Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by landryx

  1. TFC+: Continuation of the original TFC

    that's cool dunk, very nice to heard.
  2. Shield Concept Art and Discussion

    awesome works here
  3. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    yes, bioxx has really done an awesome job on the world gen
  4. Living on the edge

    impressive base again! What is the point of having an alternate source of energy (windwill)? no more charcoal needed in the iron smelting process?
  5. Single player tweaks for casual players

    you can just mess around with the config file and boost a bitthe ores spawning
  6. Best sandwich ever?

    the sandwich system always been nice to mess with, but sadly come with no "real" reward to justify it. There is no point of finding the perfect sandwich.
  7. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    what happened? is Bioxx on vacations?
  8. Is There a TFC2 Guide?

    there is currently no guidebut the wiki will be updated eventually. Stay tuned. at the moment, the changelog or that thread
  9. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    just follow the tread here, all informations and updates are clearly explained. You shouldn't have any problem with that
  10. Living on the edge

    thoses mods you use seems to add more dept and possibilities to the game late-game, reaching black/blue/red steel TFC1 always never felt like a necessity for me.
  11. Living on the edge

  12. Living on the edge

    what other mods are you actually using? awesome base man by the way
  13. Release Date? Soon?

    cool thx diego! GitHub..!
  14. Release Date? Soon?

    there are currently working on mobs models. no big news so far from bioxx, no tweet, no screenshot. it's pretty damn dead actually. but darmo is doing a great job on mobs recently. he's apparently the only one.
  15. TFC ( Small Server to have fun on [Whitelist]

    IGN: Landryx Why you want to join: playing TFC for holidays Skills you might have: metallurgy, buildings and minings
  16. B79 Food Preservation

    yes, i agree with you tony there is a lot of things that TFC1 need to be rectified. If only there was another team still supporting the continuity of this of first TFC
  17. Deadly weather

    An ex dev already did some coding formechanisms like those in the past likeheating a house during winter for better stamina via heating sources (torches, forge) orself stamina being affected by ambiant temperature. But sadly it has never been finished.
  18. vanila iron

    why would you like vanilla iron?
  19. I remember there was no config files available to play around during the development of the first TFC.We have learn the game and appreciate the way it was hehe
  20. Thank you

    can't thanksenough for that mod.
  21. Mobs for TFC2

    rats, excellent.
  22. so good, nextsomething with mushrooms ?
  23. [TFC 0.79.29] TFC Engineer

    Keep up the good works!
  24. Questions and Suggestions for TFC2

    no newonwhat bioxx is working on lately? #TFC2hype