Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Big_Bear91

  1. *UPDATE* I am not currently accepting new apps this weekend as my whitelist has reached what i consider full. this may change so look for new updates if i decide to replace absent players/ can justify adding moreHello to all my fellow TFC players, I decided to start a mid sized whitelisted server and i'm looking for new players. This will be a mature (Age 18+) server and my whitelist will reflect those who wish to play as a communityThis post may seem excessively long, but I want to answer any major questions for applicants prior to whitelisting/ build the best and funnest community I can with the resources the server has (also cut down on whining if something doesn't go your way)The rules are as follows:No Griefing/StealingNo Racism/ Excessive Swearing (I don't care if you swear but if it becomes disruptive i reserve the right to deal with it as i see fit after i give you a warning, if someone asks you to stop in general chat, you are expected to do so or I will warn you)No Spam or Advertizing other serversNo Use of Exploits/Unfair Advantages (everything on this server will be done legit, the only exception is me for 1.testing plugins 2. testing for lag 3. undoing any grief)No Harrasing Other Players*If a player is disruptive to the community such that a large majority want them gone, they will be removed even if they have not technically broken an above ruleCurrent Plugins on Server-Towny (will be used as anti-grief and /t spawn and /t outpost will be the main teleport system)-World Border (for pregenerating terrain mostly)-CoreProtect (Block logger, files purged regularly to cut down on lag)-EssentialsSpecial Notes-I will be making this a 20 slot server, the initial whitelist will be at most ~30 people (because not everyone will be on at once)-I will give priority to whitelisting people that apply with others and people that have prior staff experience should there be more applicants than slots-I do consider play schedule when adding people (so there is some player presence at most times of day)-The main language used on this server is english, though I don't care if you occasionally use others in chat, provided its not in order to violate one of the rules-Should it be needed I reserve the right to alter players work for the sake of lag with little or no warning (ex. delete corrupt chunk, slaughter massive herds, remove laggy structures)-You are expected to take the time to protect your things with the protection available (i will undo any structure damage i can discern, but if there are missing items such as chest contents, that's on you)-PVP is on, though i expect mutual consent to it between players involved-You better know what a wiki is b/c there is no guarantee that someone can/will help in game with a question-TFC 0.78.17 is the current versionHow to Apply (make a post following the example)Age:22 (I will go a few years younger than 18, provided your ban history is clean)IGN:Big_Bear91Server Staff Experience: ~3 mo. Admin (console level), cumulative 12 mo. as assorted forms of moderatorBan History (Within the last year only): NoneTypical Play Schedule (Please convert to EST): noon-3:30 weekdays, 1pm - 1 am or later weekendsPlay Style: BuilderMinecraft Experience: 2 years of mostly modded minecraft, (tekkit, several ftb packs, TFC, hexxit, AotBT, probably others i don't recall atm), some vanilla to satisfy my redstone addiction(if you plan to play with another person, make a note here with there ign, they must apply separately)
  2. [Offline] [78.17] New Whitelist TFC Server

    last 3 have been added, look for a message with the IP
  3. [Offline] [78.17] New Whitelist TFC Server

    people have been added, look for a message with the IP
  4. [Offline] [78.17] New Whitelist TFC Server

    added, the IP is in a message sent to you
  5. [Offline] [78.17] New Whitelist TFC Server

    people have been added, all of you have been sent a message with the IP
  6. [Offline] [78.17] New Whitelist TFC Server

    added, look for a message sent to you with the IP
  7. [Offline] [78.17] New Whitelist TFC Server

    whitelist updated, check your inbox on the forum for a message with the IP
  8. [Offline] [78.17] New Whitelist TFC Server

    latest 2 have been added, look for a message from me to get the IP
  9. [Offline] [78.17] New Whitelist TFC Server

    Beaver302 Added to whitelist, look for a PM
  10. [Offline] [78.17] New Whitelist TFC Server

    First 5 added to whitelist, check your messenger for the IP
  11. Age: 22 Minecraft Username: Big_Bear91 Why would you like to join?: I'm looking for a new TFC community so i can have fun trying out the latest build What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: played TFC since 76 came out, played mostly modded minecraft for nearly 2 years Any additional information that would help your case: I'm a build oriented player that loves to do community projects