Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by DcNdrew

  1. An Idea

    And one more thing: Make multiplayer multi-player. Not single with guys on TS. This could be an addon, not the part of TFC, to make it interesting, not hard when you play alone. If you play online everybody can do anything. Some people can build things nicely, others make awesome systems. But the don't need each other. Well, you may know how to take care of animals, but you're trying to make some tools. No problem in Minecraft, everything works like charm, your tool is always perfect. With this, you may can make a shovel which is good for decoration, but nothing else. Then what? "Can you make me a shovel?" "Yup, give me a chicken" "Mmkay!" "You know what? We are playing multi! YEEEY!"
  2. An Idea

    First of all: Rhapsodyman2000: I didn't want to put this in suggestions, because this wasn't a real suggestion. Srgnoodles: I didn't want to give another name for the post, because this is an idea about ideas. That's why I wrote with capital I. Got it? An Idea, means: 1: A system named Idea (for the ideas) 2.1: An idea as it is 2.2: An idea which itself is an Idea (but of course not implemented) This is some fun in titling. Now get back to real things: Achievement system is nice, it could be good for this, and I didn't think about it before so I don't know how it works. We still should need the way for giving to each other Ideas. Srgnoodles: I've read your comment several times, and I think we're talking nearly about same thing. My idea is not to "research", just trying to do something which gives you an idea, and after that you can make it.TFC is different, there are many things which is not in the NEI. You will need hints for more flowing game experience.There would be research, but it's the way of modern world. Before the renaissance there weren't many research as-is. don't want it like "Now I'm going to put stuffs here and there and again and again." I'd like to see it as a flowing stuff. For example the first tools are easy to make, you don't need to learn too much. Just one-two things. After that you may start to collect pebbles, right? Materials, logistics. Chopping down trees, collecting sticks? Materials, agriculture, logistics, building. You've got the idea for fireplace. You make it. Kill some animals for food (husbandry, agriculture, fighting). Let's make some food! Idea of knife (if you didn't get it already)! Idea of pottery too (because you won't see burned clay)! Burn some clay. Smelting! You make your first ingot: smithing! You've got hammer! And so.This is the first time. You'll learn the basic things, if you're playing alone, and making everything by yourself. Got it? Make it flow. Veterans won't really feel the guide, because they working as they can, but newbies will have guides. As you play longer, learn things will be someway harder. Making better, harder stuffs, making crops more resistant and so.
  3. Snow and ice, changes of the winter mechanics

    Cold places could have more furry animals and some simplier foods like mushrooms, fishes, others.
  4. New Scribing Table Mechanic

    Whyyy!!!...? I mean... In theory I have an idea for machinery like cogs. I could do them by drawing and forging it. Now will I have to add stuffs to sub-gui?
  5. I think limiting your inventory is a great idea if there's any good way to replace it. I don't use minecarts or donkeys in Minecraft usually. Why? Because I don't need to. There are backpacks, pouches, enderchests, even tesseracts. That's for travelling, there are many other ways, less problematic ways. But TFC is not that way of game. If you want to carry things, you could get a great way to do it, but it wouldn't be so easy. For example: More intelligent donkeys (animals usually). Less accidents... Like that sweet animal with full inventory walks into a lava pool just for fun... or in a stream (I mean when a water source starts to flow down and the animal stucks in it and drown). I need less elastic ropes, and a way to connect donkeys to each other, making a caravan. Or connect horses to minecarts and minecarts to each other. You've made 6 minecarts full inventory of ores, connected to 4 horses or mules, what can pull the whole thing out of the mine. That would be great i think. You've told about low-level gamers. Well if I get wood or somebody build a great house and/or give me interesting machines, magic utilities to research, I'd like to mine and carry stuffs all the day. Everybody has needs, but not everybody want to suck with crafting things. Others love them. I play with some guys who love to build fantastic buildings but I have no patience to do it. But I like to try new stuffs, research, creating that kind of stuffs what he would like to use for building, and this is what I call multiplayer. By the way lesser inventories should be in config, so you can choose. That's what I think.
  6. New Dangers of the Night

    Forestry has the idea of bees, I think something like that should be the way for TFC. If you're agressive and incautios with bees they will attack you. If you're using smoke, your chance to get honey will be better. Honey could be used for food, giving a chance for boost as well.