Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Found 4 results

  1. Aquaculture, Fish and Algae farms

    I was wondering if tfc2 could have an algaculturesystem, players could make cultures of algae on the oceans, rivers, lakes and even on hot water. The game could have different types of algae: some could attract fish and squids, others could be poisonousand others could be consumable, (and every algawould have a different dye output, if possible). Heat resistant algae would be the rarest but could serve as a vegetable source in the winter. Some couldonly be cultivated on freshwater and others on seawater, they also couldonly be planted on stone, dirt, sand, and gravel. IRL algae are normally dried before eating them so they could be dried in the smoke rack and salted to improve taste and duration. Theyhave done this for thousands of years, it's also used as a fertilizer. Fish could be familiarized with those algae, to make fish farms and get fishmore easily, and probably caviar could be added as well for a general savory food. This would make the sea a less boring place and an attractiveplace like IRL.
  2. Spearfishing

    I had an idea. How about spearfishing as a way to get early protein. The fish and squid that spawn in TFC are honestly more trouble then they're worth. I suggest a lowering of HP to be able to one-shot them with a thrown stone javelin. For a real world example, see this search of youtube.
  3. Cool biome with sheep, seed 79.25

    This seed puts you at about -9100 in a somewhat cold biome. There are sheep, onions and sugar cane nearby, and pigs (though I only had one and I killed it). You start on the South and East side of a very largefresh-water lake. No clay within 10 chunks, but there is some to the North East. Follow the coast until it starts to double back then go inlandtwo or three chunks. There is garlic here and a pond large enough to turn into a farm.Since it was so challenging to start, I have been fishing a lot and getting my butchery skill up. There are sheep on theland across the lake tothe north of spawnalso, and a possibility of cows and horses there too. I used the word superlative as my seed. The /seed command shows -1368177132. - update - Moved my camp to the pond on the east shore. Cows are to the east and some oats. Tomatoes are to the North. Copper ispast the opposite shore to the North-West. Eventually I have to move over there. Found Olives and Bananas. Killed lots of fish and pheasant to get to Adept before I killed a cow. Started the farm kind of late. I hope they mature before winter. I am growing onions, garlic, bell-peppers, oats, and carrots. I really like this seed. Have not found any saltwater though. PS I have set ravineRarity to zero so your results may differ.
  4. TFC Version #:Beta Forge Version #: SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Both Suggested Name: Bermuda Triangle Crash (Recommend something better, please) Description: Reference screenshots: World Seed "459909687" Spawn point x:22 z:-9030 Travelling roughly 300 blocks North from spawn causes chunks to stop generating, FPS to drop dramatically and the client to time out. This issue occurs while traveling over water at approximately x:22 z:-9314.Originally, the issue occurred on our server, when any player approaches said coordinate from any direction, resulting in the server crashing and all players being disconnected and "Timed Out". To attempt to isolate this problem I've attempted to reproduce the issue in SP with 100% success, unfortunately I'm unable to identify the cause. This very same issue occurred, a few versions ago, on our server in a different seed. After several crashes/relaunches due to this strange anomaly the world became corrupt and wouldn't load. Two more instances of this issue in random seeds while choosing a new world for the latest version of TFC. The only like circumstances that seem obvious to me are the presence of "Freshwater", "Saltwater" and "Fish".What's strange is that I've experienced all three of those criteria countless times in other seeds and not had the same issue. Mimtos' "Fish Crash" post seems relevant. I'd appreciate any help correcting this issue or insight into the cause. If this is a bug, perhaps it can be squashed by the next version! Thanks in advance! o_o Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods?Fastcraft 1.13 (Occurs with or without Fastcraft installed) If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?N/A link of the Crash Report:I'll edit in my crash log and any other relevant requested information later once I get home.