Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by noobsrtoast

  1. 1. Multiple studies have proven that being cold won't give you a cold. Getting sick from going outside without a coat on, or while wet is an old wive's tale, and has been proven by multiple studies that it is just a myth and not true. 

    Here's just one of many links quoting such studies:


    2. How does grinding up fruit make antibiotics? The high vitamin C content may boost your immune system to help it fight off pathogens, but it in itself has very little antimicrobial properties. Because of the time period in which TFC is set, the only feasible antibiotics would be Honey (Contains antimicrobial enzymes), Onions/Garlic/Cabbage (Antimicrobial sulfur compounds) and fermented food (Reintroduces "friendly" bacteria into the system)


    3. Many of the ailments that you listed are viruses, which will have no reaction to antibiotics since they only treat bacterial infections.

    I was thinking simple I didn't want to get to complex with it as that's not what the mod is about


  2. so a new strain of the h1n1 virus is going around my house and its landed me and my siblings with a bad case of pneumonia (no im not gonna die calm down people they got me on some strong antibiotics and ill be fine in about a week) the good I got out of this was it gave me an idea for tfc viruses :D read on!:


    water quality: determines whether or not a chance of contracting a virus/ bug from the water will happen drinking dirty water such as from a lake or the ocean has a chance of getting you sick but only with bugs that you can get over to keep the game playable. boiling water into a clay jug in a firepit is the safest way to clean the water and get rid of any unwanted passengers


    food quality: this ties back to my other post "food spoilage" if you eat spoiled food you have a chance of contracting something from it and it could be deadly too the solution: don't eat rotten food...


    mobs: mobs can give you things too though they will only give you bugs that can be eliminated with simple remedies



    types of viruses:


    simple bugs( you will get over it eventually):


    the common cold: can be contracted when in cold temperatures character will cough and have a slight slowness debuff over the duration of it, no rememdies but your character will eventually get over it,


    barking cough: not sure about the technical name but a barking cough which drastically affects the characters stamina but eventually goes away can be managed by drinking tea (explained later), contracted from drinking dirty water, spoiled food, and cold temps


    just a runny nose: pretty self explanatory, can be managed the same way as a barking cough, contracted solely from cold temps like c.c.


    harmful if not treated:


    pneumonia: what I have right now can kill the player by suppressing the ability to breathe can be treated with mint tea, low activity and antibiotics (gone over later in the post)


    influenza: killed over half the population in a large pandemic back during ww1 you can treat it by taking menthol (obtained by processing mint plants In a quern), drinking lots of tea, and lowering the amount of activity your player is doing as well as making sure he stays warm you would have a very very very low chance of contracting this don't worry.


    can be managed but not cured (your chance of contracting one of these is extremely low like 1/500000 chance against):


    malaria: give the player a permenant "wither" debuff which you can get rid of by taking antibiotics every day or so if you miss a day you will have the wither debuff until you take antibiotics again contracted from dirty water, and spoiled food, and zombie encounters


    parasite infection: random virus that takes away 1 heart every 2 minutes, can be managed by taking antibiotics, menthol and drinking tea


    incurable viruses that insure death to your player(1/ 1 million chance of contracting)


    black death: everyone knows what this is can be slowed by antibiotics but will eventually kill your player, contracted from mobs, spoiled food and some animals


    h1n1 deadly variant: everyone also knows this one, can be slowed but will eventually kill you contracted the same way as black death


    zombie infection: it wouldn't be me not to opt for something that will eventually zombify your character resulting in you having to respawn and fight your former self for you stuff, this is the only virus with no cure plus nothing that slows its advance, contracted from zombies of course even lower chance of contracting than other incurable viruses


    remedies(gets rid of most things):


    tea( boil some water than add some fruits, veggies, mint plant, or menthol to it and boom you have the most effective cold remedy around)

    antibiotics(weak antibiotics made by grinding up 2 fruits or veggies in a quern add 2 more fruits/veggies to make strong antibiotics)

    menthol or straight mint: menthol made by grinding mint leaf in a quern, mint leaf obtained by finding mint plants around the world which yield 0-4 mint leafs when broken, can be turned into seeds and grown.


    pandemics: have a 1/400000 chance of happening during a pandemic your chance of contracting incurable but manageable or incurable/insures death diseases drastically increases so watch out!


    infections: infections which can kill the player if not bandaged and given antibiotics( bandages made from wool) can be contracted via wounds from combat.


    that's all hope this helps :D


  3. If the chance was 5% per unit of peat, then you would have to burn an average of 200 blocks of peat in order to make one bar of wrought iron. That means just to make the iron required to craft the anvil - which is needed before you can make any sort of iron tool - you would need to burn an average of 2800 peat. That is a loooot of peat. It's 87 and a half stacks of peat, assuming that peat stacks to 32 like other forms of dirt. More than three full player inventories full of stacks of peat.


    Harvesting and burning it (you'd need a hundred firepits to get it done with any sort of speed) would involve a fairly large amount of time and effort spent by the player for the return. Since it does not allow you to bypass any part of the progression, but it does allow you to continue if you absolutely can't find any iron anywhere (been there done that), I wouldn't call it overpowered. I'd call it a useful fallback.


    The question is, can it be implemented easily? For example, the firepit would need to be able to deposit the randomly generated nugget in some sort of output slot. And the two regular ones might be occupied already.


    what if it worked the same way as metal if you forget your ceramic tray your shit outta luck the metal liquefies and its gone same could be true for firepits you forgot to empty the slots your shit outta luck the magnetite Is lost just a thought


  4. Hard as finding magnetite? Dig a deep shaft with some ladders and torches in inventory, with a prospector's pick. It's not HARD just time consuming, like much else in TFC. The challenge is in time management - you won't ever make progress if you don't have a plan. Now. Again weighing in here with opinions. 


    - We probably don't need random disasters to destroy crops or stockpiles. Random chance can destroy planning and generally turns the game into trying to avoid chance screwing you over before you can diversify enough not to get hammered hard. 


    - Veggies already "ripen" as they grow and are harvested. Most produce we buy at markets today are harvested before peak ripeness (especially true for tomatoes and bananas) so they can sit for a while before being sold. That's why things get kind of skewed about how people view "ripe". Grow your own veggies sometime, and you can tell the difference between a real ripe tomato and the stuff we're used to having. (Also on the topic of tomatoes and other veggies in general - it's really not a good idea to eat them before they're ripe.) 


    - The need to water crops is sort of handled by irrigation right now, which also ties down any substantial farm plots to water and a means of getting it where you need it. This is already limiting since you can't move water as easily (well source blocks) as you can in Vanilla. If you require regular watering of crops, then there is a high chance it will require someone to stay there and monitor them and not go mining for metals. (Effectively making single players farm a huge stockpile anyway so they can burn through it as they mine for metals.) 


    - The idea of crops simply dying out when there's insufficient nutrients? I can get behind. It punishes players who just stick with a stone hoe (*raises hand*) and don't monitor the nutrients in the soil closely. It requires them to plan ahead before starting a farm, as new plots start with minimal nutrient levels, so they need to keep the fields fallow until they're ready. I'd suggest the plants dying out would actually replenish the other nutrients in the soil, so it could be advantageous to let some crops "rot" so you can kickstart fields for another crop.


    I can see where it'd be believable, and tending the crops is something which needs to be done . . . but it could turn the game into an exceedingly dull experience of "must tend crops or starve" and making it harder to get set up to do mining. And if we add spoilage (somehow) then there's almost no chance for single players to work with the mod and it will always require someone on a multiplayer server to be around to tend the crops and check for rotten food. There's not much fun in forcing players into menial tasks like that. 


    I said food lasts an ingame month for a reason and you just turned what I was saying into an incredibly long post having crop mechanics like that would make the game hard there needs to be some kind of leeway


  5. I once played a hardcore world, and a skeleton was caught off guard in the sunlight. I tried to kill it by throwing javelins at it, but some how they all disappeared, and than the sun came out and I started hitting it with my stone axe until I just died. 


    never use an axe or a javelin in the stone age knives are much more appropriate


  6. Would seam a bit op in my opinion, unless the percentage is dramatically low. I have seen fields of peat over a thousand blocks square and up to 10 blocks thick in some places. Much like deserts and gems this would provide a simple way of by passing most earlier metals.


    also the thing with magnetite is to smelt it you need a bloomery and to get a bloomery you need bronze sheets correct? so wouldn't you still have to get the earlier stage metals in large quantities?


  7. Would seam a bit op in my opinion, unless the percentage is dramatically low. I have seen fields of peat over a thousand blocks square and up to 10 blocks thick in some places. Much like deserts and gems this would provide a simple way of by passing most earlier metals.


    it would be a very very low chance that you would get magnetite funny that you mention it now the swedes oftentimes couldn't keep up with the need for production of weapons because of just how low the amounts of iron they found were :D


  8. If this was implemented, it would have to be a flat percentage range of getting the nugget regardless of where the peat came from. Just like gravel can be taken from anywhere to be used in sluices, because it doesn't retain the "where I came from" information when broken and turned into an item, peat would do the same.


    oh does this work out too or is it to op?


  9. TFC generates the world completly different than normal MC.The world is generated as the real world is. There is an equator (0 Z) And there are poles ( +-20k Z). Everything in between goes from Equator-near places like desert and low precipitation areas that are very hot and dont have too much vegetation, over to a moderate temperatures at about 10K and will drop fast after 15K Z you won't find too much stuff else than tundras.The world is still infinite though if you go after +-20k Z there is nothing but frozen wasteland. But you can still go with the X axis, as this one is infinite as you know it. But if you are at 10k Z and go along the x axis the climate will almost not change.If you don't find trees at 0,0 thats because trees are not very likely to spawn at the equator. This doesent affect the oregeneration.


    that's insanely awesome realism to the max


  10. I have an idea for you why don't you make a steam engine recipe which can be used in steamboats or as a power source for lights if you add them or even to cook/smelt things with I don't wanna say a steam powered automobile because tfc isn't that kind of mod but a steam boat that can store stuff on it would be cool


  11. hey guys im back with another suggestion, im gonna start this one off with a little history lesson:


    during the Viking age, Scandinavian nations raided parts of eastern and western Europe to secure rights to trade for weapons again as well as get those confiscated from them by nations like Ireland, Scotland and England back. during this time because they did not have sufficient amounts of mineable iron or could trade for weapons (anyone caught trading weapons to the Vikings received a death sentence as punishment), they developed a very crafty efficient way of making swords by burning pete for the small amounts of iron in it turning that iron into iron strands basically then forging small weaponry out of it (believe it or not the Vikings were actually a highly intelligent society with some of the most advanced technology of the time).


    ok well back to the original point I think it would be neat if you burnt pete and it sometimes gave you magnetite nuggets which produced 10 units of wrought iron every nugget and still had to be smelted in a bloomery, the only way you could find magnetite in pete is if there was a magnetite vein under the pete somewhere and pete only had a 10% chance of giving off magnetite even if the conditions were met.


    this would give it balance on top of needing a bloomery so players couldn't immediately advance into the iron age, this feature also doesn't really add t the realism of the mod very much but more appeals to its believeability hope its not hard to code or causes lag :D


  12. I know im probably not the best person to be posting this as im very new to the forums but you must remember im only new to the forum so we'll begin.


    im gonna go over some combat tactics that have always helped me survive in tfc during the brutal stone age stages even when I didn't have a house to go back too. this is in NO WAY going against what the wiki says these are just some personal tips that help me survive the mobs.


    tip 1: never engage wither skeletons or skeletons: the bows they have do brutal damage wait until you have a sufficient metal age weapon and run when you can in worst case scenarios hide behind something and wait for them to come close or run behind the objects so they cant get a clear shot the bows do brutal damage and they have very good accuracy same is to be said about javelin wielding wither skellies


    tip 2: when in a combat situation with mobs that melee attack or creepers go into the water: the mobs have a harder time hitting you in the water especially if you go underwater (but watch your lung capacity) it also slows them down giving you a speed advantage (it would appear as if the player moves a bit faster swimming than the mobs) this is especially true for spiders and baby zombies the water makes it much harder for them to move toward the player, on a side note make sure you lead the mobs to land again if daylight begins to approach


    tip 3: use trees for cover: if there is not water around and lots of trees run through them mobs are stupid and will oftentimes run into the trees giving you a distance advantage you can also use them to hide behind in a combat situation just don't do that when your being chased by a creeper (for obvious reasons)


    tip 4(some of you are not gonna like this one but please hate politely LOL): javelins and axes are overrated (as of current build) when you throw a javelin it doesn't do very much damage and you have to go pick it up again even if you have a bunch its still takes annoyingly long to kill a mob and if your not very good with ranged weapons in the game its even more difficult. yes the axe does a lot of damage but its durability runs out fast I use on average 1 and a half axes to kill a single zombie. the knife however has a balance its got good durability and high damage javelins run out extremely fast when used to melee, use the knife I do really well during the nights with it until you can get a sword I believe it to be the best choice


    tip 5: make traps: simple traps can be made by digging a hole that way if a mob catches you off guard with no weapon you can just hit them into your hole trap and if you dug deep enough they will die from fall damage


    remember these are worst case scenario suggestions run and hide from mobs when you can don't go all commando that will just get you killed


    one last thing I have to repeat is please hate politely.


  13. I am not as worryed about Food freshness as I am of the Agricultural hazards/process in the game. With the annoucement of fertilizer, it should improve a bit, however, there is a lack of other challenges like Disease, Pests (animals eating crops), and weather damage (Wind damage, flooding, lightning, etc...).


    me too but I only want a light touch to the agricultural system cause it would seriously piss me off if my crops got eaten or destroyed by natural disaster just a light touch of realism not a heavy touch like veggies are more filling depending on how long you wait for them to ripen or the need to water crops regularly or during seasons other than winter crops can die if not provided with sufficient nutrients light touches like that otherwise growing crops would become as hard as finding magnetite


  14. There's "challenge" and "making life even harder and less appealing as a game". Right now TFC has a lot of things in it which exist primarily because it still has to be a game instead of a simulation of reality. Trees still grow faster than they do in reality, as do crops. Injuries are still nonspecific "health" as opposed to "broken ankle". Sepsis isn't an issue, let alone pneumonia or heatstroke. You can drink seawater. Ask yourself the question on whether the appeal of challenge is enough to start adding limitations, especially since getting past the Stone Age is plenty hard.


    (Try doing a Hardcore game. I'm not going to, as I died roughly 10 times just from starvation before I could get some sort of food source in progress. Not counting the first week of nights where I couldn't quite get myself safe from monsters all the time while foraging . . .)


    On top of that is the aforementioned "memory issue" of tracking individual food items . . . some of which probably aren't even on the player . . . to submit to timing ticks. There's already an incredible amount of memory I watch disappear when I'm just standing in my farm area. And when zombie hordes catch on fire in the morning (I'm really contemplating moving to Peaceful so I don't have to restart after a particularly busy night). I'm fairly certain this would cause TFC to crash from "Out of Memory" rather quickly.


    . . . not sure if I want the challenge of "can I beat the chance of the game crashing" added to my experience.


    i get it jesus, i understand whats going thats why i said "ok damn would have been a cool challenge" by that i mean "i understand why you cant thats too bad" and it my idea about food preservation only skims the surface of what is required to actually preserve foods, first of all meat does not last a month,neither do veggies. second of all you build areas for you to store items you cant hold anyway how hard is it to dig a small hole in the ground or place a few pieces of cobblestone and glass to make a dryer compared to other items in the game those items are relatively easy to obtain especially since charcoal only requires 27 stacks of wood which with some time and a bunch of stone axes can be easy to get, charcoal is made in 18 hours ingame foods initially last a month, all this would merely add to "beleivability" not "realism", but as they said impossible to code in the first place so whatevs


  15. Kitty, I wonder then if it might be better to actually lock the suggestions forum for a while, or at least until the next update is released. Could put a short message in the forum description explaining why and leave it at that. Certainly people have raised issues about these problems in the suggestion forum before... might be good to just let everyone chill while we all wait to see what all makes it in. And besides, I think enough suggestions have come out over the years that devs have pretty much already heard everything they might ever do with the mod anyway, so that alone sort of renders moot the purpose of giving a place for suggestions.


    At the heart of this though is the fact that there is no development road-map. I understand why there is no road-map, but if people don't see where the development is heading and especially where it's at, then they will forever keep throwing out the same suggestions just as we've seen. For that reason too, then, there isn't really much of a purpose for the suggestion forum. Bad ideas will only be killed painfully dashing the enthusiasm of newer members, and good ideas will just sort of disappear into the ether of a nonexistent road-map anyway.


    im not trying to rush anyone and i know that the development isnt on any specific path i was just looking for someone to reassure me that the mod was still making progress


  16. Closing the suggestions forum would just move the suggestions over here, really ;) People have a need to express their wishes and ideas. It's not a bad thing to have discussion.


    Another thing people should keep in mind though is feature backlog. The devs have repeatedly expressed that the mod isn't yet anywhere near basic completion. What this means is: for every feature they implement, they have 10 or more planned features they don't have time to implement right now, which doesn't even begin to include previous player suggestions. As a result, any suggestion made by a player not only has to compete with the current feature progression, but it also has to compete with the entire feature backlog, and the entire player suggestion backlog that comes after that. Even if you were to suggest something that's totally fitting for the game, has never been suggested before and could be implemented with ease, chances are that it's simply going to have to get in line. And that line may be hundreds of items equaling years of development



    Closing the suggestions forum would just move the suggestions over here, really ;) People have a need to express their wishes and ideas. It's not a bad thing to have discussion.


    Another thing people should keep in mind though is feature backlog. The devs have repeatedly expressed that the mod isn't yet anywhere near basic completion. What this means is: for every feature they implement, they have 10 or more planned features they don't have time to implement right now, which doesn't even begin to include previous player suggestions. As a result, any suggestion made by a player not only has to compete with the current feature progression, but it also has to compete with the entire feature backlog, and the entire player suggestion backlog that comes after that. Even if you were to suggest something that's totally fitting for the game, has never been suggested before and could be implemented with ease, chances are that it's simply going to have to get in line. And that line may be hundreds of items equaling years of development long.



    thats what i wanted to know i thought the devs (and everyone else) were just being assholes about things because they dont feel like the mod needs anything else nd just want people to shut up


  17. The problem comes down to basic respect for others. While there's nothing inherently wrong with shooting down ideas (especially those that have been done before), there is something wrong when people feel like they have to make the OP feel like an idiot for daring to post their suggestion. You can turn someone's suggestion down without turning it into an attack or passive aggression against the OP. Negativity and disrespect just makes everyone feel worse in the long run.


    I agree that people should read the sickies and take the time to find out if their suggestion has been done before. When I joined I had actually done that, so I posted my suggestion secure knowing that I had checked first and taken the time to think it through and post plenty of details and so-on. But the idea got blown to pieces by the regulars and I was made to feel quite unwelcome for having even dared to bring it to the table. I know that some didn't even take the time to read it before responding in a rage-like manner as they pointed out the suggestion had already been done before, but the threads they linked to were not even the same suggestion. After that I ended up leaving the forums and quitting TFC until I rediscovered it nearly a year or so later.


    People who post without reading and abiding by the rules and guidelines first are always going to exist and they are annoying, but they're not the only ones who get raged at and if you ask me nobody should be getting raged at.


    exactly people should be polite about it instead of being assholes this is a forum people are going to be suggesting the same things a lot i think people should take the time to read through the suggesstions like i have but still its going to happen its unavoidable people just need to try and be polite about it because the first thing someone is going to do if your rude to them is retaliate they probably would even post another of the same suggestion just to troll and piss people off because there hurt if we were all polite to each other problems like this wouldnt exist in the first place same is true for the real world


  18. Could you provide examples of these suggestions, and of the reply that "throws it overboard?"


    In my opinion, the major reason that the Suggestions Forum is a cesspool as you called it, is because the majority of "new" suggestions that are being made have already been made in the past, and discussed to death. Our more veteran forum members, as well as myself, are getting sick of seeing the same thing posted over and over and over again. This probably explains the dismissing responses that don't give explanation other than "not gonna happen."


    At the same time, the majority of people who make suggestions are not familiar with programming, or the Minecraft base engine. This results in suggestions that say things along the lines of "It's simple, just code it to do x, y and z," when in reality the behind the scenes isn't even close to being that simple, and would probably require hours, if not days or weeks of coding to implement. It has to be kept in mind that this is a game, and that it is a mod for Minecraft. Many people forget this, and make suggestions that would often require TFC to become its own separate game in order for that to happen. Bioxx and Dunkleosteus have lives outside of TFC, and this mod is simply a hobby for them, not their job. I for one, get extremely excited whenever I see Dunk submit a feature commit, because I know that he has taken on quite a course load at university this semester, and is putting school before TFC as he should. The fact that forward progress is being made at all should be celebrated, and not complained about because "it isn't going fast enough." When people ask for an ETA of when the next release is, the answer is always going to be "When it's ready. No sooner, no later." The devs are not getting paid to do this, and should not be forced to set release deadlines to work towards.


    There are also suggestions that completely ignore the fact that TFC wants to go in a specific direction, believable but not always realistic. The unexplained (magic, fantasy, enchanting, etc), do not fit well into a mod that is trying to be intuitive. There is defined logic and science behind the majority of mechanics that would be nearly impossible to use for fantastical things that are explained with the imagination or "magic." TFC is working on its compatibility however, so that players are more than welcome to add other add-ons or mods in combination with TFC if they wish to have role-playing or fantasy aspects. The players just need to realize that those aspects most likely aren't going to be added to the base mod any time soon, if ever, and they will have to look elsewhere to find it, or code an add-on for it themselves.


    oh and for the record i think suggesting the addition of magic to the mod is completely ridiculous as the mod doesnt steer in that direction at all and its getting old people asking for it


  19. Could you provide examples of these suggestions, and of the reply that "throws it overboard?"


    In my opinion, the major reason that the Suggestions Forum is a cesspool as you called it, is because the majority of "new" suggestions that are being made have already been made in the past, and discussed to death. Our more veteran forum members, as well as myself, are getting sick of seeing the same thing posted over and over and over again. This probably explains the dismissing responses that don't give explanation other than "not gonna happen."


    At the same time, the majority of people who make suggestions are not familiar with programming, or the Minecraft base engine. This results in suggestions that say things along the lines of "It's simple, just code it to do x, y and z," when in reality the behind the scenes isn't even close to being that simple, and would probably require hours, if not days or weeks of coding to implement. It has to be kept in mind that this is a game, and that it is a mod for Minecraft. Many people forget this, and make suggestions that would often require TFC to become its own separate game in order for that to happen. Bioxx and Dunkleosteus have lives outside of TFC, and this mod is simply a hobby for them, not their job. I for one, get extremely excited whenever I see Dunk submit a feature commit, because I know that he has taken on quite a course load at university this semester, and is putting school before TFC as he should. The fact that forward progress is being made at all should be celebrated, and not complained about because "it isn't going fast enough." When people ask for an ETA of when the next release is, the answer is always going to be "When it's ready. No sooner, no later." The devs are not getting paid to do this, and should not be forced to set release deadlines to work towards.


    There are also suggestions that completely ignore the fact that TFC wants to go in a specific direction, believable but not always realistic. The unexplained (magic, fantasy, enchanting, etc), do not fit well into a mod that is trying to be intuitive. There is defined logic and science behind the majority of mechanics that would be nearly impossible to use for fantastical things that are explained with the imagination or "magic." TFC is working on its compatibility however, so that players are more than welcome to add other add-ons or mods in combination with TFC if they wish to have role-playing or fantasy aspects. The players just need to realize that those aspects most likely aren't going to be added to the base mod any time soon, if ever, and they will have to look elsewhere to find it, or code an add-on for it themselves.


    thats not what i mean the mod is going places for sure and i understand that it is meant to be beleivable not realistic but some suggetions would indeed fit the beleivable category one suggested more objectives in the mod something more to work for someone said it was ridiculous and that people who need more things to do in the mod are ritalin popping people who need to see blood gore and action, which doesnt even make sense to me whatsoever more goals would be an amazing addition and i dont think it deserves the hate, never said "hurry and get it out already" i dont care if you guys quit on us (the mod is hard enough now as it is), but the suggestion didnt need to beflamed like that one could argue that he gave no specific tasks we could complete, but thats grounds for a big discussion "what tasks" and civilized people would do just that discuss it, theres no need for hate. also how could he possibly give anything more detailed he, probably similar to me, does not know a damn thing about java coding so if he made any real suggestions most likely 80% of them are uncodeable, or would take too much time so we keep it simple and go for "more goals to work for" no need to hate on it :D
