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Everything posted by Atharsea
I agree withtranscengopher that item frames aren't particularly believable for storing doors, because magically making something smaller to store (visibly) would break immersion for me. Item frames make great signs, and it is believable to say the player has painted a door on a sign to indicate where they keep their doors, or that this is a carpentry shop. Even in vanilla item frames are mostly used as signs, they are only used as storage for unique items, most of which TFC's tool and armor racks would do a better job of storing. It would be interesting if there was a way to store doors in a pile (similar to a log pile, where the rendered version only has one texture, but you can store different types of doors) in a workshop, but I know it's not as critical of storage problem (I'd rather have that option for rocks!).
I agree that having a liquid fuel that lasts so long should take a lot of experience/luck to get, and should be a late game item. I do feel that TFC lacks a mid game light source, that last between 48 and 2000 hours by default. You might not need light as much if you fiddle with settings, but lighting is still a psycological desire, whether it's effective or not. In a survival situation I would be trying to figure out better lighting long before playing with bloomeries. Candles were used in Europe pre-Ancient Rome. They would take planning to create and use, made from tallow or beeswax. Ideally the candle holder should be able to be made from clay, but you could require it to be made of metal if it made more sense for balance reasons. A lit candle might last ~200 in game hours by default, leaving a very good incentive to try for lamps.. Better for permanent structures, it would require some time and labor input (finding bees and getting beeswax or finding, killing and rendering fat from animals) so it couldn't be used on day one. Torches would remain more practical for traveling and temporary light sources.
I like the idea of making adobe, but in true TFC style I'd like it to be more realistic than cooking clay in the furnace. Adobe is a great material, but it's not quick or easy. It could get more complicated than my suggestion below (Making adobe on the ground or something) but my attempt at mixing reality with gameplay would be: Create "Ball of Adobe" or similar by combining a clay ball, a block of sand, water (bucket gets returned) and straw in a crafting window. The number of balls you'd get from one of each could be balanced/configureable, but I'd guess 2-4 would be appropriate. Create a "Brick Form" by combining planks in a combination not being used (perhaps 4 planks in a diamond shape in a full crafting grid?) Each form would make 2 (or maybe 4) bricks This form would be placed on the ground and filled with Balls of Adobe (1-2 balls per form) The adobe would then start to dry, probably on a random tick like plants grow. When partially dry the forms could be retrieved the same way clay jars are. When fully dry the bricks could be picked up like rocks, and the forms would come with them if they hadn't been removed earlier. 4 bricks would make an "Adobe Brick Block" which could be placed like any other block. Realistically it should only be stacked vertically or in arches, but that might be too much coding. Retrieval would be by pickax (and could break them back into bricks, though I don't know if thats ideal gameplay wise) The block could be plastered ("Adobe Plaster" = Ball of clay + water) to give it a smooth texture. The plaster could be used on several blocks (amount indicated by damage bar) but would disappear if the block is collected. Only placed adobe could be plastered.For textures I'm thinking the Adobe blocks would look the same, but the plaster could be mixed with dyes or sand/dirt to tint it. A little more on making adobe bricks can be found here:ABCs of Making Adobe Bricks
Beverages, Refreshments, Whatever You Call It, Lets Talk Drinks!
Atharsea replied to chocmerc's topic in Suggestions
I like the idea of tea and/or coffee, and some basic fruit juices/lemonade. I don't think we really need more alcohol, I'd rather have the time spent on other areas of the game that don't have as much depth. -
Even in 78 a metal hoe was required to do anything other than till the earth. In 79 one of the changes was this: [*]Agriculture skill level now affects the ability to view nutrient levels of crops. You must be an Expert to get this information. So while I don't know if the red is intended, you aren't supposed to be seeing nutrient levels.
I like the idea of being able to visually distinguish which logs are in which pile. Usually I have access to a couple different types of wood and prefer to use some for building and some for cooking, but its hard to remember where each type is. You also can't see at a glance how many logs you havewith the current system.
Surface Monsters - Nest based spawning, roaming, invading
Atharsea replied to Cerus's topic in Suggestions
I like this concept because it would allow for planning to mitigate the threat of monsters, and could provide a reason for getting better armor and weapons in a non-pvp setting. I'm always in favor of reasons to make better technology and ways to mitigate/eliminate threats, so I'd be ok with limited lower tier block breaking/climbing after a sufficient time period (and limited to hard by default, but configurable). Having zombies break thatch or climb simple fences would give a reason to use more difficult building techniques. A simpler version of this would work for a pack of wolves or a mountain lion to attack once zombies and the like move underground. At that point their might be other hazards on the surface, perhaps weather or pest related (Horde of rats got brave enough to tear down your thatch & eat your grain?) Of course all this depends on how accommodating the mob AI can be. While I have seen mods change zombie hordes and give them new skills running that sort of AI and the rest of TFC might take a lot of coding and be a drain on computer/server resources. If thats the case I would much rather we get additional/improved processing techniques, natural mobs, weather, body heat, etc. -
From the change log: [*]Agriculture skill level now affects the ability to view nutrient levels of crops. You must be an Expert to get this information. I suspect the hoe probably still needs to be metal as well, but haven't checked that.
So bring out goblin's As the moon waxes, night chills Halloween is nigh
I'd like to see a limit to what the crafting grid in your inventory can make. Some things (like rope) it makes sense you could do without any tools and/or in the middle of the wilderness. Others, like barrels seem like they should require more planning. I think it would be fun to have a workbench that is 1x1x2 or larger that is assembled from multiple pieces. There would 2 or 3 slots to hold tools or common crafting materials. It would work similarly to an anvil, requiring the appropriate tool to be located there in order to make whatever is chosen. There might be a larger grid. The workbench would need to be used to make barrels and assemble other pieces together (saddles might take several pieces) The inventory 3x3 would be for rope, basket weaving, etc. & could be achieved the way it is now or with certain skill points.
(Reduced 6 syllables to 5...) Maybe not at all The demon chance seen in mist Perhaps behind you
And it's all your fault The dark robs the torches light Hourglass of night
Perhaps instead of bees benefiting crops it could be the other way around - if there are crops nearby it has a chance of increasing the amount of honey/wax/bees, etc. that can be acquired from the hive. I don't mention flowers because it would be too easy to add more around a hive in their current state. Flowers might help determine where a hive might spawn (ie, not in snowy tundra).
It's not working for me either, and the "is it down for everyone?" site says it is down for everyone. Kitty, maybe you have a cashed version that your browser is finding?
Some suggestions for storage items, storage behaviour and fertilizer production
Atharsea replied to BadLeo's topic in Suggestions
I like the idea of having a water skin, but I do not think it should replace jugs. Clay jugs already break in TFC. Clay has been used to carry water on journeys in large vessels carried on the head or back and in pottery canteens. In general I'd like multiple options for how to store things in TFC, each created with different materials and with different pros and cons. Perhaps pottery jugs could carry a couple servings of water, would need to be carried in the inventory and has a a chance of breaking while a water skin would carry a single serving, wouldn't break/would wear out predictably and could be carried in a new belt slot, or in a stack of two. -
I think there are options that allow you to productively use a majority of the night. When I'm traveling in search of plants/rocks/ores/animals I'll collect gravel & sand during the day and then find a patch of water and partially block myself in with straw to pan for ores overnight. I'll also use the time to cut decay off food, cook any meat, make torches, consolidate inventory into pots and make new stone tools. If I'm at my home base I might also craft clay into vessels and moulds to fire later. If I've been in the area for a couple days I can usually farm, chop trees, gather thatch and work on building in the general area. Roofs/second stories are possible even with mobs around. If I see mobs approaching I can go into my shelter, for the last couple minutes of night, but its usually no more than the time it takes me to get a drink or look up something on the wiki. When looms come out that will be another good nighttime activity.
I think the reduction in the availability of thatch could be an interesting mechanic, but reducing it to only coming from grain is a little unrealistic, because anything dry could work for kilns. Perhaps to slow down the progression you would just get grass when using a knife on tall grass. You'd need to build a drying rack, in full sun to process the grass into thatch. More stone age building options (like adobe or skin tents) would allow quality of living to be improved while still reducing the speed with which you could get into working metal. If grain did take on more significance it would be good to have more reasons (medicinal, livestock, etc.) to grow the other crops to rotate with grain.
I think this would be an interesting addition, especially if the process is similar to that of painting or glazing ceramic, perhaps by adding water and having to add color before firing.
I'm glad that the torches don't disappear when they burn out (otherwise I would have been asking for the ability to create navigational rock piles ). I'm sorry if I've missed it, but what happen s when you break a burned out torch? Does it disappear or do you get something back? I agree that it would be nice to have a multiple lighting options with the torch burnout comes out, but I don't have a lot of time to play and I like the early game mechanics, so even if a red/blue steel lantern were available I'd be unlikely to get around to making it. When additional lighting options are added I hope to see a variety of methods (wood, candles, oil, etc.) and placement options. A few suggestions: Bonfire - similar to a campfire it requires fuel, takes up a 2x2 space, and would burn you if you walk through it. Lights up a very large area (a full chunk?). Benefit is that it could stay lit for more than 2 days and would reduce the need to relight multiple torches in an area.Wax candles - An option that doesn't consume wood, could be available early early to mid game, and might last longer than a torch.Lamps - tiers would be nice so some could be made earlier in the game.Options that can be hung from blocks overhead (ceilings, support beams, etc.) Chandeliers of torches, candles or oil and lamps would be very helpful to light the middle of large rooms!!
I love the early stages of the game, and I like having a number of ways to approach progression. I'd be a fan of fruit seeds, baskets, hats and water skins. A couple comments: I don't think you should be able to get planks with an axe or wedge and hammer, or they should need to be worked further before they can be used for finer carpentry. Wedges seem best for nicely sized firewood or fence posts. I like having to struggle for metals before I can make a crafting bench. Items like doors require a decent amount of skill to make functional, and I don't think they should be easily obtainable in the early game. If the 3x3 crafting grid is desirable so early in the game I'd prefer to have a larger (1x2) workbench to make items like doors (and for ambiance!) You talk about using cured leather in the nomadic phase, and then you say that you can begin tanning leather in the house phase. Clothing would use tanned leather, but it would be easier to do so efficiently once you have a base Pottery was used extensively American Southwest to transport water and other items. I do not think it should be made non-potable
I think there needs to be a middle ground. I like the detail of the animals, but think they look a little out of place when seen in combination with some of the items that are just icons (pots, campfires, rocks/sticks on the ground, etc.) If those items are going to stay simple to help with performance, I think that some simplification of the animals would help TFC be more consistent throughout the mod. I really like the simplified deer that Dunk just posted. I do not think that elements that distinguish genders, such as horns, should be removed. The vanilla game doesn't have the realism that makes such features necessary, but TFC does. Removing gender differences would reduce the believability of the mobs, but it is possible that some could be done in a texture pack.
Smart moving is a seperate mod. I'd assume you'd need to remove it like you do any other mod.
I hope that the food will be along the lines of grain, a crop like alfalfa or pasture space. Straw is used more for animal bedding than food, as it's the byproduct of production and doesn't have much nutritional value.
From what I've read on the forums I think the player is supposed to be the first humanoid in TFC. Structures would make a good mod. Some aspects of your idea could be implemented, such as a rare micro biome that contains a (non-essential to the overall progression) plant, fossil or gem to collect.