Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Article Comments posted by Kittychanley

  1. On 5/26/2016 at 5:03 AM, Miner239 said:

    I think the top ad should stay at its current place rather than pushing the main web down.

    Yeah, the current spot is starting to grow on me. I'll go ahead and remove that from the list.


  2. 3 hours ago, ciekma said:

    Thank you for fixing potion damage, but now it is OP in comparison to antidote (heal or regeneration potion). Is it possible to fix these also (10x multiplier is sufficient IMHO)?

    Fixing health potions is not as simple. All the damage types already have an event handler in place that we scale the amount of damage done. Increasing health does not have such a handler.


  3. There is at least one bug fix update that will happen probably this weekend. There is an official bug list pinned at the top of the Support forum.


    As it currently stands, there really aren't any fixable bugs that I know of that haven't already been fixed for this upcoming update. We can't fix bugs if we don't know about them, so please make sure you are using the Support forum to report any that you encounter.


  4. was nice having you here, we are all going to miss your work! do you know if they are going to add someone new to the team to pick up your workload?


    Dunk actually hasn't been an active developer of TFC since about October of last year. Pretty much everything since then has been just the work of myself and Bioxx.


  5. That's the point of this topic. We don't know what payments to set for what features, or what features should be added at all? We'd appreciate if our potential patrons spoke up and said what they thought were fair thresholds.


  6. Since 1000 votes have already been cast, it would be interesting to get a statement by the Devs? (incl. Kitty of course ...)


    I'm not sure what kind of statement you are looking for. I put up the poll after some discussion in this topic, and the claim that public, non-whitelisted servers made up 90% of TFC's players.


  7. Just want to point out since a few of you appeared to have misunderstood the final paragraph. TFC is not ending with 1.7.10. The first version of TFC is ending with 1.7.10.


    TFC development will continue on to 1.8 and likely any future versions of Minecraft. We're just rewriting TFC from scratch and creating TFC2 instead.


  8. I just updated to the newest version of TFC. One thing that is a HUGE problem for me is the "walkthrough thatch." I don't care that it can't be used as a building block. However, it doesn't keep enemies out which is the problem. 


    That's the whole point. Thatch is for roofs, not walls.


  9. why can't i find the download for this version? 


    Because 0.79.9 was released. I'll update the download page to add .8 to the older versions list.


  10. So sequoia forests are finished? Kitty those forests were the beauty of TFC! Worlds were nice with them.


    No. It was a bug that you couldn't ever find them, because it was impossible for them to grow. We fixed the bug.


  11. You couldn't ever find a full grown sequoia tree in the world, and saplings would not grow up into trees. You could still find saplings spawning though.


  12. "Torches now burn out after roughly 48 in game hours."

    - is this also for torches made with redstone?


    "Made doors flammable."

    - does this also go for trapdoors?


    No. Redstone torches are still infinite.


    Wooden trap doors are indeed flammable. But you can make metal ones now.


  13. "Fixed placing logs or log piles in your face causing suffocation."

    That's how minecraft works


    Lol yes. I guess I should have worded it "Fixed so you can no longer place a log/log pile in your face, which resulted in suffocation." 


  14. Exciting update! Some changelog comments/questions though:


    "Instead of being tamed with a bone, wolves will only follow players"

     - ...follow players what? Always follow players? Only follow players if leashed? Follow players that hold a bone?

    "Added command to transfer ownership of an animal to another player. (...)"

     - I think you typoed one instance of the command in the explanation as a different word here.

    "Thatch blocks are no longer a solid block. (...)"

     - Could you clarify this? 'not a solid block' could mean that they function like glass blocks, but then that would make them useless for roofing (their intended purpose). So there must be a different, new mechanic here... or am I misunderstanding things completely?

    "All beaches are now relatively flat and only 1-3 blocks above sea level. (...)"

     - Shouldn't this be a tweak, not a bugfix? :P


    Only follow players, instead of the full behavior of following players, sitting when told, and not running off and killing stuff. So they're "tamed" in that they follow you, but they're "wild" in that's all they do.


    The command is /transfer. I'll fix that mistake.


    No longer solid in a way similar to how leaves are not solid. Players and mobs can walk through them, but cannot see you through them. They still work as roofing in that they block rain.


    The beach one is a derp on my part, I'll move it.


    Is body temperature still going to be implemented in a later update? I haven't seen much talk about it in a while.


    Body temperature is still planned, there was just so much in 79 that it wasn't very high priority. I would say it would likely be added around Build 81 or later.


    Not sure about the changes to Mortar. Perhaps it should give a little more than a 1:1 conversion? People already seldom use bricks because of how bothersome crafting it was; I can't see this helping much. 


    Otherwise, I really like how the changes has panned out in this version. My only other concern is the smoke racks; did you fix it so that there's a visual indication now when it finishes? It seemed a bit finicky on Pak's stream.


    Bioxx derped. It's supposed to be 1 Sand : 16 Mortar like before.


    No visual indication yet.


    So bricks are now obsolete then


    "Limewater is now only crafted in a barrel. Ratio is 2 flux to each bucket of water.

    • Mortar is now only crafted in a barrel. Ratio is 1 Sand to each bucket of lime water gives 1 mortar. Must be sealed for at least 8 hours to complete."

    1 bag cement + 6 bags sand +1 shovel + 1 piece of ground = enough mortar to lay 60 or so bricks.

    Now I need a metal saw to make a barrel and a desert island + chalk/marble/diorite cliff just to make a few brick blocks


    See above.


  15. People are "swimming in sticks"

    Once they get a bit more advanced, yes.

    "You don't need to make a new one..."

    Are you implying that you can right-click a burnt-out torch on another to reight one or both?

    If so then I'd agree, if it has to be a lit one, then I kinda disagree - you still have to make at least one more - unless you have ensured that there are always some torches lit (synchronisation).



    Torches don't burn out in your inventory, and there is no way to get a burned out torch in your inventory because breaking a burned out torch gives you nothing. You simply need to keep a single torch in your inventory, which will magically never ever burn out, and you can use it to relight all of the rest of your placed torches which do burn out.


  16. I hope there is a way to get more sticks now, because we will definitely need a lot of them. ^^


    Most people are already swimming in sticks anyways, but that's beside the point because this change doesn't make you consume any more sticks than before. When a torch burns out, just right click on it with another torch to relight it. You don't need to make a new one every time a torch burns out.


  17. Did you mean we wont be able to load 79 worlds in 78 or we will lose our worlds?


    You cannot load 79 worlds in 78. You cannot load 78 worlds in 79. If you try to do either of those, you will lose the world.


  18. the 1.7 version will not be compatible with 1.6 is it?


    No. You cannot play a 1.7 mod in Minecraft 1.6. TFC is also not backwards compatible, so you will not be able to load your 78 worlds in 79.


  19. I really enjoy this mod and im very much looking forward to the next build with all the changes. On the torch issue it just makes more sense to me that they would eventually burn out, whereas a whole bunch of eternally burning sticks doesnt I read somewhere that there were plans to have all the "magical" mobs moved to underground in favour of more believable mobs above that change going to be implemented in Build 79 too? :-)


    Magical mobs won't be moved underground until we have the surface replacements. Dunk hasn't even started working on those other than the bear, so no it will not be added in 79.
