod IS included in the list below that statement. Now go away you stupid guy.
  19. yes i will unban you. I thought you were someone else. Sorry for the mixup.
  20. Why bother?!

    "True dyslexia is much broader than simply confusing or transposing letters, for example mistaking â€b†and “d.". In general, symptoms of DRD may include: Difficulty determining the meaning (idea content) of a simple sentenceDifficulty learning to recognize written wordsDifficulty rhyming"Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm....lth/PMH0002379/Please do not use learning disabilities as an excuse for poor typing, bad spelling and being to lazy to fix you're mistakes. It takes away from the seriousness of the actual disability and is insulting to people who actually have it. If you actually had dyslexia you would have misspelled almost every word on the page, including the small ones. Also, first you said you were dyslexic and then immediately posted again saying that it was a typo. Learn to admit when you make a mistake instead of blaming it on something else. I am sorry if this came across as rude or that I am trying to be mean but that's not how it is. I'm just getting tired of seeing this happen. People make mistakes and instead of learning from them they just blame it on something that is out of their control so that they: A: never have to try to learn from their mistake. B: Don't hurt their ego. This is a major issue in our society, especially with young children who get labeled with learning disorders when they don't really have them. All this does is create entire generations of people who think that they cannot improve themselves because there is something wrong with them. My point is that by saying that you are dyslexic when you clearly aren't having the issues that a dyslexic person has you are simply selling yourself short. Dyslexia is primarily a reading disorder. Spelling is primarily memory work, you memorize how words are spelled. i have a friend who is actually dyslexic and he can spell better than me, but he has a very hard time reading. He can write an essay with almost no spelling mistakes, but if you asked him to read if after he was done he would have a very hard time doing so. TLDR: You blamed the wrong disability for you spelling error. Next time if you want to use a disorder for an excuse please use one that actually fits the thing that you are trying to excuse (eg. I wasn't paying attention or I didn't proof read my post would have actually made sense).
  21. New biome

    lol cheery blossoms don't have pink wood..... that's just ridiculous. Neither do Kapok irl, why was this done? WHY? They make my eyes bleed.
  22. Server is updated to pre19 and running .
  23. I would like to say sorry to all my regular players about the server being down but I am not going to downgrade back to pre16, I would rather wait for another update to fix the current issues, which should come very soon since I'm sure people will be raging about this and bioxx is known to make small bugfix releases pretty quickly. So again sorry for the inconvenience, I will let you know when the server is up again by editing the main post.
  24. You tried to join about 5 times without having the proper mods installed. Every time you try to log it increases the server load. Obviously you are too lazy to read the FIRST post that tells you that certain mods are required. I banned you because you were repeatedly trying to log without the right mods and causing lag. You're staying banned because I dislike people who can't follow incredibly simple instructions. Find a server that is more tolerant of that sort of thing.