Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Copper

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  • Location roughly 23°S, 47°W
  1. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    Awesome! Are Rain Collectors currently craftable?
  2. Supplemental Advancement to Copper

    This is good and original. Support!
  3. Explosives, a use for gunpowder.

    That's sad news, considering it'll make cobblestone walls just about impossible to build. Walls will have to be made of either thatch, log, planks (requiring metal for the saw) or bricks (requiring metal for the chisel).
  4. Alternatives for magical mobs

    Any chance of posting a quick how-to for the original post? I've been planning to do this for a while, but hadn't yet taken the time to figure out how.
  5. Female Gender Option

    As far as games go, Minecraft is probably as good as it gets with regards to political correctness, with complete gender-neutrality and absence of gore. Thus, I do believe the original poster's request to be unjustified. On the other hand, the overreaction in some of the responses is an attenuated manifestation of a thoroughly demonstrated phenomenon, namely, that the comments on topics and articles dealing with feminism usually justify the existence of feminism. If you ask me, this is one topic that'd be better off closed and deleted.
  6. TFC Endgame - To the Clouds!

    "Appropriate" or not, I'd love to see this.
  7. Corpses, Food, and Butchering

    that a 'yes' or a 'no'? lol
  8. [TFC 0.77.22] Strongcraft (v0.1.4)

    Would you consider adding some directional information to the search staff results? While keeping it single-use, of course. Something along the lines of, I don't recall the exact quote but, "You feel a strong wind blow [from the southwest/from below/from behind]"
  9. How about a Smoke house and trap lines?

    This is great. Support! Also, multiblock structures = fun.
  10. List of new monsters

    There has been talk of keeping the fantasy-esque mobs but moving them underground, and leaving the surface for wild animals to roam. I believe the mobs you suggested would be a really nice addition to the underground roster (specially the ghost and shadow). I also fully support the addition of bandits and robbers to the surface - or else why do I even build a house?
  11. More food needed

    The fact that it has been discussed to hell and back AND not yet implemented is not a very good reflection on the community (and devs), and has the undesirable effect of inhibiting further suggestions...
  12. Scythe work

    Many times I've read "but then scythes would become useless!" in response to a suggestion. You've just explained the reason why - it's because scythes are currently being employed "out of character". I fully support crops being very hard to harvest by hand.
  13. The "Why Can't I...?" Thread

    Alright folks, this is a brainstorming thread disguised as a little game. The idea is simple: you know those moments when you are faced with a situation in which you take the most logical action only to find out that it doesn't work? Be it due to oversight or balancing or any reason, this sometimes leads to immersion-breaking. So, I propose this thread become the place to write about it so that a developer or add-on maker or somebody can fix it. Let's keep it short and to the point though - objective issues with objective solutions. I'll start with a few, you guys follow suit: - Why Can't I... drink water from a water bucket? I just went down to the river and forgot to fill my jug. Now I have to go back, even though I'm carrying 4 buckets of water! - Why Can't I... use sticks to fuel a firepit? It is made of wood after all. Sure, each one will burn for a very short time, but I have a ton of them! - Why Can't I... throw rocks at those zombies? There's a zombie trying to eat me, and I happen to have 10 big rocks in my pocket and a good throwing arm!
  14. Double Suggestion: Art & Wine/Beer

    I, for one, would much enjoy making music in TFC.
  15. [Suggestion] Basic Needs

    I believe you have a solid point here. The awesome blacksmithing system sets a high standard that some other aspects of the simulation don't quite live up to. Now this isn't meant as criticism, it's just my own personal observation. Maybe the next steps in development should focus on bringing the other systems up to speed. Even if it's just minute changes that make some things a little more intuitive, so that the player doesn't have to ever ask "why can't I do this?" Perhaps I can make an actual suggestion tomorrow after I've slept on it.