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Everything posted by cnumartyr
"Discover the new world" Terra Incognita is a new server based in the US (people outside the US are still welcome to join). The focus of this server will be building and exploring the new world. Server Info: IP - Mumble Server: IP - Port - 4022 Mumble is not required to play on the server but highly encouraged. I will be accepting applications for Mods over the next few weeks, please PM me. Requirements will be limited but include: 1) Decently active member of the TFC forums, 2) Uses mumble, 3) Give me the time slots (in GMT) that you would be playing. Some basic rules: Mods will not grant items. You must work for and earn your stuff. All the mods will be doing the same. You may use Smart Move and REI's - THATS IT. Any X-Ray packs or things of that sort will get you banned. At some point we will begin construction of a town that is walled off. 20x20 plots will be available on a first come first serve basis. For now anything within the town is considered protected. You may not steal or kill within town. This may change with Beta 3. No settlements within 100 Blocks of the spawn point. No griefing outside the town, but you may steal from other players and PvP outside of town. Violation of the above rules will result in a first warning, second 24 hour ban, and third permanent ban with an allowable appeal. City Details: Will be a 3x3 center square with a pillar to mark the center of town. In all 4 directions from the 3x3 square will be a 3 block wide road extending 150 blocks to the edge of town. Every 20 blocks will be a 2 block wide side street. Signs at the entrance of each main road will contain the rules.
One mod that I always enjoyed and I feel would work really well with TFC is Better than Wolves. It's not overly crazy, not super easy to advance in, and could teach us some neat lessons. Some things I would love to see added would be the addition of mechanical power through Wind mills and Water wheels. Want to make bread? You better grind that wheat into flour. Want a really hot forge? Attach a bellows to the wind mill and let it power itself! In addition it'd be fun to add "tiers" of Leather Armor. First I think the current animals drop way too much. I would cut it in half. Next we would be able to make tiers of leather armor. The first being our plane old leather armor. Next up would be tanned leather armor. It would have to be placed above a fire pit or something to try it out and treat it. This armor would provide a step up from Leather. Boiled Leather would be made by taking tanned leather armor and placing it in a cauldron with a bucket of water. Boiled leather would be a step up from tanned leather armor and required for making any metal based armor. Why? You don't just wear metal directly over skin. You had to have some padding. Lameller Armor - Put 4 pieces of boiled leather together along with 2 pieces of string and you get 3 pieces of Lameller Scale. The scale can then be used to craft Lameller armor which would be a step up from copper armor but not as good as Iron. I'd also like to see an upgrade to arrows. We can have rock tipped arrows and metal tipped arrows. We should have pointed arrows designed to do less damage but penetrate armor and broadhead arrows designed to cut flesh on unarmored targets (would do significantly less against armored targets). Then we can put a torch and up to 10 arrows in our crafting table and get 10 fire arrows. They would be useful for about 30 seconds of game time before they extinguish and it would consume the torch. I dunno, I was bored at work and thinking of ideas.
[Offline] Terra Incognita - Dedicated TFC Server in the US
cnumartyr replied to cnumartyr's topic in Servers
I'll be on for a while tonight. Server is pretty awesome and smooth. -
[Offline] Terra Incognita - Dedicated TFC Server in the US
cnumartyr replied to cnumartyr's topic in Servers
Unfortunately I won't be up much til later tonight, it's my GFs birthday afterall.. -
[Offline] Terra Incognita - Dedicated TFC Server in the US
cnumartyr replied to cnumartyr's topic in Servers
Server is up. -
[Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules]
cnumartyr replied to Jed1314's topic in Servers
I would rather have permadeath and be able to start immediately over than sit in a "hospital" for X amount of time unable to play. Maybe it's just me, but why are all the ideas floating around for griefing and PvP centered around the player being unable to play for a period of time? This would still be just as discouraging. What I would suggest instead would be a system where whenever you spawn your max life is cut in half until you get "medicine" (whatever that ends up being). If the player chooses to immediately begin combat again they are already at half health and that much faster to eliminate. Also the player would lose all their items on the ground and have to head back home to get their supplies. Then there is a penalty for death, but it's not overly steep. -
Horse would be fun. Camels can spawn in the desert!
And if the criminal whips out a sword and fights back I'm putting down the baton and getting out my mace.
Well this could again go back to what I had mentioned before. Specifically a server config option to enable or disable city safety options. I know you had said you want no city to be "safe." However, what if I have a server where I want it safe? An option to enable city controls or disable them server side lets you set up cities with our without PvP. And again, it doesn't mean you HAVE to beat anyone who comes into your city. It's an option to imprison an opposing citizen. This happens all the time in real life when people are unjustly imprisoned while in a foreign country. If you enter an opposing city you do so at your own risk. It would also force cities to meet at neutral points to facilitate trade.
How do you "flag" this criminal as caught? Opening a chest with someone seeing them? Or auto flagged after opening someone elses chest? I mean I know how in theory, I'm just wondering what the limitations are with the coding. Would they be able to program it so you had to see them in the chest? I like the idea of it just being city vs city. You can claim citizenship in a city, and if you go to another one, they can beat you and imprison you if they feel like it. It's WAR. City-States. ...I call Rhodes.
They would be as hard as the community makes them. Put a jail whereever you want. Player inside has no items, so he can't break out. If the community defends it and makes it hard to get him out it is, if they have the jail on the edge of town with ease of access that's another story. I can see the second part of your statement, I just disagree that you take them to jail. You round up a posse and you kill the guy that's wanted. This isn't the modern world.
Yea, but now it just comes down to semantics and being PC. We can call it jail, prison, or putting them on the moon. It's essentially a temp ban to act as a deterrent to griefers. We just can't call it a temp ban. It'd be just as practical to actually temp ban them and call it "prison" for X amount of time per offense so other people could login (assuming we're talking about a server with high population). The ONLY way I could see this being "fun" is City vs City espionage and jailing a member of an opposing faction who can only get out if they are "broken" out by their own faction. But then what do you do with the player when the opposing faction either can't break them out or don't care? Does the player just sit in jail forever or get let out, etc etc.
Obviously jail is shit. So is banning. So you sit someone in "jail" as a punishment and someone sits outside the server unable to play because a slot is being used by someone sitting in "jail?" The other point is why wouldn't the person just log off and wait their alotted time until they get out? That's basically a temporary ban. Force the user to sit in jail for X amount of time while online? Doubt they'd bother to come back and would just start on a new server or would just waste server slots. It's essentially a temporary ban by another name. You can still come on the server, you can just only sit in your jail cell and do nothing. Do you allow the user to still use chat? They are in jail, shouldn't they have no use of chat functions? And if they do, now jail is a very expensive IRC client.
I realize that Danny. My point is just you would need a sizeable population on at a given time to have more than one fully supported city (if you need a full time person doing each job to be fully effective). Also while "banning" isn't a great idea, how much fun is it to sit in jail for X amount of time?
I think a lot of the functionality and community people seem to want will require huge servers with a lot of people online at once. This isn't an MMO, most servers cap around 50-60 and most of the ones I've been on run about 10-15 people at a time. Quite a bit of discussion here seems like it would work best with multiple towns / cities with 50-60 players in each one. Sure the thief goes to "jail." Wouldn't it be just as easy to kill that player and have him suffer a death ban? Edit: Unless the Devs want to host a 2,000 player server where we can all play at once spread out to 4 corners of the map!
Is it that difficult to either have a PvP town block or a "PvE" town block which either enables or disables it? If the issue is block protection then make it so the town can be set to "governed" or FFA. At the very least I would be for the ability to "overcome" a lock system. I.E. a Wrought Iron lockpick might pick a wrought iron locked chest, but would break on a red steel one. This would make it so inorder to "grief" / steal you have to be fairly established, and not just log onto the server.
Key - Have to use the scribing table to make it. Then requires a metal ingot of some type and will wear / tear and suffer durability loss and eventually break. Unique ID to the player that crafted it. Padlock - Lock that is scribed on the table and then made with a metal ingot. Attached to items via right clicking. Automatically keyed to the player crafting it. Can be attached to Chests and Doors. Locked door - Put a padlock on a door and it is locked. The door cannot be opened or destroyed unless unlocked, and can only be locked / unlocked by the key crafted by the player that placed the padlock. Locked chest - Put a padlock on a chest and it's locked. The chest cannot be opened or destroyed unless unlocked, and can only be locked / unlocked by the key crafted by the player that placed the padlock. The player can "hand out" keys to his padlocks, but noone can make a key for them but that player. The other option would be having Padlock "slots" per player up to like 5-10. So you could have 5-10 different key types / padlocks. The keys would be named "cnumartyr_Key_01" or something similar. This way you can give your friends keys to your humble abode but not to your most precious chests. Each time you make a new key from a blueprint it makes a new key ID. To make a copy of a key you place the key in the plans location rather than a blueprint. Block Protection - Should only be within X distance of a city center. Place a city center block and within 200m noone can destroy blocks other than the people that place them (aside from Admins). In addition when plots of land are added ONLY the owner of the plot can place blocks on it (aside from Admins).
[Offline] DontStopCraftings TFCraft Server - 4 Minute Death Ban, Player Driven & Equality.
cnumartyr replied to MrWarhawk's topic in Servers
Totally put it up RIGHT after I went to bed! I'll be on around 5 PM EST. -
[Offline] DontStopCraftings TFCraft Server - 4 Minute Death Ban, Player Driven & Equality.
cnumartyr replied to MrWarhawk's topic in Servers
I prefer mumble or vent. I'd be interested -
It would. But if being a good blacksmith takes ALL of your time in game, then how do you get food? A hunter? Who then spends all his time in game gathering food. The alternative is to look at SSP - jack of all trades master of none is the only option I see as viable. If the Devs are choosing to really only support communities in SMP that's their choice.
Understood. Yea my very first piece of metal is generally from a sluice. Then I make a chisel and bloomery and get my second for a pickaxe. I generally stay within the first striation of rock until later on. Trying to find granite near the surface.
Oh? I've yet to find readily available surface ores. Just the two I had mentioned. With that said, am I missing something? I generally have to dig/mine to find Tin and Copper.
I've yet to find a cave. I have found a ravine, though. Also on two seperate maps I've found surface ore deposits. One was some copper on an exposed flat basalt surface. The other was Bismuth in granite on the side of a mountain.
I understand the game should be difficult. However, please think of the smaller servers where there aren't "dedicated" shop keepers, butchers, and black smiths.
Fairly useful to light a cave you want to explore. Shoot arrows ahead of you. Also the consideration I was thinking was catching wood housing on fire.