Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Vaelkyri

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  • Birthday 09/24/1984

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Australia

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  1. Shields a defensive weapon

    People are overthinking this. We have the option now to mount objects on the player -see barrels. Mount a model off the left arm, change the block animation that already exists to use that arm/create basic block animation, add in when blocking with shield equipped then damage is reduced/blocked for durability. Now I know its not as simple as that, but the ideas being thrown around about hot bars etc are just over complication.
  2. Ceramic bowls - another tedium

    I agree it doesnt make sense, at the same time however it creates a real ongoing demand for pottery which previously was mostly fire and forget.
  3. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    IGN: Vaelkyri Age: 30 Why this server?: Played on Rhos server a few times way back, never for long but during those times I found the server stable and the community positive and mature. Looking to try out the new build in MP and cant think of a better place. 2 sentence description of yourself/interests: Stubborn old coot who likes cheap scotch, expensive chocolate and cheesy power metal. Can skin a rabbit with my bare hands and at the same time discuss how the development of the Mongolian empire in the 13th century led to the evolution of the modern day capitalist middle class. Days are spent working in a plant nursery, spare time is spent as a leader in a well respected (if small) Australian planetside2 outfit.
  4. Version #: 79.7 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SMP Suggested Name: Armour stands, still borked. Suggested Category: Severe Description: Placing a sycamore armour stand places the item but does not remove from inventory, the number 147 appears in the chat window. Right clicking the armour stand that is placed shuts down the server. No crash logs avail client side, only server side. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? Fastcraft link of the Crash Report:
  5. 3d models, yay, nay, addons?

    Soo, any chance of getting an addon pack assembled with the models? (notice the ladders have depth as well) as for the logs being fully accurate, that was the level of pedantry that killed the idea last time
  6. 3d models, yay, nay, addons?

    To save necroing up posts 6+ months old figured I start a new discussion purely on the possibility of 3d models- namely for objects such as the Firepit and Pottery items. Current state of affairs- Is it possible? Yes-(at least so I understand) Is it needed? Not really, the current system works Is it worthwhile? Personal preference, In my opinion the fidelity of a mod greatly enhances the immersion and believeability - looking at the quality of mods such as Ars Magica, Thuamcraft, even the little know Witchery mod the detailed models implemented for blocks and objects puts TFCs spinning sprites to shame. Pros: Increased fidelity, higher quality and more immersive experience. Cons: possibly some performance issues, Bioxx reportedly (according to Dunk) doesnt want them.(?) (personal note: the fact that things like ingot piles are modeled and other objects are sprites creates a very jarring discontinuity) That said- if they wouldn't go into base mod due to the creators dislike, would modelers and modders be interested in creating an addon to convert the entities into .obj's ?
  7. Custom Render - Firepit

    So. uh. Huge necro here, but did any progress ever get made on this?
  8. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Sounds good, Ive been experimenting with my Barrow build style in creative, got some big plans So far Ive avoided going all out on the server, nice home and some farming is about all.
  9. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Ah well, beta is beta
  10. Maize failure to grow offline.

    Just checking in, been planting quite a few different crops and rotating/allowing groud to lie fallow correctly. Despite my best efforts maize seems to fail to grow beyond 1st level when all other crops ripen normally. Not sure if its due to me being too far north (-14200) or if it is not correctly growing in unloaded chunks while I am offline.
  11. Fishing

    Just throwing this out there, IRL the best way to to catch crayfish (fresh and saltwater) is with rotten meat. Maybe some kind of fishtrap crafted with sticks+ yarn in a 3x3 and baited with rotten flsh/raw meat that can be placed in water ?
  12. Barrels, help!

    Yep process is: Rawhide into limewater = soaked hide Soaked hide + kife = scrapped hide. Scrapped hide into water = prepared hide. Prepared hide +into Tanin = leather.
  13. Idea! firepits!

    3d model would be nice.
  14. Last post before yours was 8 months ago.