Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Found 8 results

  1. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    All good things must come to an end. It's time to take Darkagecraft Off Line. When TFC2 is released we may revive the server. I had lots of fun and will miss all of you that made us into a community. Now with 3 Servers and a Central Hub: Main Address: This is the hub. We plan on adding mini-games to this area. Mumble Server: use default port, the password is : Terrafirmacraft Dynmap in the Forum., just click on the server banner Server features: External host: up 24/7 Exclusive forum website. : Skype on the forum. Modpack, each server uses a different modpack. TFC-Puritan: Darkagecraft: DarkPunk: In Development Whitelist Application. Please one application per player.
  2. Intro: EternityTFC aims to create a pure TFC experience and we will keep the server updated with the latest stable TFC version. We are a whitelisted server, but due to serious time constraints we are not actively seeking new members at this time, we will change this post the moment we are. Please be friendly to other players and the staff, read through the information and follow the rules. As a server we cater primarily to builders and players who prefer to keep playing for a longer period of time. We will keep a map reset at bay for as long as is technically possible and we have set up the server in such a way that progress is more in line with SMP. This does not mean you can not play regular survival, we have vast empty planes and many unexplored forests! Server: Website: Server IP: Useful pages: Dynmap: Rules: Price list: Gallery: Guides: Server Guidelines and Information Protecting your stuff: Towny and Lockette Features: - Large 15.000 x 10.000 pre-generated map. - No limitations on animals, farmland, bushes, trees or anvils. - Use Towny to protect your builds. - Your Towny town will never be deleted. - Use Lockette to protect your things. - All block and inventory interactions are logged, griefing and stealing is pointless. - A very dedicated, loyal and experienced crew. - Protect an area outside of town with an outpost. - Use Dynmap to plan your builds or routes. - Many lag-reducing measures. - Absolutely no pay-to-win. - And much, much more! Some more pictures: The city of Illian My village (Baerlon)
  3. *NOTICE* The server is run at my house by my home PC. Uptime WILL fluctuate depending whether I'm able to host or not. 24/7 will not be an option at least for now. *NOTICE* Dynmap Changelog 1.0 - Modpack Release 1.1 - Added charcoal conversion. Charcoal made in the coke oven is pretty much useless without this update. 1.2 - Balanced recipes to make Railcraft not useless. 1.3 - Suet crafting recipe conflict. Fixed only granite in the furnace recipe. Fixed piston recipe. Fixed compressor recipe. Fixed extractor recipe. Fixed CF recipe. Fixed concrete recipe. Fixed every recipe needing vanilla stone. 1.4 - Fixed every recipe needing vanilla oak planks. Fixed sticky resin extractor recipe. 1.5 - Fixed every recipe needing the vanilla chest. 1.6 - Fixed bugs from previous versions. Reduced year length because it was too long. Fixed recipes requiring uncraftable wooden slabs. 2 - Removed Greg's IC2 and added ICClassic 2.1 - Fixed parsing error, lol. my bad DOWNLOAD 2.1 Full Download (Via Dropbox) 2.1 Full Download (Via Technic Launcher) MODLIST Decorations for TFC Terrafirmacraft Terramist TFCAutoBellows CellarsAddon AnimalCrate ArchimedesShips Buildcraft BuildcraftCompatibility Cars_and_Drives <- to be removed because no fuel consumption CodeChickenCore Coroutil Farseek HardcoreDarkness IC2NuclearControl IndustrialCraft2 Classic NEIIntegration NotEnoughItems PlayerAPI Railcraft Streams TerrafirmacraftNEIPlugin WAILA WAILAHarvestability Weather2 ZZZZZZCustomConfigs Rules The server is wilderness survival like you'd expect from Terrafirmacraft. Any sort of cheating will have the violator permanently banned. It is *HIGHLY* recommended to use NEI since Customs Configs changes the recipes of plenty of IC2 items.
  4. [Closed] [0.79.28] FeudalFirmaCraft OPEN

    Help us to improve the server answering these simple questions: SURVEY HERE minecraft serveur terrafirmacraft, Сервера майнкрафт terrafirmacraft,Minecraftサーバー terrafirmacraft, 我的世界服务器 terrafirmacraft No Whitelist DynmapHERE Vote FeudalFirmaCraft HERE Francais: FeudalFirmaCraft est neé pour les amateurs de la mod TerraFirmaCraft, la tranquillitée et l’armonie du joueur vive avec la nature sauvage e cruel. Pour entrer vous devez tout simplement avoir installé la dernière version de la mod TerraFirmaCraft. English: FeudalFirmaCraft is born for lovers of TerraFirmaCraft mod, tranquility and harmony of the player coexist with the wild and cruel nature. To join you just need to have installed the latest version of TerraFirmaCraft mod. Italiano: FeudalFirmaCraft è nato per gli amanti della mod TerraFirmaCraft, la tranquillità e l’armonia del giocatore convivono con la natura selvaggia e crudele. Per entrare ti basterà avere installata l’ultima versione della mod TerraFirmaCraft. Join now! No racism or sexist remarks; Respect ALL players; No offensive symbols; No spamming; No asking for Op; Abandoned towns will be auctioned to the highest bidder after a week of their failure; It’s strictly forbidden to steal resources from towns just because they fall into ruin, because towns can have an owner whois temporarily offline; It’s forbidden to kill animals of other players;
  5. FORGOTTEN MIRIAS ForgottenMirias is the server TFC of the Italian community Forgottenworld, the server is started on 01.04.2015 and has a new map, anyone who wants to join us is welcome! Forum: Launcher: TS: Dynmap: MOD/ADDON: TerraFirmaCraft-0.79.15 BiblioCraft Carpenters Blocks CraftHeraldry CustomNPCs ElectricalAge_BETA MineTweaker NEI TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin Waila-Mod WailaHarvestability YeGamolChattels Lanterns LeatherWaterSac Merchants TFCUdaryMod PLUGINS: ChestShop CombatTagInstakill CoreProtect Essentials Towny
  6. [*]Server Status: or 24 / 7 running Rules: Application: MISC: Mod Links: [*]Streams Mod [*]Cellars Mod [*]Water Sac Additional Help & Information: [*]Server Idle To prevent the server ticking (Food decay etc.) the server goes in standby-mode when no player is online. Therefore Dynmap is sadly not available when no player is logged in. [*]Shader Config if you wish to use shaders with custom water blocks including Streams river blocks, edit your shader's gbuffers_wqater.wsh file to replace the line:if (mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9) {with the following line:if (mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9 || mc_Entity.x == 426 || mc_Entity.x == 427 || mc_Entity.x == 428 || mc_Entity.x == 429 || mc_Entity.x == 430 || mc_Entity.x == 431 || mc_Entity.x == 500 || mc_Entity.x == 501 || mc_Entity.x == 502 || mc_Entity.x == 503 || mc_Entity.x == 504 || mc_Entity.x == 505 || mc_Entity.x == 506 || mc_Entity.x == 507 || mc_Entity.x == 508 || mc_Entity.x == 509 || mc_Entity.x == 510 || mc_Entity.x == 511 || mc_Entity.x == 512 || mc_Entity.x == 513 || mc_Entity.x == 514 || mc_Entity.x == 515 || mc_Entity.x == 516) { [*]Server Hardware: CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1271 v3 @ 3.60GHz (8 Cores) Uplink: 1000 Mbit Ram : 6GB true Ram [*]Server IP / Adress
  7. Dynmap 1.7.10

    Hello, has anybody got Dynmap working? I am currently running alpha 3 of the 1.7.10 and the whole map is black
  8. Dynmap

    Hello Everyone! I was wondering if anyone had the dynmap TerraFirmaCraft block mappings with updated blocks for 1.6.4 and TFC b78.17? I don't like seeing the dark patches of freshwater and leafless trees in dynmap. The current dynmap format for textures use the old minecraft texture sheets and not individual textures. Any help would be welcomed! Some example mappings