Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Found 11 results

  1. Seeking Small and Friendly Server

    Hello, I am seeking a vanilla TerraFirmaCraft server, which allows me to use Journey Map (for convenience), has a small population maximum 30 members, and doesn't PvP, grief, raid etc. I have had an interest in TFC for the past few years, however as life goes, I have not played it much, the farthest i've gotten is to a blast furnace. I am interested in playing with others, building communities and helping each other survive, however I don't mind being by myself in my adventures. I am a very experienced builder and enjoy doing it. I would prefer to play on a server that is more relaxed when it comes to language, but I don't mind playing on a no cursing server. About me; Name: Christodius or just Chris Age: Turning 20 in 3 days on 9/11 Location/Timezone: Michigan USA; EST Discord/Skype: Yes, if invited to a TFC server I'll share my Discord or Skype information to you Seeking a server to play on and I hope some of you that read this might find me a great addition to your community.
  2. Due to hosting this off my home internet I must unfortunately close down the server. I don't have the required funds to host a server this intensive on my internet and as it is sad, at some point I wish to host again. Mods: TerrafirmaCraft- (Obviously) Merchants 1.1.3 Merchants-Containers-1.0.1 Server Specs: 6Gb 2400 Ram (Can be upped to 10) Intel i-5 3.9Ghz Quadcore 2TbHDD 250Gb HDD 6944 Kbps / 1120 Kbps on avg We have an admin shop and an official currency, Deure. Rules: 1. No Greifing 2. Generally no PVP unless both parties agree 3. No AbusiveLanguage 4. No Bullying 5. If you disrespect an admin they have full right to do as they please to you and your base (Some exceptions apply) 6. If you whine you will be thrown in a pit and left there without tools until you die. (and/or have people throw stone javelins at you)
  3. If you are looking for a small community for TerraFirmaCraft with role-play and white list then this is the server for you! This server is completely Vanilla except for FTC and it's for people who wish to play in a tight community with active players that can converse and create a city wide trade system with lots of trade and conversing with 0 conflict and over 9000% fun. This server is fairly new and we are looking for around 10-15 players depending on how it goes. If you wish to join please make an application following this format: Application: Full Name: Time-Zone: Skype: yes or no? Ingame Name: Age: Experience with Minecraft: Experience with TFC: Why you wish to join: If your application is accepted you will be replied to and the servers IP will be sent to you via Private Message with an ETA of 30 minutes! (unless I'm nowhere to be found). Hope To See You There!!!
  4. Tiny horse torso

    Version #: 0.79.13 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Tiny horse torsoSuggested Category: Minor - GraphicalDescription: Horses (or horse babies?) have a tiny torso that float between their legs and heads.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? NEI, Journey Map, MCPatcher, Shaders
  5. TerraFirmaCraft Barbaric Survival [bS] Vanilla TFC Server Barbaric Survival is a vanilla, TFC, whitelisted server. The server has been running for some time now on a new higher performance server host; fully equipped and ready to play, with a new map as of January 3rd, 2014. We are a smaller community of well acquainted members, engaging in friendly activity with each other playing TFCaft. We're happy to meet new people from any part of the world, as long as language isn't to much of a barrier. Our community members are very trustworthy, easy going and easy to get along with. If you enjoy living in towns, building villages with other members, or cabins deep in the woods, working with others in small groups or going lone wolf; we welcome you here at Barbaric Survival. BS is recommended for members ages 18 and up. The server is 100% Survival/Vanilla TFC, meaning no API and no plugins added, as well no additional mods (other then FastCraft, as recommended for performance enhancement). We have a subreddit for members of Barbaric Survival to discuss topics on the server, and to converse and share with each other, as well to be updated on news and content that is server related. Please visit, to find out more. Please contact me on redditwith any questions or concerns. TFC Version: Beta 0.79.17 IP: Some screenshots of our community from the previous world, taken by myself and other members of the server. Rules: If you are not going to be active for an extended amount of time, you must notify me(WetCheerios) of the time you will be gone and the reason for your leave, otherwise you will beremoved from the whitelist on this server.(*Important)There is a Soft World Border limit in place, please don't exceed a 2000 block radius around spawn unless a specific resource cannot be found within it.(*New)Please don't raid or steal from others.Unless mutually agreed upon, don't kill other players.No Hacks or additional Mods that may give you an upper hand (mini maps are fine), we want everyone to be equal and fair.Please don't abuse bugs or glitches in the mod, and if you find any please report them to me and/or the TerraFirmaCraft community.Please only farm the amount of animals needed for you to survive on the server, as mass farms can cause issues.Just use that noggin of yours and you'll do just fine (Common Sense). *Update: New Official Map! Released January 3rd, 2015. **Update: Whitelisting is currently CLOSED, please do not leave an application as it will not be answered. Whitelisting Application Form (Please apply in the reply section below.): Age: Minecraft Username: Why would you like to join?: What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Any additional information that might help your case: Time zone, location, name(*Optional):
  6. [Solved] Question about world generation

    Hello! I'm SnoopyMicrobe34 and I'm new to this amazing mod TerraFirmaCraft, although, I've noticed that before the new update came, my world generation was fine, but now worlds just seem way too small. I used a minimap mod and even though the world I create seems pretty big it just has a feeling of being on an island because its not big enough for me to find required animals or native ores. My worlds are now usually surrounded by ocean. Is it me or was world generation tweaked in the latest update? Note that I have created several worlds and have not noticed difference (Regarding size only of course). Any information will be much appriciated. Thank you!
  7. My friend and I are looking for a small close knit community to play in. Preferably with Towny or something like that, without PVP or Raiding/Griefing. A group of people who can take a joke and maybe throw one back. Give advice and help out each other out but still allow the other to be independent in their actions. IGN: zacktothemax789 Age: 14 Time playing MC & TFC: I've played minecraft since late Alpha, and 3-4 weeks of TFC. Things enjoyed to do ingame: I really love the smithing and general metallurgy in this mod. IGN: thekingguy Age: 16 nearing 17 Time Playing MC & TFC: 3 years of MC and about 2 weeks of TFC Things enjoyed ingame: He seems to love farming, husbandry and general farm work. We've both gotten about into the Iron age, and can pick up new ideas and concepts fairly well.
  8. Hello! Me and a friend has been playing TerrafirmaCraft on single player a little and we know the basics. We lately have been trying to setup a server to play on without any success. We are now coming out here to see if someone might have a small server with the need of 2 new guys. Both of us are from Europe so preferably the server will be hosted somewhere there. Both of us has skype and wouldn't be scared to talk if needed.We want to get on a server so we can explore TFC to it's fullest together, without people destroying or taking all the usefull ores and crops. As I wrote earlier both of us has some experience and need help with the things later on. It doesn't have to be from anyone on the server since the wiki is a real thing.We are big fans of letting things be the way they are supposed to so a vanilla TFC is the best for us.We are both male at the age of 16 with more than understandable English. Incase you have a server or is willing to host one and play with us please tell me so in the comments! Thank you so much in advance!
  9. Recently got into TFC, joined a community server and just didn't care for the reliability of the server, or some of the people on there. I've hosted MineCraft and GMod servers before, but I am fairly new to using Forge. The server is just plain old TFC right now, but I'm hoping to get some more plugins on there. TFC is VERY RAM hoggish, therefore the player slots on the server are limited to about 8. If you want toDONATE for more RAM - CLICK DONATE! Server Specs - Provider - Exodus Hosting - - Memory Allotted - 2GB - - Box info - Montreal, CA. on an SSD - Rules - I want this to be a fairly SELF GOVERNED community - - No Griefing (Kill, steal, but don't destroy other peoples buildings or projects.) - - Other than that, treat others as you would want to be treated - SERVER IS IN DEVELOPMENT - BARE WITH US Admins - Bettler (Caseboy123)and MrWhite (mwhite112393) IP - Open Server - Stop by!
  10. [Offline] Treeserve [Build 76] [MC 1.5.1][Re-Opened]

    With the release of TFC Build 76 (kudos to Dunk), I have decided to relaunch my server. If you are interested in playing on a small server that is oriented around farming, mining, and small, rural communities, I would enjoy having you play on the server. The IP is It will be open from 500 PM Eastern Standard Time to around 9 PM - on weekends it will be open all day. Best, platanus (treeman1111)
  11. Surface Nuggets

    Strange that searching for a similar topic doesn't come up on anything like what i'm going to discuss.. Everyone that has played a while TFC knows that on the surface are scattered around ores in form of small nuggets, but for my experience i've only found bismuthinite, cassiterite, sphalerite and copper in those rocks.. what i'm aking myself since few days ago is: are they the only ores i can found on the surface?? i mean, i know that every mineral smeltable into metal is available both as medium and small nugget, but i can't find small gold nugget or small galena nuggets, has it something to do with the possible fact that ores which are not in tier 0 or 1 are found deeper from the surface?