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Article Comments posted by landryx
"Thatch blocks are no longer a solid block. (...)"
- Could you clarify this? 'not a solid block' could mean that they function like glass blocks, but then that would make them useless for roofing (their intended purpose). So there must be a different, new mechanic here... or am I misunderstanding things completely?
you can pass through, light too, zombies too. and cannot be placed on dirt blocks.
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Awesome! Perfect Sunday evening!
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Most of you guys have no clue on how annoying this torch change will get on smp servers. You login 40 minutes later and your whole base is dark again.. overrun by mobs. You happen to die, tough luck, you can't access your stuff because mobs run around your chests. You built a cave house, tough luck, there is never any skylight. You didn't fully clear a mine and wish to come back, tough luck, need to clean out the mobs.
While this feature seems nice and believable, it adds more annoyance to an already grindy game. I'm ready for a well designed challenge, but this is just a joke. You want to drastically change the way the mod works, provide us with an alternative (lanterns..) to make it enjoyable.
dude relax, you just have to turn it off in the config file if you don't like it. Kitty added it.
79.7 is out
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So sequoia forests are finished? Kitty those forests were the beauty of TFC! Worlds were nice with them.