Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by landryx

  1. [Solved][0.79.3] Fruit Tree Growth

    Kiitychanley: "We know about the planting on grass issue" I thought it was intended. It works when you tilt the grass with a hoe before to plant them, (like a seed). haha
  2. propecting skill

    oh man, what a build you did devs. TFC is awesome, specially the skill system. by the way, those skills, I noticing while actually searching for copper ores, that gold panning isn't really linked to the prospector skill. Since it the action fo seeking ores...should it be normal to expect some skill bonus or something like that. cheers.
  3. TFC Build 79

    Wooden bowl are removed at the moment. Use ceramic bowls instead. try something like this; X X X X X X X X X X X= clay still there O X X X O O= clay removed X O O O X X X X X X
  4. temporary support for b79

    Alright, the new build is finally out. The new meal system seems to rock the shit out too but there is no wooden bowl recipe at the moment kittychanley told me. So did someone had found the ceramic bowl one?
  5. Animals AI

    "Cela créera une accumulation d'animaux passifs aux alentours des plans d'eau, ces soit une qualité soit un défaut, à vous de voir." serait vraiment cool en fait. mais bon je crois que dunk ou bioxx ne tiendras pas compte de ce post. Déjà qu'il ne comprend pas trop le français, et qu'il est en ce moment occupé à finaliser la build 79.
  6. TFC Build 79

    hey hey it's more than time to release your build. come on!
  7. TFC Build 79

  8. Torch Discussion

    Bioxx and Dunk are currently working hard to finish b79. Always ask for more won't help in any way where we're at. Please.
  9. Slow down on animal model details

    how old are those pictures, dunk?
  10. New Torches and Light

    Mines will be cool though hehe, you second visit will give an impression of an abandoned mines.
  11. New Torches and Light

    I like how it is originally announced by dunk and bioxx. but for the topic, maybe only a one drop light level reduction at 90% of its light lifetime. Just to inform it's going to light off soon...
  12. Books

    Kitty: "The wiki is my baby, and I amextremely proudof what progress I have made on it." TFC's wiki is much more clear and well presented than the vanilla one on gamepedia. Sure something to be proud of. Well done kitty.
  13. The medieval city of Thamesville on Rhodance's server

    Very nice!! Permission to build my house around?
  14. Body Temperature: Simplified

    new impacts on the gameplay, we like that. thx m.dunk!
  15. How do you like to find your way?

    nice ideas with the flowers!
  16. How do you like to find your way?

    Well for my part, I usually just try to memorize the environnement. It's really lazy haha but with a 5x5 rooftop in thatch with support beams above the 2x2 mineshaft for we see, it's cool.
  17. Ambitious thoughts

    why not see the corpses like a entities, like a chest that contains bones, an hide and pieces of meat that decay. Does it create that much ticks? I'm not sure to understand.
  18. Metal Nuggets.

    hmmm, I still prefer the actual mechanism. It's simple and math don't bother me at all. Sincerely, those incomplete ingots, I usually put it in the garbage most of the time.
  19. Sensible Crucibles (RESOLVED) <3

    completely agree, smelting ores is not more enjoyable with the crucible when it should make it much more fluid and fun!!
  20. A few things that bother me

    seismic activity and "pits".... really interesting. It gives a sense to those in another words. Is dunk and bioxx considering the implementation of real earthquakes? Damn.
  21. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    ok, just to congrats this add-on's developer. Mortar/wooden pestle, nice shot for TFC. In hurry to see what's coming on with the Alchemical update.
  22. Rotten Flesh

    cool, I like your no.2 kittychanley
  23. Rotten Flesh

    Those pieces of flesh from zombies, they stink, they are useless, even WOLVES dislike them!!Why keeping them in the game?
  24. wow, those biomes from this modHighlandsare really cool!! Especially the Alps one with big tall pine trees and snow.