Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About dutchraptor

  • Rank
    Stone Miner
  1. Teaching

    Not that I think the idea is all that necessary to begin with, but why not just make being taught cost experience, and perhaps give a tiny amount to the teacher. Incentive to teach and a cost to learning?
  2. Have you ever found Graphite in Gneiss?

    Just through chance I never find graphite in gneiss. On the other hand graphite spawn regularly on the surface for me, or at least in an open ravine or cave.
  3. Ceramic bowls - another tedium

    We should at least be able to create a bigger kiln structure or a firing mound which is capable of 16 items at once near mid game when collecting coal, bricks or wood becomes much easier. Or just make it so the bowls don't break.
  4. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    That bug is usually caused by outdated graphics chip, I guess you're disabling stencil bits? IT could be that some of the mods require the use of stencil bits, in which case there's probably no alternative left.
  5. Digging Up Safely

    What about placing a plank? if you place it over you head can you now just dig straight up? the cobble won't be able to hit you.
  6. Debris Duping

    I had the same problem, came to the same conclusions. However it stopped after about 2 hours of game play and I couldn't reproduce it in that single session.
  7. Torch Poll

    How about you read the poll? The question is; After playing with the new torch mechanic, what is your opinion? There was no option for the opinion I wanted to voice, which was absolutely valid. Because the simple condition of whether or not a permanent light source exists completely shifts my disposition towards the mechanic. Plenty of us have voiced that opinion, whether or not it should be included in the poll is a question of whether you're willing to listen to community.
  8. Torch Poll

    The questions being asked is about the mechanic, so isn't irrelevant. If you ask whether I like all foods, or no foods, I'll tell you that your question is insufficient.
  9. Torch Poll

    I'm gonna agree with maga and say that the poll is insufficient. Despite what I expected, I happen to love the feature...but only if there is a permanent light source. Without pumpkins I think it's an awful feature and makes the game boring. It's clear that a permanent light source is what a lot of us want, or at least a very long lasting one. To say that it is irrelevant to the current torch mechanic is so absurd I can't get my head around it.
  10. How do you catch a fish?

    Learn how to spear fish, you'll get your butchering skills up while you're at it.
  11. A slight modification to logpile block physics

    Waste of time in my opinion. Here's an exercise in real life. Take 16 different wooden logs and try to make a nice stack out of them. It's not as easy as you might think, hell, even two different types of wood can be hard.
  12. Snowberries

    They do seem to contain a lot of harmful chemicals. Based on the ld50 of orally ingesting such compounds purely from snowberries, the effects of vomiting and delirium would kick in before you could ingest enough.
  13. Minecraft 2 early access

    I'm sure he knew that already.
  14. Let's See Some Builds

    Its awesome at night, but we need a picture of the house during day time too.
  15. Tutorial site in the making!

    All I ask is that the information you supply is correct. There are way too many tutorials out there that spread misinformation based on faulty "experiments". Don't be that guy that says diamonds spawn more around lava.....