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Posts posted by cevkiv
Everytime I see ECC's name I say to myself, "Behold the man!"
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oohhhh okay so carebear is someone who doesnt like fighting other plaers in an mmo
alright so i guess that qualifies me too then
More than that. There are certain connotations above and beyond the "dislike of PvP". For example, a Carebear will help lower level players who are new to the game, either through advice, or sometimes through giving them items or money. Back in the olden days of EverQuest 1, I used to hang out in the Wood Elf Tree City of Kelethin in my down time, and would look for people who were hopelessly lost (as the city was a maze), and give them some equipment. Nothing fancy, but stuff that was far outside of what they could have afforded for a long time. A regular broadsword and some leather armor, for example. Or, if they were a caster, I'd buy their spells for the first 8 levels or so (and have them go put them into the bank so they didn't lose them).
And I will engage in PvP in games that allow it, but I never go "looking" for a fight. If I see someone my level picking on someone 10 or more levels below them, I'll jump in and try to save them.
Carebear is more of "can't we all just get along and work together" than "I dislike PvP".
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It's entirely random. I once found the White Cliffs of Dover in a TFC game. You just have to be lucky.
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Is it possible to cheat in a sandbox game which is pretty much do-what-you-want? A lot of people on this forum, and many of the youtubers, have NEI installed... is that not cheating? In fact, any mod that alters gameplay should be considered cheating right? Maps, Trains, Tech mods, InvTweaks etc. Even Optifine makes it easier to play if you have a weak system... maybe you should have opted for a better system instead of cheating you little cheaters!!! lol
You're a moron.
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well that was completely out of nowhere
Only if you're ignorant of MMO terminology.
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I must be the only Carebear on these forums.
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Dunk, my point is, that if I saw a big hunking crystal of sphalerite, even on a same-colored piece of shale, I'd be able to tell the difference.
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Dunkleosteus, I think there are just as many people IRL who want to watch the world burn. It's just they know that if they try someone will kill them. You can't reach through a monitor and kill someone lighting your virtual house on fire while your virtual kids are asleep upstairs.
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and? That just means that as you get better metals, your armour gets better in more ways than one. Besides, what if we assume that higher tier armours can have more body coverage due to lower mass? In that case, they'd weigh the same.
Sorry, I thought he was implying that the higher tier the armor got, the heavier it would be and the slower you would move. Just for example, bronze can be heavier than iron and steel depending on how much tin is in it.
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Uh, some of the lower tier armors are gonna be heavier than the higher tier armors.
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Yeah, only problem is that it solves one problem by causing 2 more
Tell that to the city fathers of Carthage.
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Isn't that similar to what sappers would do when attacking a fortified town? They would dig under a wall and then they would start a big fire which would eventually cause the wall to crumble (this was however before the invention of explosives...)
That's one thing they could have done.
Alternately, you can just dig out a big enough area underneath the wall (using supports, of course), and then break the supports, and the weight of the wall itself can cause damage.
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True that
I'd be shocked if there was a single possible heritage which would allow for a non violent set of ancestors .. A violent world requires violent people .. and historically this world has been nothing if not violent
Violence has solved more problems than anything else in the history of mankind.
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Unless you have buddhist monks in your family history, odds are your nation of origin has a violent past
Even then, it's still probably gonna be violent.
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I dislike how formal the wars will be (having to declare war and make it at a set time), but I suppose this server will still be worth looking into
I dislike people deciding to burn down my house and steal all my stuff as soon as I log out
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So Debug doesn't work in Survival mode?
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Also, how do I go into debug mode to speed up time?
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Like, really, there's no point in playing right now other than bug testing.
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As it is, with no adult animals spawning on world gen, this is sort of game breaking.
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I'd be more than willing to roleplay, but the thought of having to write up a character background, etc, all, for a Minecraft server, is kind of a turn off.
I spend about 6 hours a week playing Pathfinder, and I can only have so many split personalities stored at once.
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If I made a texture pack to improve ore visibility, I would probably literally put a giant red and green X on all the ore.
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And here I am with roots going to Germany from my Great grandmother, possible Native American, and the English before they were cool. I'd be much more interested in my history a majority of those people weren't so violent
My father's parents are German.
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ECCe homo -- Behold the man.
It's Latin.