Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About ziat007

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    Stone Miner

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  1. Let's hope so, now I understand why the stone textures were never textured! This pack is 32x that is double the default resolution.You might be looking at some untextured textures, they appear with the default x16 textures. Great! I do also, what a coincidence! Oh, right
  2. Soon I will have my final exams, although I will certainly be updating the pack when possible :-) if anyone sends me any files I will put them in within a week, but usually within a couple hours. When I took over this pack I created over 150 textures!I will try my best to immidiatly try to update GUI elememts, because of there significance.If you have any further questions I will be happy to answer them :-)
  3. I apologise. Please be constructive. Although I highly agree with you what would you say is the issue? Thank you. Although I do agree, the stone textures are terrible. I would love some constructive criticism.Should I completely ditch them or should I try to improve them?
  4. Bone tools have bone handles

    I agree, but don't forget there are a lot less large predators today. When have you seen a wolf or bear in Europe the last time? They were large in populations here still a couple hundred years ago. In fact in central Europe there use to be some fearly large cats!
  5. Bone tools have bone handles

    I agree, you can not make much out of skulls. But skulls must decay at a very similar rate as bones. The mechanic for generating bone piles is rather similar to crops.
  6. Bone tools have bone handles

    Well, in the Czech Republic you do. I have a rather large collection of Animal Skulls. Obviously picking up the bones IRL has no meaning compared to skulls.
  7. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    I must say the word Lace as origin seems to make sense!
  8. Bone tools have bone handles

    Indeed :)I think a addition of this would be great!
  9. Bone tools have bone handles

    Of course it would need a little balancing ie. animal skeletons could spawn. just like crops do. I think it would add a lot to believability. At least for me, as I love older history.
  10. Bone tools have bone handles

    To make this axe I simply removed the stick and overlay-ed the axe head over the bone. The vanilla or Faithful bone is in the correct position for this to work. This could infact even add some interesting mechanics like Tinkers Construct, of course in a more believable manner.What might be worth a thought is removing wooden handles from stone tools as a whole, as from what I know of visiting many archaeological sites, bones were used primarily. And it adds character!
  11. Bone tools have bone handles

    I completely forgot about stone tools, that was my mistake. I would like this only for stone tools. The stone age is a large part of the game.ID's - This could be handled with metadata in a rather efficient way.Textures - I'm sure these textures could be handled on the fly and cached. (I know the amount of textures, as I am currently trying to complete a resource pack.)Already with the textures that are there this would be possible. I think tinkers construct does this.A wooden or bone club would also be rather nice and simple additions.
  12. Bone tools have bone handles

    Stone tools would be perfect for this!
  13. Bone tools have bone handles

    It would be rally nice if bone tools had a bone handlesThis could by quite easily achieved without creating extra textures, or only one texture, The Tool Head.It would be great for immersion, as I am preparing a youtube series where I start as a Ape.This could even be a little game changing, or only cosmetic. Either would be amazing!
  14. At the moment I am playing TFC and trying to texture things like progress through the game.
  15. Colour blind resource pack b79

    If you would like I could compile you a version of Faithful with higher saturation ore veins ;)That should do the joy if you prefer Faithful