Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Deadly bismuth bronze tfc

    fine for me. Chrome, although I'm a mac, latest chrome update (a few days ago) was a bit touchy on windows, although that was font rendering, havent heard any other problems. The site is trying to use an app manifest, which it doesnt have, this can cause problems on some mobiles but I havent heard of it causing a problem for desktops (any platform) before.
  2. Crops growing and Year length

    Further to this, you can check the nutrient level with a metal hoe
  3. Sticks

    Yeah, I meant no-ones getting paid for ideas for minecraft mods, not for TFC and BTW anyways.
  4. Sticks

    Unless they're a jerk, I'm unsure why any developer would actively discourage suggestions. Who cares where the idea for a feature/enhancement comes from so long as its implementation makes the product better? No ones getting paid based on their ideas.
  5. The medieval city of Thamesville on Rhodance's server

    Looking good Dutch, will have to pop back up and see the progress next time I'm on!
  6. My Home (inspired by Vaelkyri's guide)

    Good job, looks nice!
  7. Just started! Any tips?

    Play how you want but TFC is all about being hard. Part of its greatest pleasure is that advancement is hard and sometimes time-consuming. Finding all the stuff you want/need is rarely easy, finding your first vein is exciting because using the pro-pick initially is difficult, getting copper tools feels great because there is plenty that needs to happen before you hit that point. This is a fairly large assumption but normally game players get bored because the level of difficulty is not 'correct' for them, if you're cheating items in then youre altering the level of difficulty that the devs work really hard to implement. Balance is crucial to any game, cheating normally destroys balance (unless its used to overcome a bug). I'd really advocate chucking that salt in a big hole and waiting until you find rock salt and are able to grind it. That might take a few hours, it might take a few days, but then you'll have a real sense of achievement after reaching that goal. It's what makes TFC great. As for clay, just walk around for a bit, if you get moving I'd be very surprised if you didnt find clay in plentiful supplies, I normally find at least 4-5 deposits within 500 blocks of any base. The usefulness of salt really depends on your latitude, if you're in a cold environment then food lasts for ages, especially if you stick it in a vessel underground.
  8. Favorite Rock Types

    I'm also a fan of basalt. I also use granite, limestone and rock salt quite a lot too. The ones I dislike (for building) are ones with 'busy' textures.
  9. Cant plant pumpkins?

    If you find a 'clump' of pumpkins and harvest all but 1, will more grow next to the one you left? I'm guessing not.
  10. How big are your veins?

    I've gone everywhere from a few stacks of an ore to several vessels full. Smaller veins I tend to mine out quickly, or if they are very sparse then I often give up and look elsewhere, those mines get very little celebration, normally just a hole marked with a torch but bigger mines might get a small hut with a chest or two. Any sort of stone mine will normally be longer lived so usually get a small hut, particularly if its on a server where multiple people might use that mine, in which case I'll normally also keep a few tools at hand in the hut so that anyone caught at night will be able to get some resource gathering done. Sparse veins I might leave with stil a medium sample left, unless it is of rich quality whereby I might search a bit harder. Most other veins will get down to small or very small before leaving the last few bits of ore. I tend to excavate far more than is required, particularly if it is in a stone type I'll likely build with, in which case I would take roughly equal amounts of cobble (for bricks) and smooth stone. These larger spaces normally get some support although I tend to be careful and work down so its debateable whether the support is necessary. Larger stone mines will see supports form more of an aesthetic than actual support and I'll break out into rooms and corridors and build structures out of the mine, often bringing fairly large amounts of wood down to form door frames etc, sometimes building mezzanine floors and even using the hot springs to form waterfalls or wells.
  11. Garnierite generation specifics

    Config files help the program to know how it should be run, not the other way around. Scan through the config, other ores spawn in more chunks, for example, graphite, just below garnierite, spawns in 4 types of rock, if you want garnierite to spawn if different rocks then either copy and paste from a different ore (like graphite) or just write it in yourself. It's all written in English so it should make sense pretty much (ignore the I: and S: at the start of lines, these are clues for the compiler/interpreter).
  12. Garnierite generation specifics

    It's just a text file, any old text file reader should understand it. I'm not a Windows user, but, doesnt notepad read it? Or maybe try notepad++ (its free).
  13. Ships Discussion

    I'm never really sure why the threat of thirst or hunger would be given as a deterrent to large scale boat travel? 5km is less than 5 days travel, particularly by boat. With a vessel each slot can hold 4 pieces of food so that isnt a problem, and a clay jug will quench your thirst for most of the day, certainly 2 jugs will do it so you only need 10 jugs, leaving 17 slots in your inventory (not including the quick bar), which gives you potentially 68 160gm food slots! You can take a barrel full of water so that even if you didnt find a small island on which to place it you would at least have drinking water when you finished travelling the ocean. Surely its the time taken to travel this distance that is more of a hindrance than any concerns of food and water?? A big boat that would also speed up travel distances would be great, and one that would extend inventory to allow you to take all your stuff and animals would also make relocation an easier pill, although, by and large, there will be plenty of resources at the other end so its really the speed of travel rather than the comfort that would be essential. Disregarding actually moving a big ship, I like the idea of building a structure within which you then build your boat, a drydock sort of thing. Sail power sounds good, and gives an excuse to add flax, cotton and/or hemp which would also have clothing uses to combat body temp issues. I have no idea how it would work and I havent got sea legs but isnt there a lot of skill in 'catching a wind', or tacking, or stuff. If there was some dynamic to harness skillfull travel, catching wind somehow, that would be interesting. We're used to using coal and charcoal so an engine of some sort. Not really fitting of TFC maybe but a consideration for propulsion. With and iron propeller, large wooden rudder for steering, maybe some other stuff I dont know about. This would be the fastest travel and would be constrained to iron/steel age which gives you even more incentive to progress.
  14. Is there a way to have less mountains?

    I've just started on a server and walked 4k south without seeing a single mountain, there is plenty of flat land to be had!