Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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About k4b6

  • Rank
    Wood Cutter
  1. Additional Mods

    Mods I'm using right now Modded Red Power and Build Craft so i can make certain things not the buildcraft quarry but the readpower wiring and bultric stuff( i Don't think I can give the code away) Optfine Smart movement and i'm going to try the battlegear mod(if it doesn't will work on that) And of course TFC
  2. Ok so i was playing oh ya my specs right OS: Windows 7 bit 64 Java Bit 32(ya i installed the wrong one) 20000 Virtual Memory - 10000 allocated to Minecraft(Note my ram is 4GB but i'm using a lot of virtual memory to play minecraft with high def textures not really high def but a little) Intel Graphics Card Family Chip Set 5 Minecraft Mods TFC Optfine MinecraftForge Texture pack A modified version of the Faithful texture pack in texture pack area Random Glitch ok Back on topic, so I was placing cobble down in prerelease 45(just found out i could place cobble with the little rocks)and while placing it two of my blocks became brick blocks as i was setting cobble on cobble I don't no know how and when i tried to recreate it failed to do it again any ideas why..... Random Discussion I think the chest are a wee to small and should have half a row of slots extra do you guys think so to.... Or be able to make a 2x2x2 create and be able to put more in that...
  3. Error when trying to enter world

    Is this the only Mod,(Not including Forge or Modloader because you are suppose to have those installed) if it is then it seems forge may have installed wrong...or you did not add all of the things In the zip file for TFCraft....
  4. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Thanks I'm working on a castle with my friends hopefully I'll get that posted soon
  5. If you want to edit the wiki.

    ya sorry just wanted to let you know
  6. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Okay I probably shouldn't post this here but I already took precautionary steps, so when you can fix it and if you have time you may, but I am going to fix the error on the front page of the wiki for the current version. instead of the {{v}} I've put in Beta v2 Pre 39 with out the {{ }} hopefully you can fix this later, but for now I will manually update it when a new update comes out
  7. Updated the Wiki

    Awesome added a Help Page
  8. Updated the Wiki

    I all ready did same with forge.. i was testing the Bloomery Design but my pictures don't have the smooth stone Design hmm Valkupo I'm going to use your design last Picture (Now your picture is on the Forge Page and the Bloomery Page)
  9. Updated the Wiki

    I'll fix it But a forge is made out of cobble a Bloomery is made out of bricks. thanks for the commentsEdit fixed the rock pages saying stone Scythe in their info and add a Forge link to all the rocks also the forge can be made out of bricks and cobble sorry for above saying it is only made of cobble Now to do some In game studying to see why certain ores say they are in certain ores
  10. Updated the Wiki

    Done with all the Rocks tell us what you think going to get some sleep....
  11. Updated the Wiki

    Back to my rocks
  12. Updated the Wiki

    ya i was fixing it when he was... he got to it first I like how the wiki is getting fixed
  13. Updated the Wiki

    It"s there...
  14. Updated the Wiki

    from what i read he is working on the tools ,but we need to clean up the main things, the spotters guide I'm not really worried about right now because if you go to his videos they are on the right, and I will be working on metals will I work on the rocks later tonight Minerals again are not my top priority because they have very little use for the game right now aside form Lapis and Bituminous coal ( I am using the ore page to write what ores go in the rock page...hopefully the ore page is right) and redirecting takes some time black bronze and rose gold are small things because they are in the same tier as something... not sure what but they are and I my work on getting started after I get done with the rock.. expect some big changes tomorrow
  15. Updated the Wiki

    Hey I am a Wiki contributor and I am going to edit some of the Rocks to have what ore spawns in them....Like on the granite page also if i have time i will do a page for the Logs but depending on what i do with the rocks(add a bunch of things like why it is in the game(based on Real Life), what uses are there for it) so that may take a while(I got six hours )... but I love what you did with the anvil page i was really confused when I started what to do with that...