Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by InsaneJ

  1. ajpesz.png

    After plans started for our new servers almost a year ago, today they are finally ready for the public. We are happy to announce that our new TerraFirmaCraft servers are open for people to play on :)

    In total we have 5 new servers:

    • Freebie TFC, our public non-whitelisted server.
    • Donor TFC, huge server for donors with less restrictions.
    • Donor TFC Hardcore, huge server for donors that like to play TFC without teleports.
    • Donor TechnodeFirmaCraft, this server runs a mod pack from the ATLauncher
    • Jail, players that break the rules get send here for menial labor.

    You can join our servers through the lobby or directly if you prefer. Please read the server rules and details on our server page.
    In short, join us on or any of the other IP and ports listed on the page above.

    All the servers have fully pre-generated maps. The Freebie TFC map is 20.000 by 20.000 blocks in size. The Donor servers are 80.000 by 80.000 blocks in size. The maps are well over 400GB in size. Dynmap for all these servers take up over 3TB of disk space.

    People who like playing on our servers may consider donating. Donors get certain perks which are all cosmetic in nature. Perks do not carry over between servers. On each server each player is equal gameplay wise. There is no pay to win.

    After almost a year of planning and doing we're finally here. I'd like to thank all of the staff members and the other volunteers that have helped us get everything ready. Thanks guys :)


  2. In theory that sounds nice. But in practice that's not how it works.


    The negotiations would go something like this:

    Player A: Give us your stuff.

    Player B: No.

    Player A: WAR!!!


    Then the whole thing turns into chaos where people are raiding villages left and right because, it's war and collateral damage seems acceptable. Players who just wanted to build a town and play the game leave frustrated because all of their effort just got stolen or griefed. The pvp fans leave shortly after that because there is no one left to raid.


    We have seen this happen several times now on our servers. The players who like factions, raiding and pvp are usually not the ones who stick around and help build a server and a community. And they are almost never the ones who stick around to rebuild after the war.


    But like I said before. If you want a factions server, create one and see how it goes. 10 people voted they would like such a server. So you should get at least 10 players, that's more than enough to have a war with. Who knows, maybe this time things will be different.


  3. March 10th the old servers will close and the new ones will open. I will not wait for people to move their stuff on March 10th. So please get your stuff in the Ark no later than March 9th. Press TAB to see the server's date/time. That's the time I live by.

    After the old servers close I need to manually move the Arks to the new servers, convert the player data and put that on the new server. Then builders need to build a dock for the Arks. Once everything is done the new servers are ready for the public.

    This means that for a period there will be no TFC servers available on March 10th. I'll try to keep this window as small as possible. However people are free to enjoy our lobby server and the many games it offers.

    Once the new servers open I will make an announcement on the HappyDiggers front page, the HappyDiggers forum, the TFC forum and Twitter.


    Please see these thread on our forum for more information:
    New server plans
    Build thread: Freebie TFC, Donor TFC / TFC HC / TnFC


  4. Since TerraFirmaCraft was released there has been a serious issue with food decay. See reported issue here:


    This issue will not be fixed as the TFC devs are hard at work on TFC 2. So we have decided to change the TFC config on our servers to work around this problem. LarsonPacific has done extensive research into this problem going as far as to reviewing the TFC source code to find the rout cause of this problem. His recommendation is as follows:


    I think decayProtectionDays=6 would be a good starting point. It allows for decay of food normally for food in players' inventories and in chunks loaded at least every ~2 real life hours, exactly as it does now, but should mitigate the lottery effect. If a player butchers a pig and logs off for an hour to eat, they will still get normal decay, but if they go to bed or work and log back on 8 hours later, they should be able to reliably pick up where they left off, which I think is reasonable. It basically will just treat players as being "in the game" for ~2 hours after logoff, instead of the current ~9 before applying the decayProtection mechanic, which given the playing habits of the regular players on the server, is a more reasonable figure... as I've not observed that when the average regular player logs out on HD, that it will "be at a minimum of 12 if not 18 hours before they log in again"

    Am not sure where they came up with that number... but it sure wasn't here :P


    I have set the following config option:

    I:decayProtectionDays=6 (from default 24)

    If you experience anymore problems with food decay please let us know.


  5. Four years of hosting Minecraft servers has taught us an important lesson: Don't ever use OpenJDK for running Minecraft.


    This will go against all sense of 'openness' that you will find while running Debian, but I strongly recommend installing and using Oracle Java instead.


    If you decide to try this keep in mind that Oracle needs you to accept their eula before downloading. You can do this by modifying the URL with which you download the jdk. Something like this should work:

    wget --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"

    Since Oracle Java is not part of the Debian distribution you should create the following directory for it:

    mkdir /opt/jdk

    and extract the file you downloaded there:

    tar -zxf jdk-8u73-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /opt/jdk


    Then set Oracle as the default JVM with:

    update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk/jdk<YourVersion something like 1.8.0_73>/bin/java 100update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/jdk/jdk<YourVersion something like 1.8.0_73>/bin/javac 100

    If all went well you can verify your installation with:

    update-alternatives --display javaupdate-alternatives --display javacorjava -version

    Updating is done as follows:

    update-alternatives --remove java /opt/jdk/jdk.old.version/bin/javaupdate-alternatives --remove javac /opt/jdk/jdk.old.version/bin/javacrm -rf /opt/jdk/jdk.old.version

    Good luck :)




    Added extract command in case someone reads this and doesn't yet know how.


  6. We have started a build thread to keep track of progress on the various serves. If you like you can view it here:


    We have also launched a new ARK: Survival Evolved server. We feel it may be of interest to those who enjoy the survival aspects of TFC.


    Server IP:

    This server is free to play and has simple rules. Respect the staff and other players. There is to be no player harassment. No wiping of people's bases unless they're in a cave or on top of a mountain. And each tribe may have no more than 3 bases.

    Using the standard Ark map "The Island"
    A PvEvP based server. Friendly community style playing with the opportunity to still engage in PvP.
    3rd person disabled
    Crosshairs disabled
    Map player location enabled (Only shows yourself, helpful for finding friends)
    No character/dino downloads
    No base leveling/wiping. Bust in get what you want and leave.
    No dino wiping.
    Standard XP
    Player max level 160
    Wild dino max level 240
    4x Tame rate
    2x Less food consumption
    2x Harvest rate
    2x Structure integrity
    Mating interval .5x (half the time between mating sessions)
    Egg hatch speed 2x
    Baby mature rate 10x
    Global spoiling rate 2x (twice as long before it rots)
    Global item decomposition 2x (Items on the ground last twice as long)
    Global corpse decomposition 100x (Gives 24 hour real life time to retrieve your body.


  7. I think there's a difference between playing creatively, and playing in creative mode. One is creating something that looks nice like a town or a castle. Maybe with a lot of ornaments, chisel, etc. The other is to provide items and blocks to a player.

    You could make the argument that vanilla Minecraft itself, although it has creative mode, is fairly limited in it's creative gameplay. And yet a ton of people play the game that way. Even if TFC 2 is committed to providing a non-creative gameplay experience, I'll guarantee that a lot of people will play it that way. People just like to build things that look nice with the blocks and items at their disposal. It's one of the biggest appeals to the game after all. If you need examples, we have a ton of towns on our server where people made all sorts of interesting and nice looking builds. They don't look nice because of chisel, they look nice because people make interesting combinations with what they have.

    It would be really nice if TFC 2 would allow players to use the creative tab to spawn in completely functional items. Even without getting side tracked in by a game mechanic that eats up a lot of dev time people will enjoy this a lot. And it would also make the lives of server admins a lot easier if we could spawn in say, food items without the need for command blocks to edit nbt data.

    We aren't quite finished with TFC 1 yet though. There still are a lot of people playing the game and we've got 3 new servers planned to be opened soon. I'll say this for TFC. It's been a wild and interesting ride. TFC does what very few mods manage to do and that is expand vanilla Minecraft in more or less the direction that vanilla Minecraft was going in but never quite reached. I hope you guys continue on this journey and make vanilla Minecraft all it can be in TFC :)


  8. Read this thread for more information:

    I spoke with cpw and it turns out that there's absolutely no order checking when it comes to client vs server side events, and that it's completely normal behavior for the client to try and start rendering the player's HUD before the player has even completed logging in. I don't agree with this design decision, but forge won't be making a change so I'll have to add in a bunch of error checking to prevent the HUD from rendering before logging in is complete.

    There will be either a or a 0.79.28 release in the next week or so, but I'm going to hold off on releasing it to see if there are any other lingering bugs from the latest update that I overlooked.


  9. Wow, I had to look that up :)


    The installation instructions here link to an old version of Forge. This is the current recommended version. The vanilla launcher seems to work with the new version of TFC. Which begs the question: what is causing this issue?

    MultiMC 0.4.7 is the current stable release and we're using it with literally over 200 different mods without any problems. That got me thinking. I have a few custom Java arguments set in the MultiMC launcher. In this case it was: -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods

    After removing these the game was able to create and join a new world and join a standalone server without crashing. I thought that was pretty strange since I have been using those for a really long time and on pretty much all the TFC 0.79.x versions prior to the current one.

    So I tried a couple more times with MultiMC. Sometimes it would crash, sometimes it wouldn't. Then I tried a couple more times with the vanilla client and the same thing happened. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    Vanilla launcher crash using the Java arguments above:

    Vanilla launcher crash without the Java arguments above:

    To try to rule out other causes (Windows, Java, drivers, etc.) I've also tried running a bunch of other mod packs on MultiMC that don't have TFC in it. So far I haven't encountered this issue with any of them.
