Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by madafe

  1. IGN: madafe Age:19 Why this server?: I would like to play tfc with other people and I meet the age requirement 2 sentence description of yourself/interests: I am majoring in chemistry. I recently obtained a motorcycle designation for my license.
  2. Anvil dont work :(

    You need to have the red and green mark lined up next to each other in your picture they are to far apart.
  3. Metric vs imperial

    An once is 1/ 12th of a Roman pound which is a force unit. An ounce is a force unit because it is 1 / 12th of a force unit. A spring scale scale reads the normal force(acting on the object) which is the same magnitude of the weight if the object is not on a ramp and not accelerating in the direction of weight or the normal force. Technically any thing you measure withe a spring scale is a force but it usually can convert it into mass assuming it is on earth. That is how an ounce is a force unit force unit. Mass and weight are different.Weight is based on a planets acceleration due to gravity value. Mass is just a property of an object that is usually constant for an object that you do not take away parts of it. Weight = mass*(acceleration due to gravity) -> Weight/(acceleration due to gravity) = mass. Any of the force to mass conversions assume that object you are talking about is on earth around sea level because there can be noticeable changes in the acceleration due to gravity at large distances from the center of the earth technically you have to use the equation to get the mass of the object and then you have to use a conversion factor to convert it to another mass unit. Because the acceleration due to gravity should always be approximatley the same value most people on Earth most poeple just use Earth's sea level conversion factor. The shortcut conversion factor from force to an other mass unit would only work on earth. You would get the wrong values if you tried this with weight measured on the moon. You could create you own conversion factor from the moon surface by solving for the mass in kg one time and use your answer for the conversion factor from ounces to grams on the moon The imperial system unit of mass is a slug.
  4. Metric vs imperial

    Technically you can not convert a force unit (an ounce) in to a mass unit (a gram) because a force is not a mass. If it did go to the metric system it should use Newtons the unit of force for the metric system. 1 ounce is approximately .3 Newtons. But the units that are in the imperial system are easy to create because the ones mentioned in that video are based on seeds. Although the naming conventions could be better for the imperial system.
  5. 1 In game Name: madafe 2 Age: 18 3 Name: Matt 4 Country: USA 5 A way I can contact you: [email protected] or through the forum 6 do you agree to the rules? Don't make me add more: Yes 7 why you want to join? I would Like to play TFC with other people. I was already on two of the worlds you hosted before the white list. I would like to continue playing on your server 8 How can you help the server? at least 4 ways: Give new players advice. I will not use explicit language. Help find ore deposits. Add to the server population 9 Have you been on any of my old servers?: Yes 10 Have you had any experience being an admin? Yes 11 Do you own a minecraft server? no 12 Are you willing to help me install MyTown and permissions? It depends on what type of help you need I am not quite sure how I could help you with that but if I can I will
  6. Try clicking repair the download
  7. is enableCropsDie set to true because when I came back to my farm all of the crops were replaced with seeds?
  8. How far from the DuplicatorCrystal do you have to be before it stops chasing you?
  9. When I try to join the server it says it is running the 1.7.2 version of Minecraft so I can not join because of a version conflict.
  10. Ingame Name: madafe your age: 18 and where you are from. U.S.A.(Pennsylvania) why you want to play on our server ? To play with other people on TFC.