Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Living on the edge

    I would like to share my adventures during trial run of my TerraFirmaProgresivePack. This game is in pure survival mode, no cheats/creative/peaceful helpers (the only cheat is Reis Minimap with radar enabled, but I need it to control custom spawning of creatures). My creations are rather ugly, because I was focused on their functional purposes (and trying to survive). I chose to play seed 8324927933154456079, with spawn located in subtropical acacia jungle. It was rather hard to survive, especially because spawn was located at the top of a trees - it hurts! There was very thin layer of soil covering basalt or shale solid rock, therefore I was unable to dig trenches. I cut some trees and run along the beach seeking some drinkable water. I found a pond adjacent to hot springs, not fat from the sea and with some lava fissures nearby and spectacular lava fall. Spot was located near the edge of the acacia jungle, wood-less plains and mountains extend in a north direction. There was also clay, but thin layer was exploited quickly and give no possibility to make cover up - therefore I panicked start to throw some logs here and there, creating small, ugly shelter just before dusk. Making temporary shelter from logs was not a good idea - i takes some time (and many stone axes) to disassemble it later (using log heaps and thatch blocks is a batter solution, if you have a little more time), but least I had safe place to make stone tools and pottery. The only animals were pigs and chickens. With fireplace I was able not only to prepare food, but also use ashes to make dirt base liquor, which allow me to prepare leather, unfortunately acacia had no tannin for finishing leather. This wood had also too low temperature to melt sand. I decided to make excursion to the north. I don't have many pictures from the beginning, because I was trying to survive.