Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by DcNdrew

  1. Have you thought about some schedule?

    You'll have idea what and when would you like to make, and people will be calmed a bit.

    You've recreated Minecraft in a nice way, made it more inspirational, and you just work slow enough to make it frustrating. :D


  2. This very much sounds like thaumcraft.

    Except Thaumcraft doesn't need talent, there is no brewery in this way and so on. :D But yes, magic usually works someway like this, I just threw my understanding of magic and suggested core ideas for it.

  3. While I player with other mods, I always think how much I'd like it...And so I thought how could magic be believable in TFC?In my opinion TFC needs a system which has the options to make nearly any kind of magic.I read Wiki about magic, and there are some kind of magic, like sympatic, opposite, devine and so. You mostly use potions, brews, runes, anything what in normal ways shouldn't do anything.But there is some kind of force, what you can call for your aid, behind the scenes. That is mostly can be shaped by your willpower. But first you have to find the idea of magic, and then you have to have the talent to shape it. Your mind have to be opened for it. Of course, if you don't have talent, you still can use tools to make some magic.How could be that in TFC? First, this taste thing gave me az idea. In every world you need different recipes for the same action. Why? Because magic is not something what you can make out of the box, and it's power is beyond the normal ways. You simply have to live the life of a wizard, witch, warlock or anything. Your hard work will give you the power what will move the earth, control the nature, what makes you able to summon the fire of Hell. That's not a hobby. You have to work, research Minecraft months and even years. It's occult lore. Hidden by the veil of reality.So every recipe needs research again and again in a new world. For the recipes, you'll have to use scaled amount of things. When you make a potion, not just the amounts matters. The order, temperature, even where do you stir and how many times.With the runes it does count if you can place magical energy in it or just wait, to let it fill. If you can force it in a runes, the magic can be more potent.If you want to live the life of a wizard, you may needs many paper, but mostly scrolls. Those are not simple papers. They have to be prepared for big amount of energy or they will simply explode. While you do the research, you may don't have time for creating those scrolls, but untalented mages or wizards can prepare them easily, they have the right tools for that, because a they can't do from their mind. Witches are masters of potions. So this way of magic would give work for some people, not to mention they also need to eat. It's a great continue of the basic TFC.So this system need recipes with actions, energy control during the creation, and many things.What do you think?


  4. I'm trying to make Eclipse project with Gradle on Linux without any settings, and I got an error, it says: 

    07:11:35.151 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    07:11:35.152 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] 
    07:11:35.152 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] * Where:
    07:11:35.152 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] Build file '/home/dcndrew/TFCraft/build.gradle' line: 30
    07:11:35.153 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] 
    07:11:35.153 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] * What went wrong:
    07:11:35.154 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] A problem occurred evaluating root project 'TFCraft'.
    07:11:35.154 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] > Could not generate a proxy class for class net.minecraftforge.gradle.user.patch.UserPatchExtension.
    07:11:35.157 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] 
    What should I set up before building? Based on the gradlew.bat I don't need any system or java home settings. In the line 30 is " apply plugin: 'forge' ", so do it may need Forge?
    The whole error part is here:

  5. I actually installed envriomine a few months ago. Managed to make torches emanate heat and if you are not close to one, you die after a while. But the numbers were funked up and unsynced with the ones from Terrafirma. 

    Funwayguy's mods are full with good ideas. His recipe stuff mod where you have to put items in a workbench-like thing to learn to create items without losing ingredients, is something I need in TFC (too). Just to mention.


    Enviromine has easy config, you just have to add TFC biomes in it, and set the temperature.


  6. I'm really not sure where exactly to post this. I know that posting is discouraged generally through all the rules, so if I'm making a mistake, please direct me to the place where I should post this. I searched the forums for this topic before posting and I'm writing this in the positive constructive hope that it could help something someone. This mod has integrated body temperature and crafting clothes fairly ok from what it seems. They've discontinued the development but code could be still used maybe? Hopefully?  

    Enviromine. It's open source AFAIK and uses body temerature with easy config on clothes.


  7. Okay. When do you start to use bricks, stones and cobblestones? When you can mine them, right? When you have copper. So you may have saw too. Well, it's ready to make wooden carts, and you're ready to move stones. Even with limitations.


    And the storage doesn't need any limitations before. Because it's decoration in some place and more believable than hundreds cubic meters of dirt in a barrel.


  8. Understood. My suggestion was borne out of the concern that if the inventory restrictions are relatively severe (for example, one could only carry realistic amounts of materials, or even ten or a hundred times that which is still orders of magnitude less than what we can carry in tfc now) even with awesome transport options, then I foresee building stuff would become much too tedious since one would have to physically go back and forth between wherever big blocks are stored and where you want to place the blocks. Do you guys see this as a problem like i do? If so, how would you suggest addressing it?


    So you'll must to use better logistics, make small piles on the building, make a horse-train and so.

    No need for too much repeating if you planned it well.


  9. Eh, my idea, dismissed. Okay.I'd better make pulleys(or what? block and tackle?) to lift piles up a floor for building instead of making a cart. I never see some building that uses carts to move stuff, RL nor fiction. How did you get that idea, anyway?

    Remember: TFC is about making Minecraft more believable. Minecraft's most neglected, but still great transporting way is the minecart. Lifts are okay but in my mind carts are the easiest to implement, they need some recolored textures, nerfed speed and inventory.If that's cheap and you must use alternate transporting system instead of your magical huge pockets, you'll build tracks. Well, you've already built some tracks, why wouldn't you built it more to your construction site? Even up to the top?


  10. My first distro was SuSE. After that I used Ubuntu, Arch, Debian (for a bit), tried Slackware, Frugalware, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, something raptorfoot (i don't remember the name, but it was a Gentoo port) (Chakra?) and SteamOS. My favourites are Kubuntu (it has some painful ideas, but works right) and Arch.

    For some games I have Win 8.1 too.


  11. Autopiling: no of course. Unbelievable.


    Andeerz: No need to reach piles from distance.

    First: unbelievable. How do you make it? With x meters long arms? :D

    Second: As I said wooden rails and wooden carts will work perfectly. And so when you start to build something you'll have to plan and build scaffolding to reach higher places.

    Third: (this is my personal need) more cooperation.


  12. In my mind there's a way to make a virtual spheric world. I don't know if the Minecraft can be forced to do this, but if you think, the way is to load chunks from the other side of the world as you go. For example when you're at the 30.000, the engine starts to load from -30.000. As I said I don't know if you can load on the sight any chunk, but I think that's the most handy way. The most possible option is to teleport. Laggy and weird, but works.


  13. When I'll have the motivation I'll write an addon for this. I don't know yet anything about MC modding, but in my earlier days I made some scripts, small softwares, so... damn you Assassins Creed, XCOM and your friends, leave me be! I need time for coding! Bah! :D
